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Fat- The cause of the majority of covid deaths.


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This was written in 2014. I think two researchers from the antipodes were the first to come up with it. It really is quite fascinating and shows what an enormously complicated machine we are and take it for granted.

Whilst it shows where the fat goes unfortunately neither study emphasises how necessary it is not to eat to excess in the first place as that is the only way you can get fat!!!

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Whilst eating to excess is bad its not the whole picture. The Gut project a joint USA and UK study has found identical twins can eat exactly the same thing in the same portion size, one stayed slim and the other gained excess weight. This experiment repeated over 9000 times shows a gut microbiome variance is the difference and sometimes a gene difference.


Prof Tim Spector again.
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For me, it always come back to the same solution. Eat mainly healthy food and not too much of it. As a result, you will feel fitter and more inclined to take exercise which will improve your health further.

It's not rocket science. No fad diets or gym membership needed. Just common sense.
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My thoughts went like this............IF cow farts are ruining the planet, then all this breathing out 'fat' does what...... and if all those that are truly fat, went on strict regimes, well.......... [Www]

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We can remember being in a large city in the UK a few years ago.

We saw a family of four ‘tucking in’ to some monster pasties. This was in the pedestrianised ‘high street’.

They were all (the people, (not the pasties) to say the least, less than slim.

Father, finished his and got stuck in to a second one!


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Indeed, there is a Hungry Horse pub near Whitstable, I observed a family of heavies consume the huge fruit bowl sized ice cream Sundae to Saturday haha meant for sharing all to each member and that was on top of a massive main course.
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I agree. Most animals know when to stop, humans on the other hand!! I was on a cruise two years ago. I was absolutely disgusted at the behaviour of people (mostly fat people!) who eat and eat and eat, all because it was free!!

I'm afraid that also there are still people who think there are other reasons for becoming fat, there isn't! There is only one reason and you witnessed it in all its disgusting glory!!

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Why are you affraid Ken? There are reasons why people eat and eat and with some it will be because its free but just as I posted there is never one size fits all. Fructose for instance and the lack of fibre in meals means signals of fullness do not reach the brain so they keep eating, one reason is burgers that are from minced beef so chewing isn't necessary therefore another signal to the brain is missing.

Also its habit, they get used to consuming more and food manufacturers know how to tweak their food to allow this to continue.
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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]For me, it always come back to the same solution. Eat mainly healthy food and not too much of it. As a result, you will feel fitter and more inclined to take exercise which will improve your health further.

It's not rocket science. No fad diets or gym membership needed. Just common sense.[/quote]

Alan, I like your post the best! No need really for science or fads, good old common sense is widely available, free of charge (big smile)

Worked for me a treat, Ditched alcohol, couple of ounces meat maximum in a week, piles of fresh fruit and veg, lovely dressings made with good quality oils such as olive and peanut, nuts and seeds for protein and some tofu when I can get it. No need to deprive yourself, a Magnum, chocolate, cake on occasion.

As for exercise, I find walking, particularly nordic walking using your sticks for the purpose of working your upper body, the best and cheapest of all. Can be done anywhere.

In no time at all and with no sweat and no great sacrifice, you feel as fit as a fiddle. Even people, like me, who were not overweight in the first instance, will find fat dropping off everywhere and you are left in wonder at what a marvellous lean machine your body can be....ha! ha!
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Some of us enjoy the science, learning the mechanisms behind how the marvelous machine that are our bodies function is facinating.

You dont need to know how are car works to drive one but its nevertheless handy to know a garagiste if things go wrong and you'll be even more thankful if that person is up to speed with the most modern information.

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Confused, about burgers, how can one eat one without chewing the mince? chewing it all???

I make my own burgers from time to time. Homemade bread, and very lean mince from a good butcher, just moulded like a steak hache, with a little seasoning. Lots of salad and some nice dressing.

If I tried to just swallow the meat unchewed, beurk, how could I not chew?

I truly cannot see what is wrong with my burgers, like I cannot see what is wrong with my pizzas either. Quantity is the thing, has has been said.

And let us get down to this chewing millarky. Most of the meat we eat is very tender. ie like a very very good steak that 'melts'..........  or it has been slowly cooked. The raw things we eat like salad things including say coleslaw, also homemade, takes chewing, along with fruit and nuts.

Re the steak........I'll add, apart from restos, never ever managed to get really good steak

for home in France, no matter the reputation of the butcher, or the price.

And haven't I read that diet drinks send quite the wrong message to the brain, especially when taken with a meal.

Eat less, yes, that is the clue, but I don't think that it is big meals that actually are the biggest problem, it is the grazing in between meals, or snacking all evening long, after dinner......... that really is the problem for lots of people. AND ofcourse so many people drink alcohol and that is plein a craquer with calories.

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My wife also makes burgers. She also makes meat balls; a Finnish speciality and delicious. All food is good. As for the rest, yes snacking is probably the major cause of being fat and I suppose anything outside of the three square a day you eat is snacking!!! Even the biscuit with a cup of tea!!!!

As you have said eating less is the clue to not putting on weight and certainly losing it. Anything else is nonsense.
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There are those whos diet is just burgers and fried chicken obviously at the opposite end to you Idun but the queues into these fast food places hasn't abated at all during the pandemic. Yep it was said that grazing was better by a few possibly those paid to do so by the food companies.

It is now pretty much established that the opposite is true and intermittent fasting is actually more healthy, eating when you are actually hungry, Breakfast isnt necessary for most. Obviously the job you may do could influence that.

Reducing sugar intake is still key to a healthy life.
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Several newspapers reporting on covid deaths and the relationship with being obese this morning.

It is quite incredible that people being fat, overweight and obese is still a subject that has to explained. Boris Johnson has just appointed someone to oversee the problem but the incredible thing is, from his photo he looks fat!!

There can be no doubt that being fat is potentially life threatening but for as long as I can remember the subject is danced around. Almost any cause for being fat is given other than the only one and that is eating too much. Are people really so stupid as to try and find another reason? Yes, I suppose they are. They would rather risk death than admit to reality.
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Daily Mail: Denada Charlotte Haygarth Sophie Lawrence Jayde Taylor turn idea into a sugar-free ice cream empire.


Progress for Magnum eaters
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"Hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 deaths could have been avoided if the obesity epidemic had been tackled, the World Obesity Federation has said.

Obesity has been linked to a higher risk of severe Covid-19 and death from the disease.

And a World Obesity Federation report claims that around nine in 10 Covid-19 deaths have occurred in countries with high obesity rates."
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Yes, I read the report in different newspapers this morning. I think it is giving obesity a veneer of respectability by calling it an epidemic. It isn't a disease or an illness the vast majority simply eat too much, are greedy or simply just plain ignorant as to the affects of their failings.

Until it is called what it is there won't be a change. I have read other articles where it is said that 'fat shaming' shouldn't be allowed that people should be allowed to be fat, curves are beautiful etc. The mind boggles!! Until it is shamed and becomes socially unacceptable to be fat then I'm afraid it won't change. With smokers it had to become socially unacceptable before things changed. With obesity the same thing has to happen.
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French friends seem to like a lot of sugar in tea and coffee. But they rarely eat snacks between meals.

I don't miss sweets, and cutting out cakes and biscuits between meals probably helped my weight loss as much as anything.

I agree about walking as the exercise of choice. We live a mile from the nearest shop. In the past, I would have jumped in the car but now I walk there most days, even when not visiting the shops. There's a slight gradient so the march back, particularly with a backpack filled with groceries, is really useful. Apart from the health benefit, I have noticed things around the village that I have overlooked for years when flying past in the car. Talked to a lot more people, too - although social distancing and my deafness have made that more difficult recently.
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Because that will be cheaper than the diabetes and heart problems. Mind you the Governments need to change the diet advice first.

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It is true that type 2 diabetes can be reversed or avoided altogether by weight loss. A report in the BMJ stated "A condition that costs NHS £22m a day could be beaten into remission if patients shed the pounds, say experts

Type 2 diabetes is generally perceived as progressive and incurable, but for many patients it can be reversed with sustained weight loss of around 15 kg, say experts in The BMJ today."
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