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Orange: cheaper internet €19,90/month

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This post really should be on the money saving section.  Changed our contract today so saved the 120 euros a year - we have used a modem for ages so did not get phone or tele anyway.

Had tried last week but shop computer not working - and they tried three computers today before it worked.  If at first you don't suceed.....

Mrs H

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To this 19,90 contract, can you have the add-on option of an extra 7 euros a month for international illimite as when we ring the mother/in law in the UK we can often be on the phone for near on 2 hours and we only ring 1 other person in the UK. We only need the phone and internet access, not voip or tele channels and at the moment are paying 49,90 a month ouchhhhhhh!

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The new Orange cheap deal is for ADSL plain and simple, it includes no phone calls at all. You also have to pay for the line rental so the total cost is just short of 36 Euros per month.

If you want an all inclusive but cheap package , and you aren't bothered about being 100% reliant on ADSL for your phone calls, then you would have to move to Free, Neuf, or Darty who would offer the lot,  line rental, ADSL ,and calls for less than 35 Euros per month.


Just thought there is also a new package from Orange "Net sans ligne fixe" which offers line rental, ADSL and French calls for 34.9 to which you could add international calls for an additional 5 Euros. Again this is 100%  VOIP so no traditional phone and you have to use the Livebox.

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Kneegel:   We use a code for Coucoutel to phone the UK, Germany, Canada (and most of the world).  The call is then charged at the same rate as a local call in France.  I often talk to my daughter for ages.   Dial 0811 65 30 40, wait for the message (in French), immediately dial UK number (including 0044), you will get total silence for a few seconds - don't panic - then a message "un moment svp", then you will hear the Uk phone ringing tone.  See coucoutel.com   for other codes.   This code seems to have changed to the above today!  It is not the one I was using.

Calls are shown on our France telecom bill as "other operator"/ 

Mrs H

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

The new Orange cheap deal is for ADSL plain and simple, it includes no phone calls at all. You also have to pay for the line rental so the total cost is just short of 36 Euros per month.

If you want an all inclusive but cheap package , and you aren't bothered about being 100% reliant on ADSL for your phone calls, then you would have to move to Free, Neuf, or Darty who would offer the lot,  line rental, ADSL ,and calls for less than 35 Euros per month.


Just thought there is also a new package from Orange "Net sans ligne fixe" which offers line rental, ADSL and French calls for 34.9 to which you could add international calls for an additional 5 Euros. Again this is 100%  VOIP so no traditional phone and you have to use the Livebox.


Small note, a current Free sign -up gives free unlimited fixed line calls to 103 countries; an Orange unlimited forfait ONLY INCLUDES FRENCH FIXED LINE LOCAL CALLS.[:D]

Not much use for a UK expatriate.

After the recent tempest the restoration of Internet ADSL and VOIP telephone calls was coincident with the reconnection of mains power; BUT ORANGE ANALOGUE TELEPHONE CONNECTED MUCH LATER.[:P]

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]


As I said you have to pay an extra 5 Euros per month for international calls.



Not trying to criticise your impeccable presentation.[:)]

Je ne veut que turbocapillotracter les potes d'orange.[:-))]

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For cheap calls just connect a sip phone or a router with sip functionality to your existing adsl connection and use voipwise/voipcheap/voipbuster/sipdiscount or whatever independent Voip provider you may like.

Free phonecalls with orange/free/neuf/bouyges/darty  cost around  €10,- a month extra.

Phonecalls with any of the other VOIP providers costs me about €15,- a YEAR. (around 2 hours of international calls per week)


Free phonecalls:  €120,- a year

Payed phonecalls : €15,- a year

And often you can get a UK phone number for little (€1,-) or free so family and friends can call you in France on a ( cheaper for them) UK number.

The established providers give  the word "free" a whole new meaning.

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.......Free phonecalls with orange/free/neuf/bouyges/darty  cost around  €10,- a month extra.

Your statement is manifestly untrue and therefore completely negates any valid reason for stu**ing around with SIP in any form.

With my current Alice contract I get unlimited free fixed line calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year. These free calls are to 60 countries including france and the UK.

No extra at all AND Alice, bless her, also picks up the tab for my € 16/mth line subscription charge.

Now talking of paying extra YES this is possible; if I pay an extra € 10/mth then I get 4 hours free connection to mobiles in Metropoitan France.

AND if I renew my contract Alice will throw in 103 countries and send me a decoder capable of receiving 150 IPTV channels.


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Thanks Mrs H, I will look into it although the more posts I read the more I'm inclinded to stay with the devil I know as in the first year of being in france I had more problems with FT/Orange than I care to remember and as the sea has been calm for nearly 2 years I'm a bit reluctant to rock my boat with them again!

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Early on in this thread it was mentioned that one could not move to this tariff from another Orange tariff on-line.

Does this same stipulation apply to people moving from a completely different ISP?   I ask as out of interest (and from here in Britain) I put in my phone number into the application page box for this decouverte offer,  and after chuntering away a number of Orange packages appeared as available,  but all with either telephone or TV thrown in as well,   and starting at €29.90.

If one can only sign up at a shop does this mean that to suspend/re-instate the service one would have to go to the shop as well?   This would be a major drawback for us as we 50 kms from any Orange outlet.

Forgive my ignorance,  but if anyone knows the answer......?


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no reason that you can't do it on line


is the direct link.

Just click on 's'abonner' and enter your FT phone number.

In the next page, if you don't get options to choose, click on 'etape precedent' to choose if you want to rent the livebox or not then click (twice possibly) on 'poursuivre ma commande' and then do the details page etc.

Once you have subscribed, you can send your Alice cancellation letter off - details on your Alice espace abonné page under Mon abonnement, formulaire de résiliation and carry out the steps indicated. Get it to Alice before the 19/20th of the month and they are obliged to cancel by the end of that month i.e. ten days



EDIT sorry, don't know about the suspension/reactication bit

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Your statement is manifestly untrue and therefore completely negates any valid reason for stu**ing around with SIP in any form.


1-I did not mention Alice

2-Everybody can do their own math and check this to be true.

Accept you, because Alice does not provide any " internet only " service. If they were to provide this service it would  probably also be around €10,- a month cheaper than internet + "free" voip. You are also stu**ing with SIP via your obligatory Alice box and have no POTS backup because Alice does not pick up €16,- a month, they only rent the naked cable.   Do not compare apples with pears.

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It worked for me when I signed up from the UK a couple of weeks ago.

Later this week I will find out whether

   The service itself actually works

   My trusty BT router will work with Orange

   Neuf/SFR  have released me from their clutches etc etc.

So far it has seemed relatively painless. Ten days after the order was placed I received an email to tell me that the service was live.

It seems too good to be true. I was previously paying 35 a month simply to get a  6mg service, we used free calls so little that they weren't a significant benefit. So overall it represents a saving of 15 euros a month. 

Further report later in the week.

or next month if it hasn't actually worked at all..............


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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

Accept you, because Alice does not provide any " internet only " service.

The same applies to Free


The rationalisation of the Free/Alice DSLAMs makes Alice services closer to Free. The new Alice contracts have been advertised from the 1st March this year, available in pdf http://console.aliceadsl.fr/documents/fiche_info_standardisee.pdf

As Orange are the ONLY FAI to offer "internet only" in zone non dégroupé it is difficult to make a direct comparison; it seems that getting 60 destinations for nothing extra is comparing apples with pears: for me more like getting two pears for the price of ONE APPLE.

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I was actually on your side in the last round. I was pointing out to Jako that  it was silly to exclude Alice  whilst including Free when their T&Cs are virtually identical.

Though your most recent point isn't 100% correct as both Darty and Neuf/SFR  provide basic ADSL only service in non-degroupee areas the thrust of your arguement is spot on. Neuf only offer 512k service for 20 Euros  which in my book barely qualifies, and  with Darty charging, from memory, around 27 Euros a month, this further diminishes the implied cost of the call package.

As far as the marvellous 20 euro per month deal from Alice it must be one of the most difficult offers to pin down. I believe it is only available in areas where Alice/Free are suffering because of the cheap high speed deals offered by Numericable/Darty/Auchan  ie a handful of the larger cities.

I find it very hard to understand why so many resident Brits  still mess around with Skype and other VOIP providers when there is a wide choice of all inclusive packages available around the 30/35 Euro mark. Perhaps they are always on the phone to countries not included in the select 100 destinations usually available.



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@ Danny

Thanks for the link,  but.........

........  that's what I have already done.

When I put in my phone number it mentions 20 Mb (total and utter you know what) and comes up with three offers (all €29.90 upwards and including TV and or phone) and "other offers" button which comes up with another seven or so,  but NONE of them the "decouverte" one.

Maybe on my really slow line they've decided I'd be too much trouble....?

I wonder whether they'd "call me back" if I put my Devon number into the "call me" box.....?

Laters - not my day,  I can't even get the chat facility to work, it just hangs at the connecting stage.   Alice is suddenly looking a lot more competent!!

Even laters,   I send in my query on the chat,  and the lovely "Nadine" says she's heard nothing and closes the window.

Blimey,  I'd heard stories about Orange but this is terrible service!!!

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The lovely Nadine (I bet she's virtual) has now replied and this was the import of her message

Nadine: L'offre

découverte n'est pas disponible pour une souscription en ligne, je vous

invite donc à contacter le service client Orange au 09 69 36 3900 pour

souscrire cette offre.

OK, merci Nadine

Bother,  will have to wait until we're over.   Probably just as well.

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very strange Martin...

under Voir les autres offres, I have "envie d'internet sans engagement" and click on that and it opens the page on the link I gave earlier for the 'Decouverte' sans engagement

Did you click on the 's'abonner' button? or the 'choisir cette offre' button. Either way it should work

Unless you put your Devon number in the box and even Orange will have trouble doing ADSL over that distance [:D]



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I'm afraid Nadine , be she virtual, virtuous, or otherwise, is displaying that well known trait of French cusctomer service; if you don't know the answer make one up.

I say this because I have just tested Danny's link both with our own number and with another number from our village, and both immediately offered Decouverte at 19.9 + an optional 3 Euros for a Livebox.

I had been thinking that they had withdrawn the service on line, perhaps in the face of unexpectedly high demand, so as to maximise their opportunities for "Upselling"

It does say that you must have cookies enabled for the thing to work properly, perhaps that may be affecting the options displayed.



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