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Viewing items on eBay France

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

These features should only affect members who live outside of the United States.

I don't understand that as it was a lady I know in the USA who first noticed the problem and mentioned it to me.....


It may be a Europe thingbut then the UK is in Europe, isnt it?

I would have thought that Ebay would have sent out a general email about this but I don't remember seeing anything.

Anyway RH you never said, did it work for you [:$] ?

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Brilliant!  Works for me in Lux using a machine running NT and IE7 through all sorts of proxys and firewalls.  If the language change works through that lot it should work for everyone.

Ron, I would be most interested to see a reply from ebay to your email but I suspect one might not be forthcoming .......


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I'm too technophobic to have understood all the windows language settings but I did search on E-bay.frfor the Henri lag quelquechose assiete and found it without any problem, I will try the audi in a minute.

why have I not had a problem? Is it because I have a French language set up operating system?

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

Brilliant!  Works for me in Lux using a machine running NT and IE7 through all sorts of proxys and firewalls.  If the language change works through that lot it should work for everyone.

Ron, I would be most interested to see a reply from ebay to your email but I suspect one might not be forthcoming .......


Wrong!! I got this message from Ebay in response to my adviising ebay FRANCE of the fix

----- Original Message -----

From: "eBay Australia Customer Support" <aucswebhelp@ebay.com>

To:  ron Avery @wanadoo.fr>

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:36 PM

Subject: Thank you for writing to eBay Australia's Customer [:-))]Support Team (KMM58133862V16955L0KM)

> Thank you for writing to The eBay Team!
> Your question is very important to us and will be treated with our full  attention. If you have received this autoresponse, your email has been  received, and it is not necessary for you to resend it. Thank you for  your cooperation and assistance! 

and  I thought only Barclaycard used Australian call centres.[:)] [+o(]

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"why have I not had a problem? Is it because I have a French language set up operating system?"

If you bought your PC 'pre-loaded' with a French operating system I can't see that you would have a problem which explains, obviously, why yours works OK.

I, like Ron, have gone back to Ebay and asked them why this has been done. I also told them about our forum and this thread so they could see we were getting a bit upset. I want to know because although I have posted a 'fix' (which they gave me) and keeping in mind what the error message says I wouldn't like to accidentally incite people to do something illegal would I [;-)] . Like Ron I am still awaiting a reply.

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Although the langauge fix works for me in so far as it allows viewing of items on Ebay France, it means that other international sites are affected too. For instance, although my default search engine remains as google.co.uk, it now favours French language sites and the menus etc come up in French.

So I have had to switch back to English as the preferred language, and if I ever need to view Ebay France I will have to either go through the proxy site or switch the languages temporarily.

I think Ebay needs to sort this out properly.

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[quote user="Will"]

Although the langauge fix works for me in so far as it allows viewing of items on Ebay France, it means that other international sites are affected too. For instance, although my default search engine remains as google.co.uk, it now favours French language sites and the menus etc come up in French.

So I have had to switch back to English as the preferred language, and if I ever need to view Ebay France I will have to either go through the proxy site or switch the languages temporarily.

I think Ebay needs to sort this out properly.


What a pain


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Neither Ebay France or Australia[:)] have actually answered the question as to why its been done.  I suspect it has a lot to do with the paypal thing in the UK and that sellers now have to pay extra to have their items on other "Ebays" and do that they have to have a Paypal account, so in effect with english as the number one language you can only view items that are "paid for adverts" on your Ebay...... 

But it is a real dog's breakfast  After getting the australian response I was asked to do a survey on how well Ebay France had done with my questions, the usual satisfied /not satisfied 15 topics rubbish but at the end after 15 i am very unhappys,  it asked how they could improve, so I suggested that they answer the original question and don't respond to "fix" questions until they know the right answer!!

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Just as matter interest I find that if I use IE7 to access ebay.fr I get that message and cant view certain items (probably the preferred language being English ). If I use Safari to access ebay.fr I can view any item no problem at all.

regards colin

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I did wonder what effects putting French at the top of the list would have and it sounds like Google is an example.

However I don't appear to suffer from this problem, Google works OK on all three machines. Perhaps it is because I have the Google tool bar installed prior to making these changes so it has stuck with google.co.uk as its default search engine.

Based on that theory it might pay you remove French from your languages then download the Google Toolbar (runs on IE6/7 and Firefox) from HERE install it, run it (do a search) and then add French back. It may be worth a try, you have nothing to loose.

You can also benifit from spell checking (it does change thats to that's by the way[;-)]) your posts, checking the page rankings of website, autofill and translation.

Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have now been switched to Ebay France, despite telling them what the fix was to the car problem and that it was unnecessary to change.

Its not a huge problem the screen is in French and  I can still log into EBay UK anyway if I want and My Ebay is set to the UK site anyway, but having that setting has thrown up an anomoly which users and sellers in France may not be aware of.

If you receive Email notifications of new items in your search categories and open them up from the E mails, of course it defaults to Ebay France, still not a problem, but if you click on "view other items from this seller",  if the seller is in the UK, it will often say there are no other items for sale, when that is clearly not the case in many cases I have looked at and as a quick change to Ebay.co.uk reveals.  Quite why they have messed this about like this I really don't know, of course its not a problem now to see items in France and now I know what is what, I can take steps to see items of interest, however, the changes appear now to have made it almost imposssiible for UK sellers trying to sell to France to get their items viewed by French eBay users.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Easy but tedious [:'(]

If you hover over an item then in the status bar at the bottom of the screen you will see the page address part of which says

Item?hash=itemxxxxxxxxxxxx....that is the number.

To be able to copy/paste right click on the item link then properties. Stretch the window which pops up until you can see the whole number then copy it.

Voila !

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As you did not have this problerm in the first place Ernie, I don't think you understand that you cannot even get to an item number, it just blanks you out from viewing any items in certain categories and for items not offering Paypal. I cannot test if the trolls suggestion will work as I now have access to French cars and other such items being on French EBay, but a recent thread on another forum suggests that all you do is get the legal message if you paste a French car item number into UK Ebay, assuming that you can find an item number in the first place.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

JR of course it works for you, why wouldn't it, you have a French girlfriend why would Ebay think you still live  in Crawley, is it your car that gives it away....[Www]


I hve only just seen your posting Ronm zhqt on eqrth qre you tqlking qboutM<

I looked q little further qt ;y lqnguqges on the toolbqr qnd hqve noz unzittingly ;qnqged ;y keyboqrd settings fro; azerty to qwerty but the icon hqs dissqpeqrd qnd I cqnnot noz chqnge it bqck<

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