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Cold call marketing.

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My dad had this problem before he went back to the UK and I bought him a Callblocker. I have grabbed it and am now using it myself.

Marketing companies use Internet IP phone systems which in Europe means the area code starts with 09. This is a none geographical code so it can come from anywhere within Europe.

Having contacted CPR who make the Callblocker last week they said you can block Internet IP marketing calls very easily. If you have one of these CPR Call blockers then you need to dial the following.: **7#6*# then hit the green button on your phone. This code is not in the manual for the Callblocker.

Your Callblocker will now block all numbers starting with 09.

So far so good and these calls have dropped to zero from about 10 per day mainly in the evening just as I have my dinner.

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nomoss wrote :

Some private calls, including from a neighbour who has now moved away, come from numbers with 09 prefixes.

Maybe made via Skype? I never thought to ask him.

Not necessarily : some 'expat' telephone/internet companies which tout for business here in France - hoping to rein in those who live here or who have second homes here, but who have limited knowledge of French so who are, perhaps, wary of signing up to a French telecom company. I had friends who were in this situation and had signed with such a company, at high cost, for a dreadfully poor service.

Attempting to move them to Sosh proved awkward as the expat company refused to give up access to their line so Orange/Sosh said that they could take on the couple BUT they could only give them a 09 number.

So that is what happened.

Must add here that the couple were so pleased to be free of the high cost/ appalling service they had had previously that they could not care less what direct tel number they were given ☺
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[quote user="suein56"]nomoss wrote :

Some private calls, including from a neighbour who has now moved away, come from numbers with 09 prefixes.

Maybe made via Skype? I never thought to ask him.

Not necessarily : some 'expat' telephone/internet companies which tout for business here in France - hoping to rein in those who live here or who have second homes here, but who have limited knowledge of French so who are, perhaps, wary of signing up to a French telecom company. I had friends who were in this situation and had signed with such a company, at high cost, for a dreadfully poor service.

Attempting to move them to Sosh proved awkward as the expat company refused to give up access to their line so Orange/Sosh said that they could take on the couple BUT they could only give them a 09 number.

So that is what happened.

Must add here that the couple were so pleased to be free of the high cost/ appalling service they had had previously that they could not care less what direct tel number they were given ☺[/quote]

The neighbour is French, from Provence, so I think he has a fairly good knowledge of French[:D]

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When I was with Neuf (before they became SFR), I used to have an number starting with 09 as well as one with 05 and either would work.

My pneumologue has a number starting with 09 and I like using that as it bypasses the hospital switchboard and I could speak to someone from her secretariat.

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Probably Skype but then most people don’t use Skype these days. I use Facetime to talk to my mates on their mobiles because it comes imbedded in my company iPhone and as there is no charge my company does not have a problem with personal use. Phoning landline numbers are free from my home land line so that's not a problem.

I personally don’t know of anyone with a number that starts with 09 but if they did and they have a problem calling be I would say have a word with your carrier then because I am fed up getting these calls that all come from numbers starting with 09. Just to say these devices don't stop you making calls to 09 numbers but when I tried to call them back on a missed call the number is not available (yes I was that naïve for the first couple of missed sales calls).
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A few weeks ago, I took the advice on here from a previous thread and bought a ‘Call Blocker’ BT phone.

It cost €60-ish from Amazon, arrived in 3 days and took me a couple of hours to plug in all our ‘contacts’. Basically, nobody else gets a look-in.

Since set up? Four or five ‘genuine’ calls, 7-10 a$$holes per day who don’t get through.

Good investment - our old phone was cream-crackered anyway, so this made sense.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Unplug your landline. Use your mobile.

It is that simple.

We unplugged ours years ago.

Zero cold calls bizarrely.[/quote]

We have free calls from our land line to fixed and mobile phones in almost every country.

We have very limited free calls from our mobile phones, which don't have good reception in the house anyway.

Our closest family members live in the UK, Denmark, Australia, and New Zealand, close friends in UK and Spain; We have free calls to all of these, so they call us and we call them back.

Mobile calls for some of them are expensive, and we often speak for an hour or more.

It's that simple[;-)]

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[quote user="Cathar Tours"] I personally don’t know of anyone with a number that starts with 09 [/quote]


I am surprised that you dont know anyone with a Free.fr ADSL abonnement as they are I believe the major FAI in France because all of their landline numbers start with 09.


You can keep your old landline number for example 0123456789 and people can call you on that but when you call out, and most use the ligne fixe as the calls are free, then the number that you are calling from will be 09xx456789

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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]"I am surprised that you dont know anyone with a Free.fr ADSL abonnement as they are I believe the major FAI in France because all of their landline numbers start with 09."

Why would I?[/quote]

Maybe because you purport to be an expert on everything that goes on in France?

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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]"I am surprised that you dont know anyone with a Free.fr ADSL abonnement as they are I believe the major FAI in France because all of their landline numbers start with 09." Why would I?[/quote]


Well I assumed that you knew at least some people when you said that you know of nobody whose number started with 09, had you said "personally I dont know anyone" then it would have been clear.

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