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Fat- The cause of the majority of covid deaths.


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People will always put their heads in the sand when confronted with things they don’t want to hear. When wearing seatbelts became compulsory, there was always someone who knew someone who would have died had they been wearing a belt. The fact that evidence shows that 99 out of 100 are saved by seatbelts is somehow irrelevant.

There will always be the odd exception but ignore the statistics at your peril.
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I always wore a seatbelt even before they were compulsory. Seemed the sensible thing to do.

And yes, I know someone who, if they had been wearing one would likely have been killed.

They were so drunk that they were just hurtled out of the car and flopped down. The police assured them that they would have been dead.

HOWEVER, as someone who drinks what, about three or four units a year and none in the last year,  there is no way I could have taken to the booze to make me so relaxed in the case of a  bad accident.

The trouble with this thread is that it is so easy to have a go at people who are heavier, and yet, all those women in France, after lunch stinking of booze when they returned their kids to school, by car, they as well as some of the teachers.  Almost secret drinkers.

Surely those with knackered livers will also be having problems if they catch covid too?

I am far from perfect, I like foods that are bad for me, as well as those that are not. I put weight on far more easily than some friends, and yet, they actually eat more than me. AND that is because we are all different, our bodies do not react in the same way with what we put into them.

Had enough of this thread now. I shall go and bake[blink]

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So correct Idun, we are all different even identical twins have different gut bacteria that makes them different size and weight despite being genetically identical.

The food industry has a lot to own up to and the great plan introduced by Dr Ancel Keys to eat less fat and more carbohydrates has proven that doing so causes obesity almost unknown before that.

So ignorance plays a fair part as well as being overweight. I know prepared meals are loaded with sugar and hidden sugar to make sure you keep hungry thus eat more than you should its the dopamine making you feel happy for a short while. Breakfast, a great idea introduced by food companies, grazing is better for you, totally wrong and against any other animals instinct but brilliant for shareholders in food companies.

Bake away Idun, been doing a bit if that myself during lockdown, all low carbohydrates though but still tasty.
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Certainly agree all of us are different.  Also agree about the healthy gut thing.  We've been reading about that for years now.  When we changed out diet and lost a bunch of weight, we noticed a big difference in just about every aspect of our body.

I have also found it most interesting that during our last period of time in the U.S., both OH and I were definitely overweight.  Yet, not a single doctor we saw EVER said anything about our weight or even asked us what type of diet regime we followed.  Never.  Nor did they mention something called a BMI !!!  Yet we were fat !  In France, all of my doctors never hesitated to mention weight and diet, at every visit.  Interesting difference.

Yes Idun, bake !  I have spent the better part of the day in the kitchen.  Made some fresh cole slaw, a batch of tuna salad (as I had fresh celery) and some delicious muffins from fresh fruits and veggie (most will go in the freezer for later).  Made a sweet and bad for us glaze to go on top of the muffins, but it is in a refrigerated side bowl for when/if we want it.

Dinner is fresh mushroom/onion soup with biscuits (made with cereale flour and son d'avoine et germe de ble for good measure, pulled together with yogurt, not butter or another fat so healthier). 

What else could I do on a beautiful Saturday when everyone and his second cousins are all over the streets/parc.

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I made full fat pastry and used it in tuna and sweet corn quiches, of which I gave two away, to those who do not bake. 

There is rubbed in pastry left, but that will do for another day.

I confess all this talk of being fat, has made me think what the h ell, one of the few things I am good at is cooking and baking and what I make makes  'me' happy. And no one loves me less when I put weight on either. So none of the preaching has in anyway encouraged me to be good, au contraire[6]

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]An adverse effect to Covid is probably more down to DNA.[/quote]

It has been shown that the level of adverse effects caused by covid are down to how healthy you are to start with. If you are fat and have underlying conditions, usually caused by being fat then you are more likely to suffer more severely, more likely to die!! DNA has nothing to do with it.

Many people will simply not face up to the fact that being fat is unhealthy and dangerous. It is beyond my comprehension that many appear not to care about their health or how they look. It is their choice, their life!!!

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DNA has a lot to do with it.

Some healthy people die and some unhealthy people are unaffected.

Some people get covid and don't even realise. Which is why it spreads.

Being overweight is a big factor but only if you are suffering severley from the virus.

The husband of a doctor we know ended up Intensive care. Before he went to hospital his wife (the doctor) was careing for him at home.

She eventually came down with the virus but did not suffer so badly.

The thing is, she never tested postive for having it. But she had it. There son caught it, and he tested positive.

We caught it late last Feb (we think). Daughter suffered and had the covid toes thing. Mum suffered really really badly. She had all the symptoms. She was borderline going to hospital.

I was a little bit ill...but mostly a really bad cough.

Baby caught it and was ill for a couple of days. But son was completely unaffected. Nothing. Rien. But probably had it. How could he avoid it ?

Mum and daughter went for the test but tested negative.

EVERYONE...had different symptoms. that was the thing.

Doctor is pretty sure we all had it.

So yeah, DNA.
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Apart from asserting that DNA 'has something to do with it' I'm afraid you are not really offering anything. Perhaps you are saying that people are fat because of their DNA instead of how much they eat!

Fat people are at a greater risk of serious illness and death. That is the bottom line and it is fact.
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No, I am saying you are more likely to suffer badly from Covid through your DNA than anything else.

Super fit vegan Lewis Hamilton suffered badly from covid by all accounts. There are many unhealthy 'fat' people who are asymptomatic.

If you are fat and have the wrong DNA...you are a gonna.

Covid is spread by fat and thin people who don't have any symptoms.

When you see healthy people on the streets in Paris and Toulouse enjoying the sun on TV they are spreading Covid.

BTW...there have been studies that suggests that people who are slightly overweight live longer.

So, take your pick.
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Have it your own way. I have had these discussions with people throughout my working life. I really find it difficult to recall a single person who has been persuaded that being fat is the cause of disease, illness and death. You believe what you want to believe, that is your right.

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One of my current bedtime books is John O'Farrell's "Utterly Exasperated History of Modern Britain". As with all his books, it is marketed as comedy but I find his writings to be factually well researched - and of course completely impartial as a committed socialist.

Relevant to this thread, I have just got to this paragraph: "The post-war period was that narrow window in British history when the British people were finally healthy: no longer visibly undernourished or suffering from the diseases of poverty; but before they all stuffed themselves with burgers, fries and Dunkin' Donuts and developed obesity, heart problems and type-2 diabetes".
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And doesn't that explain the current longevity of so many[Www]

quite unnatural actually, and maybe nature has given us these 'vices' to reduce population numbers again.

Our two friends who got type 2 first, in their early fifties actually were fit and slim. OK so others got it later in their late 60's and 70's of all shapes and sizes. Me I have low blood pressure, naturally and no cholesterol problems. And most of my thin, fit friends have blood pressure.

Let us face it there is little reason behind all this, apart from us all being different with different blood groups too, which with Covid, actually makes quite a difference.

 I don't mind living longish, as long as my mind is still working AND  my quality of life is OK and that means no prolonged pain and I am not a burden to anyone, but that is also a cruel act, and doctors treat, but it is NEVER they who turn up to give daily care....... If I have any of these things then I hope to be on my merry  way.......... and I have signed a DNR.........

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I wrote earlier that when ever the subject of being fat, smoking, drinking etc. too much is raised I hear the same stories about how someone smoked a hundred a day and never had a cough etc.

The reason doctors say being fat is bad for you isn't because it looks bad or some people live forever with it. They say it because there are usually associated problems with it. Cancers of all types, strokes heart disease etc.

Some fat people quite obviously live a full life without any problems. The fact is the majority don't! Covid has shown this to be a very real problem. Fat people are more prone to disease than normal weight people, that is the reality. Many are in denial regarding being fat but it is a major killer in society. Yes, someone may have died of a stroke or cancer but the reason for the disease?
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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]Eat less, run around more.

Please send cash to....[/quote]

Sadly not true. Its what you eat more than the quantity. Insulin is such a powerful hormone, the medical world is still learning about its effect on other systems. Insulin resistance is a major issue brought on by sugars (carbohydrates)
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Ken wrote the following post at 28 Feb 2021 14:47:

I wrote earlier that when ever the subject of being fat, smoking, drinking etc. too much is raised I hear the same stories about how someone smoked a hundred a day and never had a cough etc.

Yes, someone may have died of a stroke or cancer but the reason for the disease?

So how come my very close friend has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer .. she has never smoked, is not fat (nor even plump) eats Bio from her brother inlaws veg plot .. walks a lot and is into Japanese exercise every morning.

She is just 86 and is now dying at home of a genetic disease .. I am distraught as there is nothing that I can do to help her pain.

Life can be a bummer.

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