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What do I need to do to rent my French property?

Mr Coeur de Lion

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I believe that your property has simply to undergo an energy efficiency audit, the output of which has to be made available to tenants, as in the UK. You are not required to act on it. It's just another "expertise" that has to be carried out.



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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]So the report is made known to the tenants, I guess then it means they can barter the price down?[/quote]

In my UK and French experience, this has never happened to me. Most of the time no-one even bothers looking at it at all.



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I assume I do not have to pay txe de habitation or foncier,

Are you really this naive? Have you read the pages and pages about long term letting in France, and the problems?

If you really have done your homework and you have some particular question to ask there are people here to help you.

If not do that before expecting the rest of us to waste our time!

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I answered because I have concrete experience and knowledge to offer.

On the other hand much of the knowledge is available to anybody who bothers to look for it, such as your idiotic statement about taxe foncière

"I assume I do not have to pay txe de habitation or foncier"



En tant que propriétaire, usufruitier, ou fiduciaire d’un immeuble, vous

devez acquitter
cette taxe chaque année.

I googled it in 20 seconds.

Why didn't you?

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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]Well, information is available anywhere if you look for it. Negates the use of a forum then, because it's all out there.

I have enough problems without having to deal with you.

In future, don't bother replying to my posts.[/quote]


It's an interesting admission that you come to a Forum to avoid finding the solutions yourself although as you say : ' it's all out there'

Have you ever wondered of your problems are there because you are too inadequate or lazy to find solutions on your own?

I will of course reply to any posts I wish, even yours.

You could start here, except I expect you will be asking someone to translate for you


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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]

And what else is needed to rent the property out? [/quote]

Presumably, from your questions,you are considering renting your house out privately?

From a tenant's point of view everything in the house must be in good order and must work ie adequate heaters - of whatever type, fully operational water-heating appliance(s), fully functioning loos, fosse - if no mains drainage, roof not leaking etc.

My OH and I rent our home and our landlord is excellent; he recently cleared a blockage in the fosse as it was backed up somewhere. We have had a couple of water pipes spring a leak underneath the garage floor and they were repaired - at no cost to us, just slight inconvenience - very quickly. Ditto problems with the volets-roulants - roller-shutters? - stopping working, all were sorted asap.

We found our house in the small ads in the local paper - ouest france - but nowadays I suspect most people might look at le bon coin.


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Mr Lion.

If you are hoping to manage your rental whilst living in America I think that you need a reality check.

I personally would not do even it with a UK property although many do, there are lots of horror stories to be read, but with a property in France and (probably) French tenants? - If you think you have problems now................[:(]

Is it not worth slowing down just a little and taking time to reflect on the possible consequences of a life changing decision.

I am not saying dont follow your heart, I have always done so and have no regrets but are you not racing into things?

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I'm not going to America now. Won't be for another year or two at least. The emmigration procedure sees to that.

Neither of us are divorced yet, so it will be a while yet.

But there are many other factors why I need to look at doing this.

Not quite the same thing, but I have managed rental properties from France in Australia. However Australia has excellent laws for the landlord, which many other countries would do well to look at. For example, tenant doesn't pay, he's out. It's treated the same as theft, which it is.

But yes, ideally I wouldn't want to manage this property from America.
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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]Thanks all. I appreciate the time and effort. And I apologise for being cranky. Renting my house out is just a tip of a rather large iceberg.[/quote]

Richard, I always thought you were a decent sort of a chap and now I KNOW that you are.  It's only a big person who will apologise so unreservedly on open Forum.

It's good that you have done so because Norman for one is very knowledgeable in this area.  He might be a bit impatient at times but, when it comes to it, he is ready with helpful info.

I know I have tried to smooth things a fair few times when people complain about Norman and I admit I like him enough not to want people to get the wrong impression about him.  He's a good, helpful man at heart and he does come up with the goods.

Is there any reason, Richard, why you are now thinking about letting instead of selling?  Wouldn't selling up be better because then you can draw a line under your present life and start your new one without the baggage?

Anyway, as you know, I wish you all the best, whatever you decide.

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Thanks Sweet

In fact I am in the wrong here. I was downright rude.

If, for personal reasons you feel you have to rent out your property there are two other issues to consider:



To some extent these may be linked

If you let unfurnished your life is complicated by the need to store your things, but it is much easier to get an insurance against non-payment of rent.  If I was starting I would go down this route, knowing that my furniture etc  was safe, and that payments were assured.

It is however much more likely to become a long-term  situation, and it is more difficult to remove the tenants.

If you let furnished it is legally easier to get people out, but it needs to be since I don't know of any insurance to cover non-payment of rent in for furnished lets, although I can''t be categoric about that.

I believe that the Government is talking about a new scheme where the owner is guaranteed rent by the commune  if  it us a first-time let (to encourage  more property onto the market) but it is only on the air at the moment.

You are also taking the risk of damage and deterioration to your possessions.

While normally the tenant should take good care and keep them in good order there is as always the issue of enforcement.

I have had floor coverings ruined by animal waste, and people 'doing a runner' with items from my house (both French...nor Romanian)

This brings me round to agencies: obviously they take a commission, but also they have professional responsibility and knowledge. They can establish a 'état des lieux'  (like an inventory of what is included and what condition it is in) more objectively than you, and they will have an idea of the price to ask. They may even know the reputation of potential tenants. On one occasion I had a firm round to give me an evaluation of the property for the bank, and the agent commented that the tenants I had were known to be difficult. They sere exactly the ones I had problems with later...

They will also be able to advise on the insurance issues

In any case you can buy of a rental contractx (both meublé and non-meublé) for less than 5 euros at a stationers. Even if you use an agent there is loads of stuff in the small print which you you look at (although to some extent covered in Sue's link and my two)

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Thanks Norman, that's a big help.

I'll be talking to an agent on Tuesday.

My neighbour's brother in law who lives in Ireland has his place rented through the local notaire. And I have also French friends living in America who are renting their two properties out in SW France. Both have good tenants. But ideally, I'd like to be sold before getting to the US.

I have some friends who I do trust and am going to ask if they are interested in renting. I'd let them have a couple of items of furniture, but it would be rented unfurnished  (save the built in cooker, dishwasher and fridge) to them as they already have furniture.

In fact, I'd be happy to continue renting to them if I was in America.

From your post Norman, it seems furnished may suit me best. I can still take out the valuable items of furniture and just leave the basics behind I'd imagine. I'm not too worried about deterioration of the furniture, it's really not worth a great deal. What I'd leave behind wouldn't fetch any more than €1500 I'd imagine. I could afford that loss if need be.

Food for thought anyway.

I know there can be many problems with renting in France, but we do tend to hear the horror stories. Not everyone is this bad... are they? [;-)]

Reason I am thinking of renting for the next year or so is in the hope that the market picks up so I can perhaps get a better price for my house. First time in my life that I'm losing money on a property, so I can't complain too much, but it is disappointing. Plus America is by no means 100% certain (it's close, but still not 100%), so even if it did fall over, I'd still have my house to fall back into (eventually).

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Ive been renting out 4 appartments in France since 2004 and recently rented my house as I now live in the UK. The appartments are becoming increasingly difficult to manage from here, not a week goes by without an issue, tenants have been good in the main but I have a

non payer right now, I have non payment insurance which seems to deliver when required. My current non payer looks to be bankrupt so that should be fun! I am going to put the appartments up for sale once this latest issue is resolved (one way or another). I rent my house to brits who have been a dream, no issues (im touching wood) but Im thinking of selling this propoerty too likely next year. It is very difficult to manage from a distance, the smallest problem becomes a big one when you cant get at it, if that makes sense.

One set of agents I use are chocolate teapots (ie not useful), I have one good one though so I would try and get some recommendations before commiting.

Good luck with it.

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If I were in your shoes I would consider renting my house furnished to non French residents and legally the lease can be for one year .You only need a legal lease if it is being rented through an agent

You can rent to whoever you like for as short as you  like if,  it is a private affair , providing you have confidence in the private renters.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to resurrect this thread but I found it very interesting as part of my research especially the links which I have taken some time to try and read and think I have the gist of things.

Whilst the links give factual information it does they do not by their nature tell you the best way about doing things and what the cost are directly or indirectly.

Some I have spoken to have suggested creating an SARL and that any properties you buy and rent out are owned by said SARL. Is this worth doing and at what quantity of properties does it become worth doing and what are the advantages? I understand that under new legislation you can create one with just a Euro plus the cost of setting one up (around 900 Euros?).

If you had 4 flats rented out at say 400 Euros per month making a total of 1,600 per month and excluding Tax Froncier how much would you end up getting in your pocket (as an average) after everything is paid and how is that broken down?

Taking in to account Richards situation is it better to consider renting out unfurnished as it seems to me that unfurnished properties are easier to 'service' (you know exactly what your repair obligations are, fabric of building, kitchen units and bathroom plus decor) and whilst you have to rent them out longer you are able to insure yourself against non payment of rent?

Is buying to rent in France a viable proposition and what is considered a reasonable return percentage wise?

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