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ultra processed foods


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Judith-aka-Judith wrote the following post at 02 Jun 2021 22:28:

Link didn;t work for me, I can live in ignorance ...

Do try again Judith .. copy and paste into the address bar of your browser.

It really is worth watching.

The last minute or two is a real thought provoker .. reference effect on and behaviour of children.

Helps me understand the violence and moronic behaviour of the youth I see on the news of an evening.
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I caught the program late last night and was shocked whilst at the same time felt a bit self righteous about my own diet. Being type 2 diabetic and trying to lose a lot of weight has made me very conscious of what I eat. So few nasties here, though in the past I did stuff them down.

However that evening I had eaten fish fingers for the first time in about 10 years, just not wanting to waste what was in the freezer from grandson’s last visit at Xmas.

I guess it is all about education and awareness but how can busy shoppers ever read labels and check packets; there has to be an effort by the State and by manufacturers, probably through taxation and fines, to get the rubbish removed from food.

I had never thought of additives as being addictive or of damaging the brain so that was a real eye opener.

Clearly research is needed as well as magnifying glasses for food customers as the ingredients lists as sometimes tiny.
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Just think if the solution was as simple as Ken suggests all research can stop, simply no need to understand that not all calories are the same. The fact and it is a well documented fact that the the same calorific value from different foods has a different effect on the body and something that is exploited by food companies to keep you grazing on snacks etc that you have no idea why you keep craving. Calories from a different source fill you up and reduce the cravings.
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Are you seriously saying to me that you are not responsible for what you put in your mouth? That you are so stupid as to let others say what you should be eating, or how much? I hope that is not the case!

You get fat fat simply because of what. you eat! Whose fault is that?
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But, Ken, if certain chemicals are slipped into, say, bread which cause cravings for more then how is an individual supposed to know this, particularly kids.

Not everyone is or can be a paragon of eating virtue. Then there are those food adverts, constant, unending.....
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[quote user="Théière"]The fact and it is a well documented fact that  the same calorific value from different foods has a different effect on the body and something that is exploited by food companies to keep you grazing on snacks etc that you have no idea why you keep craving. [/quote]

Classic oxymoron.

If you refrain from those extras in the first place, the cravings should cease to exist.

It doesn't require a degree in quantum physics to realise that what you don't shovel into your face you won't need to offload one way or the other.

And remember, it's irrelevant whether you eat a two-hundred-dollar

lunch or a two-dollar hot dog, toilet-wise, the results are the same.

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[quote user="anotherbanana"]But, Ken, if certain chemicals are slipped into, say, bread which cause cravings for more then how is an individual supposed to know this, particularly kids.

Not everyone is or can be a paragon of eating virtue. Then there are those food adverts, constant, unending.....[/quote]

Wools, the programme does make the point that we, in the West, live in our particular food environment where these types of foods are ubiquitous.  Even the presenter a doctor himself PLUS his consultant on the programme, agree that even the well-informed have to pick their way through the minefield that is
the whole array of food ever present and offered to us.

The confinements at various times have given me loads of time to prepare food and making meals from scratch is without doubt a time-consuming affair.  Because there was a limit on what we could do and far fewer distractions, I found lots of joy in cooking.  As life gets back to being more normal and activities outside home beckon, it's easy to take the odd short-cut.  Fortunately here in the rural French countryside, there are no Deliveroo, Just Eat or whatever else is out there.  Easy to NOT be tempted under these circumstances[:P]

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'Yes, ken, I accept that but one can only make informed decisions if the facts are there to be seen, understood, read etc, aided by the research which seems in this case to be substantially lacking.'

Do you really need someone to tell you that if you eat too much you will get fat? Does it matter that it is processed food or not that eating too much of either isn't good for you? You need something written on a Label?

Are you really that dependant on others that you don't , or won't take responsibility for what you eat? if so, you may not admit it but it is pathetic!
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But, Ken, if certain chemicals are slipped into, say, bread which cause cravings for more then how is an individual supposed to know this, particularly kids. Not everyone is or can be a paragon of eating virtue. Then there are those food adverts, constant, unending…..

Are 'certain chemicals' inserted into food to cause craving? I don't think so. yes there is sugar and salt etc that constitutes certain foods but that is, in my view, something entirely different to what you are suggesting.
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"simply no need to understand that not all calories are the same"

Ignorance is, indeed, bliss. Calories are the same. That someone craves something because of its sugar, salt content is something a simple person should understand. There is no escaping the fact that you will get fat if you eat too much. This leads to an enhanced possibility of illness due too being fat.

Type 2 diabetes is almost an epidemic due to people being fat. In my career it has been my experience that fat people are the most vociferous when it comes to defending being fat!
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Ken wrote the following post at 03 Jun 2021 20:18:

Are 'certain chemicals' inserted into food to cause craving? I don't think so. yes there is sugar and salt etc that constitutes certain foods but that is, in my view, something entirely different to what you are suggesting.

But that was one of the main points of the summary at the end ..

It is very possible that the Professor concerned might be awarded research development money to look into this very aspect of inbuilt addiction added to ultra-processed, foods .. the now proven fact that engineered foods can be produced to induce craving where no craving existed before.

How do you know that some of the foods you are presently eating do not already concern a smidgen of such a chemical .. you don't, or rather you can't, as they don't have E numbers or any recognisable annotation .. in fact, according to you they don't exist ?
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It is very possible that the Professor concerned might be awarded research development money to look into this very aspect of inbuilt addiction added to ultra-processed, foods .. the now proven fact that engineered foods can be produced to induce craving where no craving existed before.

How do you know that some of the foods you are presently eating do not already concern a smidgen of such a chemical .. you don't, or rather you can't, as they don't have E numbers or any recognisable annotation .. in fact, according to you they don't exist ?

According to a TV program a professor maybe awarded money to do research into inbuilt addiction, maybe! Craving for food, absolutely! Sugar and salt is all that is required and no doubt chemicals could be used, no proof of that though. I have no idea if there are foods with a 'smidgen' of chemical to do that. Do you? As for 'according to me' I haven't said what you accuse me of. The fact is food with or without chemicals that could addict you or processed foods that are bad for you or any other excuse. Being fat is because you eat too much. I eat processed foods, no doubt I also eat foods that 'addict' me or have 'smidgens' of chemical in them but I'm not fat!!! The reason, (says he sanctimoniously) is because I don't over eat. It really is that simple! If you or anyone else is fat it is because you eat too much!!

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Non of this in new, here is a paper on Sugar Addiction from 2008.


No government is going to stop it, it all makes too much money. The more you push your "right decision and thoughts" on people, the more they resist.

Problems with asbestos were known (in modern times) since 1897. Government response was inversely proportional to money being made.

Like everything in life, you are responsible for your own decisions. The public are well informed about the risks of COVID, how it spreads, how it kills, how to prevent it. That is why, in general, people have made their right decisions and we are almost out of the crisis (not)!

Happiness is expecting less.
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[quote user="Lehaut"]

Like everything in life, you are responsible for your own decisions. The public are well informed about the risks of .................

........most things health wise.

It was mine and mine alone decision to remain addicted to smoking for 50+ years. Yes, I enjoyed it and an addiction coupled with habit meant I believed the health warnings, which I rarely considered, were just a hindrance to my pleasure.

Having kicked the habit, I realised that I was beginning to pile on the lbs. To defeat this escalation in weight, I quite simply cut-down on my food intake and consumption. Problem solved. I have always been an active person, one way or another, and my weight control has never been affected by a sloth attitude to life.

People need to stop deceiving themselves and dispose of the crutch and excuses that lead them to overeat in the first place, and they need to do more exercise. Everything else is just an excuse to not kerb the addition. I should know, see above.

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'Yours', for eating cr*p that contains (probably) far too many glucides (averages approx 400 gram/day USA, 350 gram day/UK, even France now is approaching 300 gram day) and the wrong kinds of fats, especially linoleic acid, introduced about 100 years ago and now dangerously over-represented in diet.

Unfortunately, that is what is often represented as 'heart healthy' even by doctors, but they usually spend 1-3 days (total) during their training on nutrition and even less on the interaction between nutrition and biochemistry.

PS. 'CICO' (a.k.a. eating too much) is now (for years) discredited.
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Calories are absolutely not the same - according to how they are constituted, they are metabolized differently, especially as to how (after transformation, as relevant - notably NADH/FADH ) inputs to the ETC (Electron Transport Chain), whereby our mitochondria create our energy (ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate), there are huge differences. The appalling Linoleic acid (a.k.a. 'heart-healthy' polyunsaturated Omega-6) is a whole other ball game. Then there is the complication of ethanol ...
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'Calories are absolutely not the same'

You are confused. A calorie is a measurement of heat. There are different sources of calories, fat, protein etc and the calorific value of each source will vary. I could go on but I suggest you don't cherry pick information from Google!!!
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