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No Satelite signal

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We live in the Var region and have a satelite dish and terrestial ariel on the roof which the previous occupants used for French TV through some sort of decoder. NOt sure if the decoder was for Satelite or Terrestial?

Anyway, I have plugged an old (serviceable) Sky Digibox into the cable from the dish and it still displays the message No Signal. Hmmm..on checking the signal strength, there is 50% + signal strength but ZERO quality. Sounds like me! I digress...

So, could this be a simple dish realignment or something more sinister?

We are looking at getting as many channels as poss for as little as poss. A friend in the UK suggested a different decoder and different Sat than Astra rather than Sky as it gives more choice. Not sure what that meant exactly, but any advice appreciated.

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I'm unclear from your message whether the previous occupants were French or British,  and whether it was just the aerial that was being used for French TV (rather than the dish).

If they were French the aerial was probably being used for analogue terrestrial TV and the dish either

for Canalsat (Astra 1) or

for French analogue TV (again,  maybe chs 5 and 6) from Atlantic Bird 3.

A non Sky box would tell you fairly quickly which sat the dish is pointing at.    The dish needs to be on Astra 2 for British TV.   There is very little major British fare on any satellite other than Astra 2.

Sorry if I've misunderstood....please come back if we can help further.

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If the previous occupants were French, then it's most likely that the dish is pointed at a satellite for French TV.

It's probable that you will need to move the dish to point at 28.2/5 east for the channels from the UK.

Sky don't own any satellites, they just rent space on the Astra/Eurobird satellites, just the same as the BBC and others.

There are several threads on this forum and elsewhere on the internet about this.

Regards Tim.


Oops - sorry Martin - bump.

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Thanks Tim & Martin for your replies. The previous occupants were French and had some sort of decoder they plugged in to which they use in Paris. Don't know if it was a Satellite ot Terrestial decoder. However, we received some "junk mail" for them recently which suggests they subscribe to CanalSat. That fits in with your explanations.

Looks like a re-alignement may be required? You mention Eurobird? Is this in the same "box" in the sky as Astra?

Sorry to be a novice at this... and thanks again. Appreciated.
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Hi Martin.....Hi Tim

Housesitters this might help:-

Go to most Brico's and what you want (in English) is a digital satellite system and (in French) System satellite Numeric, NOT Analogue. That is the simple bit....

DO NOT go for the system that gets Astra and Hotbird it is designed for Astra 1 and Hotbird, NOT Astra 2 which is what you are after.

Prior to buying anything decide where you are going to site "The Dish" you need a clear sight of the sky in roughly a southerly direction the actual direction is 28.2 degrees EAST of south (so a compass would be helpful) once you have decided the site of your dish, and you do not have to fit it on the roof, you can fit it as low as you like as long as there is no obstacles between the dish and the satellite (Branches of trees, buildings etc) you need to measure the distance from the dish to where the satellite stb (set top box) is going to be positioned add a couple of metres to be sure and get satellite coax cable, NOT TV coax, very important to get the right cable.

Now to setting the system up, first fit the dish bracket making sure it is perfectly up right (use a level if you can) remember the dish will be easier to adjust the dish the lower it is now bolt the dish to the bracket as the instructions now carefully fit the "F" connectors to the ends of the cable, a good idea is to cable tie the coax to the back of the dish or the dish bracket, stops it pulling out of the lnb (Tete) run the cable neatly NO sharp bends to the stb (DO NOT TURN the stb on until ALL connections are made.

Now you have everything set up go you need to set the elevation of the dish (the tilt) around the 30/31 mark on the scale on the bracket at the back of the dish and the azimuth (left to right) 28.2 degrees east of south. NOW turn the stb on and set up the TV and now you need to set up the stb as per instructions that came with the stb and you should have a picture if not a slight adjustment of the dish should sort it.

The above settings are for Poitiers

Any problems let me know

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Quite so, I agree with AnO. Although a lot of people manage with French-bought generic satellite receivers to receive British transmissions, the 'proper' ones are rather more straightforward to set up and use - although Sky has messed things up a bit as far as ITV1 and five go by changing the cards. If you want a new box without paying Sky then a freesat receiver with the existing dish (realigned) is a good option.

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Dear All

I posted my little write-up on setting up a system for that reason "how to set up a system" I think people are intellegent enough to take the information they need from my post and use it.

Now I remember why I stopped posting on here, trying to help people with correct information.

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Good advice from all, so far. [I] One tip I was given, when moving the dish to set the direction; move it in very small increment at a time, and when you do move it wait a few seconds for the signal to settle, if no signal then carry on. I fixed my dish to an outside wall so by using a zip up tower I was able to have a small TV set on the platform which allowed me to watch the signal strength on the TV set up menu, worked perfectly.
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[quote user="AnOther"]As Housesitters already has a serviceable Sky box and what would seem to be perfectly usable dish which simply needs realigning to Astra 2 why would he/she want to buy a new system [blink]

Dishpointer.com will assist in alignment.


Thanks for bookmark; love the green dot marker. I can position it on my roof and check if the chimney will get in the way if I swing my Atlantic Bird dish to Astra 2, whilst drinking a cup of coffee.

Looking good with the 43.2° swing.

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[quote user="Fridgeman"]Dear All

I posted my little write-up on setting up a system for that reason "how to set up a system" I think people are intellegent enough to take the information they need from my post and use it.

Now I remember why I stopped posting on here, trying to help people with correct information.[/quote]

Hi Fridgeman.. I appreciated your info and instructions, Please don't stop posting good stuff such as yours. Very informative and valuable Thanks again.
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[quote user="AnOther"]As Housesitters already has a serviceable Sky box and what would seem to be perfectly usable dish which simply needs realigning to Astra 2 why would he/she want to buy a new system [blink]

Dishpointer.com will assist in alignment.


Hi. The existing dish on the roof is aligned for the owners, which they told me was ASTRA 2. However, it looks like it's ASTRA 1. However, we don't wish to disturb their Dish. We will most probably put a dish in the garden on a sturdy pole which means we can leave their property intact when we leave.

LOVE the green dot link..actually helped me determine which way the existing dish was pointed. Isn't technology superb at times?
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