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Pass Sanitaire: an equivalent for British tourists is being put in place


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Well "touristes vaccinés hors EU", but for this Forum that will be the British:

"Pour faciliter la venue des touristes étrangers hors-UE sur le sol Français, le secrétaire d’Etat chargé du Tourisme propose un pass sanitaire équivalent au modèle Français.

"Le gouvernement va mettre en place un dispositif permettant aux touristes vaccinés hors Union européenne d’obtenir un pass sanitaire, a annoncé ce jeudi 5 août le secrétaire d’Etat chargé du Tourisme Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

« Notre objectif est que dès le 9 août ces touristes présents sur le sol national puissent obtenir des pass sur le même modèle que les Français établis hors de France », a-t-il déclaré sur France Inter."

Unfortunately I can't yet find out HOW to get one[:(]

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I can confirm that having added my NHS info onto the TousAntiCovid app as soon as it was possible, the QR code is active from this evening - there’s a news message showing on my TAC app to say that ‘désormais’ and ‘ dorénavant’, it’s working.

Earlier today the French tourism minister stated that it would be working in the next few days, but it seems to have been fixed extra-quickly.
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As GG has indicated, I think the facility will be up and running very soon.  Last week, I saw information for French nationals who had been vaccinated outside France to get their QR code.  As I suspected and GG has confirmed, it is available and will be "active" incessament![:D]  I guess it will be the same procedure for tourists.

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Norman, I’m sure that somebody could put it better than me, but I’ve put it as though they know nothing about it - which was me when I installed mine. So if they are good at such things, they can just ignore most of it.

They will each need to have their vaccination proof on the NHS app on their phones, the app they can use for ordering prescriptions, looking up test results etc, not the Covid app that we’ve used on QR codes when entering shops, restaurants etc.

After opening the app, they’ll see their NHS Covid pass, with a section for domestic use and one below it for travel, which they’ll need, of course. They’ll see their record and details of their Covid vaccinations.

If they haven’t been in to look at them before, they’ll see an expiry date, which threw me at first, but it automatically refreshes whenever it’s opened - mine is now showing that it expires on 5th September, having just opened it up.

Then they need to install the TousAntiCovid app - mine is through apple. Then they follow the instructions to load their NHS proof into the health pass/wallet - I loaded mine several weeks ago and can’t remember the instructions, but it was straightforward - and I’m not very technically-able at all.

The TAC app will show their health pass and tap ‘open my wallet’ to show their and their vaccination details and on full screen it will show their enlarged QR code

They can also send for a paper certificate if they wish.

I hope that this is of help.
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[quote user="Loiseau"] cajal

Just out of interest, why would you need or want one as a French citizen? 

Isn't anyone going to need one to enter places like a restaurant?

I imagine anyone who is a French resident or citizen, and has received 2 jabs courtesy of the French health system, will already be in possession of a 'pass sanitaire' of either a paper or a digital version. This will be the necessary pass required for them to enter restaurants etc. from August onwards

The way I understood the article in the op was that for a French citizen or any other person who has received the required 2 jabs, but not via the French health system, who wishes to enter France without restrictions would need to follow the procedure that GG has set out in her post. They would then become a statistic within the French system and be eligible for a French 'pass sanitaire'.

I asked NormanH why he was searching for one, as a French citizen who has received 2 jabs, and his response was that it was not for him but for a visitor.

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I have read that NHS vaccination certificates can now be scanned directly into the Tousanticovid verif app (the one used by professionals in venues requiring a health pass). So there is no need to try to scan them onto your own app.
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Nice to be able to help for a change, Norman.

I tend to go for a belt and braces approach, as technologies can fail - wouldn’t want my phone to let me down just as I was about to show my QR codes.

So I have my vaccination proof on my NHS app, the TousAntiCovid app, and shortly before we return to France I’ll get a paper certificate - I’m leaving that for now as it’s possible that I might be offered a top-up dose before then.
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