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Sadly it is the medical community who are confused, whilst a calorie is a measure of energy it is obtained by setting fire to something to gain its calorific value. Unfortunately our bodies do not set fire to it, food is digested, metabolised and therfore a completely different string of events occur. Finally these events are being looked at which is why your simplistic explanation is not good.

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[quote user="Ken"]'Calories are absolutely not the same'

You are confused. A calorie is a measurement of heat. There are different sources of calories, fat, protein etc and the calorific value of each source will vary. I could go on but I suggest you don't cherry pick information from Google!!![/quote]

Try a Google search for "sexual intellectual"

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'Sadly it is the medical community who are confused'

I feel sure the medical community will get over its confusion , now it knows its confused that is. However as I stated about a 'calorie' it still stands and as simplistic as it may have sounded is correct. perhaps you could explain in a little more detail the 'events which are being looked at'? Just to alleviate the confusion that exists of course!
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[quote user="chessfou2"]Exercise is excellent for general health, but is of next to no relevance concerning 'weight control'.[/quote]

Would this quote be from the same journal that states that the earth is flat, and the moon is made of blue cheese?

I think I will stick with the Harvard explanation of the benefits of exercise towards weight control and loss.

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Thank you, cajal, for bringing up Chessfou's comment because I myself was just about to ask him to explain that!

On a personal level, I find huge differences in my weight when I consciously do extra physical activities (thank you for your link, cajal) such as during the confinements.

OTOH, now I am stuck in front of the box during the Roland Garros tournament, I find I have already, after a single week, put on over a pound!
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A person 'burns' approximately 90-100 calories in covering a mile. It doesn't matter much if you run or walk it.

A pound of fat contains approximately 3500 calories. Most people who are overweight are so because they are fat!

Simple arithmetic: A person needs to cover over 30 miles to burn the 3500 calories in a pound of fat! Fat people don't cover 30 miles at any time which is partly , and only partly, the reason they are fat!

In addition: The body just doesn't just burn 'fat' when exercise is taken;It burns protein and carbohydrate in differing proportions. So, the 30 miles equation is, in fact an underestimate and a great deal further needs to be run or walked to lose that pound!

Now, the flat earth people may just have a point!! Exercise as a medium to lose weight is virtually a waste of time. Exercise is vital to health, no question of that but as a weight losing method is extremely poor. It can help, barely, but that is the best that can be said.

The problem with Cherry picking information is that people read what they want to see and not what is the whole truth. The Harvard article being a case in point. Read the whole article and even they say don't eat too much!, Don't over eat or you will get fat! Eat less and you will lose weight. Just to put the cherry on the cake!!!! It is usually fat people who argue most strongly about weight loss, exercise etc. I wonder why?

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So can we agree that the human body is more complicated than simply calorific value? Diet, exercise and the type of food are all connected in our metabolic health and body make up.

Calories were discoved in the mid 1800's hormones around 50 years later so the basic calories and calculated values could never have taken into account hormone production in the body and its effect on the physiology. We are not a furnace burning food, we are complex machines and different foods are dealt with in different ways depending on which hormones are triggered. Eating the wrong foods early on can damage the bodies ability to perform properly so it makes it very hard to correct the situation as was shown in that documentry.

Without exercise the metabolism slows which will also have an effect on the bodies ability to function. Then we have a persons genetics, some people who are thin can be fat on the inside, visceral fat, deemed more dangerous. Muscular people who accumulate dense muscle (5× denser than fat) so could be seen as having a high BMI but are fit and strong. Body builders on the other hand loose muscle and return to their genetic shape without intense exercise and protein intake plus carbohydrates to fuel the muscle.

Our metabolism slows as we age so taking regular exercise to keep things moving is important as is reducing sugars to control insulin also to aid digestion To loose weight you still have to be in a calorie deficit even if you are not eating carbs/sugar, such as the ketogenic diet, I get my fuel from primarily fat and some protein and less than 30grams of carbohydrates. Eating the ketogenic diet has stopped food cravings and therefore over eating, over sweetened food is actually pretty unpalatable.

A quite easy to understand link below.

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"So can we agree that the human body is more complicated than simply calorific value?"

I wasn't aware there was a discussion about the complexities of the human body let alone agreeing to anything!!

If anything there has been a tendency to disagree from many here that simply overeating makes you fat! Stating a lot of peripheral data, probably googled', isn't particularly relevant.

What is so difficult with coming to terms with the fact that eating too much makes you fat? I too could write about body types, sub body types metabolism, exercise and physiology but I found when lecturing that it was almost a waste of time; people more easily understood , and connected with , if you eat like a pig you will probably look like one! That they understood!

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