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Anyone know where you can find goats to adopt

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We have 4 Alpine goats who are all rejects from the local Chevrerie - They would all otherwise have gone for slaughter and, apart from one, are not old - one is blind in one eye, one has an udder problem etc. We paid between 20-30€ for each of them. It's great to think that they are having the chance to live outside for the rest of their lives: at the Chevrerie, they spend their entire lives tightly stocked in an enclosed barn, where bullying is rife (hence why they get rid of those with defects -they get picked on terribly, and they are not de-horned so can do a lot of damage) 



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Why do you say it might be too late?  I only posted yesterday or are you referring to too late to contact the refuge?  I'm in the Vienne about to move to the Charente so Vendee wouldn't be too bad, I'll give it a go.  If not I'll find a Chevrie as suggested by the previous poster, it would be nice to give a good outdoor home to a previously couped up Goat!




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When areyou moving to the Charente? We live near Vitrac and our local vet was trying to re-home a 3 legged goat (previously looked after by another vet, now off to pastures new). Apparently, someone asked the vet to destroy it after an accident, but they decided to amputate its leg and keep it.

If interested, I will ask them if they are still looking for a home for it - it is currently penned with another goat, apony, a sheep and a donkey (they all have something wrong with them!).


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I'll ask - maybe they want both adopted even. Sadly, one of ourcats got attacked by a neighbours dog today and ended up with a fractured femur, so I'll be back and forth to the vets over the next few days. She is 17 and quite frail, so unable to have an operation, so they are going to try and set it with some sort of cast. The dog was an alsation - not a fair bout, in my opinion. Have had a word with the neighbour as it happened on our land and is the second time for this cat. Not acceptable!
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Sadly, Tinker, the cat, did not survive the anaesthetic and died yesterday evening. We are both very upset, as you can imagine.

I spoke with the vet regarding the goats during one of my visits, and he said that they had decided to keep him as he has bonded well with the sheep and the other goat. I'll let you know if I hear of any others.


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Thanks all for your kind words - very much appreciated. Tinker is buried in a quiet spot in the garden next to her sister, Fifi, who we lost a year ago. We have always had lots of cats (down to seven now), and it is always very hard when one of them dies - they make themselves so much a part of your existence.

Thanks again.


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