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Is it a "Bloke " thing ?

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The wearing of Bluetooth headsets.....is this just a bloke thing ? ..... I have yet to see a woman in her car wearing one ...they would rather risk a huge fine and points on the licence and continue using their mobiles while driving  it seems ......What have you got against them girls ?......... are you waiting for pink sparkling ones to come on the market  ?....At  less than £10 a time.... I would think looks mattered little.when you consider the cost of getting caught making a call .   
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[quote user="Frederick"]I have yet to see a woman in her car wearing one ...they would rather risk a huge fine and points on the licence and continue using their mobiles while driving  it seems .... [/quote]

Are you saying that you see lots of women using their mobile phone while driving...? Or just that you rarely see women wearing the handsfree kit? I don't have bluetooth but I don't use the phone when driving. If I get a call, I pull over. If I can't pull over, it doesn't get answered. If there's no number listed when I look at the phone... if they want me, they'll call again.

I do still see people driving with the phone pressed to their ear... mostly in England but sometimes in France. Generally, they're male.

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Both ....In the UK mostly  .. I live near a school and each day lots of mums drive up to the school using their mobiles and are no doubt telling their kids they are just arriving and to get themselves outside the gate ..........I noticed  its dads collecting or dropping off kids that are wearing the bluetooth headsets....  mums must have access to them.....but dont seem to like using them .....

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i was under the impression that to use a mobile phone while driving even with a hands-free set up is illegal?

as for actually wearing a Bluetooth headset ..... well, my mobile doesn't ring often enough to make it a consideration - and i'm a bloke.

however, if it did ring frequently enough i suppose i would consider using one in the car even though i would feel a bit of a prat when I wasn't using it [:$]

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I think it may be because they make people look like pretentious plonkers? I think blokes feel they look a bit cool with them........ And obviously women have more  style and know they so don't look cool.........[:D]

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Well I'm a bloke and I don't have one, no prawn in the ear for me thank you. If I'm driving and the phone goes off then it gets ignored. If it's that important then leave a message or send a txt.   I lived 90% or more of my life without being at the beck and call of instant communications that I don't feel I need it now. 

ooops edit:  terrible spelling mistakes, my typing is awful today!

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]I lived 90% or more of my life without being at the beck and call of instant communications that I don't feel I need it now.[/quote]

My thoughts too, but it's beginning to look as if a mobile is going to be indispensable to survival in future, what with services being made to look essential (plane tickets being sent to it via a barcode). Another way for those in authority to keep track of who's where...?

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I spent the last years of my working life at the beck and call of

anyone in the office who thought they had a legitimate reason to ring

me at any hour of the day and night, and thought I was most odd when I

told them that I was in the habit of putting the phone in my bag in the

boot when I drove from Birmingham (home)  to London (base) each

day.  When I retired I couldn't get rid of the damn thing fast

enough! We keep one now for breakdowns etc.

Which reminds me....

Any sign of a network PAG deal from anyone which isn't time-limited? Thought NRJ was too good to be true!


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Wish I could use Virgin - the orange signal is next to useless at our house... Stuck with SFR and regular top-ups.

I saw a female using a bluetooth headset the other day - it is so rare I actually noticed her, my wife says they are a bloke thing[;-)]. I use a carmunicator http://www.carmunicate.com/ which connects the phone to the car audio and works really well without hanging anything from my ear - but I do look like I am talking to myself (having had various hands-free phones for the last 15 years I don't have a problem with that anymore!

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