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Has anyone managed to connect to sante.fr today?


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If he is still has a job, Castex is due to give an update on vaccine strategy at 1800 today.

I wonder what excuse he will give for this failure?

Given the heavy snow here in the east of France, I hope the strategy includes an allowance for large number of no-shows due to difficulties in driving to vaccination centres and the consequent possible vaccine waste?

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[quote user="pomme"]If he is still has a job, Castex is due to give an update on vaccine strategy at 1800 today.

I wonder what excuse he will give for this failure?

Given the heavy snow here in the east of France, I hope the strategy includes an allowance for large number of no-shows due to difficulties in driving to vaccination centres and the consequent possible vaccine waste?[/quote]

Pomme, I thought today's announcement was going to be about extending the couvre feu to other departments/the whole country.

I shall watch but, the last time he spoke, he was completely unrepentant about the slowness of the vaccine rollout.  He said you couldn't judge a match 2 minutes into the game......

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Just seen on the news that the santé site has been taken down to allow them to update with all of the vaccination centres. They say that it will be online tomorrow.


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Le Quotidien du Medecin has an unofficial interactive map of the Covid vaccination centres. You can zoom in, click on a place and get details such as address, phone, opening hours, etc.


or this short URL https://tinyurl.com/y3w4fc2x

It is updated regularly (442 adresses répertoriées au 14/01/2021, 10h40)
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I was up late today, and went to sante.fr right away to find our nearest centres.

I decided on a centre in Carcassonne, near the main hospital, and booked the earliest rdv available, at 1530 on Feb 14.

After choosing the rdv I found I had to register with Doctolib before it could be confirmed.
I was concerned that I wouldn't get another rdv close by for my wife, but after the formalities of confirming my email and mobile phone details there was an option to add another person (it's probably possible to add more than one)

The only slightly annoying bit was that the software insisted on different email addresses for my wife from those I entered. She rarely uses her mobile, which is kept switched off, and only accesses her email address from a laptop, which is also kept switched off.

So we now have her mobile on and plugged into its charger, and used one of my spare email addresses for her. And of course, I had to go through the peformance of confirming those.

I guess it's compulsory for everyone to have a personal address and mobile these days.

Anyway, a successful, if protracted exercise when one has internet access at a guaranteed 5Mb/sec, which reaches a dizzy 7.8 on good days.

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Well  done.
I am already registered  with Doctolib as I use it for my other medical appointments with specialists, but I am rather disheartened by the ridiculous  place chosen as our centre, which is several kilometres out of town with no public transport..
However thanks to your example I have booked an appointment for the 30th January, so thank you for spurring me on...

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I tried their numéro vert, the sante.fr site AND Doctolib on which I am registered and have now registered OH as a "proche". No joy anywhere and not even possible to choose Périgueux hospital which is 38 km away. No RVs disponible en ligne; so much for all the different ways in which you can prendre RV.

I know our town near us is supposed to have a centre and indeed my kiné has a RV for next Tuesday. I guess that that centre is not yet open to the public. Can't say I am surprised and, in a way, I think OK fair enough, we don't indeed have a lot infection near us.

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Kong wrote the following post at 15 Jan 2021 22:21:

It's very unfair how different it seems to be depending on your location.

You don't say which area you live in Kong ..

Our centres are 32km and 30km away in opposite directions .. not that we are in this >75 group .. but I haven't been that far away (or amongst 'people') for 10 months.
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[quote user="mint"]I tried their numéro vert, the sante.fr site AND Doctolib on which I am registered and have now registered OH as a "proche". No joy anywhere and not even possible to choose Périgueux hospital which is 38 km away. No RVs disponible en ligne; so much for all the different ways in which you can prendre RV.

I know our town near us is supposed to have a centre and indeed my kiné has a RV for next Tuesday. I guess that that centre is not yet open to the public. Can't say I am surprised and, in a way, I think OK fair enough, we don't indeed have a lot infection near us.[/quote]

I don't know if it was there yesterday, but today there is a number for the CH Périgueux

It is 05 53 45 31 33

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[quote user="Kong"]It's very unfair how different it seems to be depending on your location. My OH had no trouble getting two RDVs on the site for me - first and second jabs also through Doctolib the first next week at the local hospital.[/quote]

I was not aware that it is possible to make a second rdv at this stage. This was not mentioned when I made our rdv's.

Was this suggested during the rdv process, or did your OH repeat the process and choose a second date?

Also, what interval is prescribed between doses, or does one simply decide oneself?

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Both the appointments were made on sante.fr. OH chose the first date and the site suggested the second date ( 4 weeks later). Once the dates were chosen the site redirected to doctolib where the details were taken and an email sent confirming the bookings. We are in northern Aveyron and the centre is the main hospital in Rodez. I hope this helps.
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[quote user="nomoss"]
I was not aware that it is possible to make a second rdv at this stage. This was not mentioned when I made our rdv's.


I did a 'dry-run' yesterday to understand the  procedure for when I become of age, so to speak.

Having entered 'sante.fr' the first page was Lieux de vaccination COVID-19 a scroll down list of departments and their vaccination centres.

I selected the local hospital in my department which gave  two live links, a phone number and an option to prendre rendez-vous en ligne.

I selected the on-line link and was connected to a page which contained a link motif de consultation  which when opened gave two choices, 1ere injection vaccin Covid-19 (Pfizer-BioNTec) or 2nde injection vaccin Covid-19 (Pfizer-BioNTec).

For 1st injection there was a horizontal list of dates which was devoid of appointments, so I progressed and on the next page there was one appointment available on 25/01 at 14.25.

I selected it and then selected the 2nd injection and it took me to dates, two weeks later, in February where each date had appointments available at five minitue intervals from 08.30 until 16.25.

I was then obliged to accept the conditions and that I fitted the criteria but declined as I am still, by a few months, too young.

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Looked at sante.fr this morning and chose the centre near us (really the most practical but will try Périgueux if all else fails).  And this is the message:  Tous les

rendez-vous de vaccination ont déjà été réservés. De nouvelles

disponibilités seront accessibles dans les prochains jours.

My thinking is that Périgueux is likely to be a lot busier and the waiting list longer so even though the waiting list is not open locally for now, there should be slots in the coming days and the list might be shorter.  I could do without all this uncertainty.  Both February and March will be very busy months for me (medically that is) but I am anxious to get OH done, if only to stop HIM worrying[:-))]

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