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Update on Trevor the dalmatian

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As people have asked me how he is doing here are some photos of Trevor 5 weeks on



He has put on 5kg in weight, all his sores have cleared up and he is really part of the family.  As we wanted to thank the people who saved him, on Saturday night we held the Trevor Benefit Indian Banquet.  Mike & I provided all the food and drink and everyone else ate and gave a donation for the refuge in Vaucluse.  300 euros is winging its way off to give a help to some of Trevor's old mates who still haven't found homes.  I'd like to give a public thank you to all Trevor's friends who gave so generously.


Anyone reading here who is thinking of getting a dog.  Get in touch with the amazing Mrs Animal (aka Christine) who will surely find you someone as adorable as Trevor.

Thanks again to all concerned



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Thank you all - I have just heard from Eliana at the Vaucluse refuge that the money raised will be used to help 3 girly dogs (can't use the correct term) Milly, Eglantine and Babelle who have been there for a long time and were likely to be put down.  They will all be leaving for Switzerland to foster homes this weekend taken by Arlette another of the devoted rescuers.  The remainder is going to sponsor Pacha a labrador who has also been seeking a home for a long time.  Happiness is knowing that 4 more are safe and sound[:D]
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[:D] What wonderful news today!  Cerise, thank you for posting the photos of Trevor, if only he could speak. [:)] The dreamy look on his face in your lap says it all, I am sure he thinks he has landed in heaven to have found such a wonderful family.  Well done for all of your efforts.
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Christine, I don't know how I managed to miss the "Need help in the Vaucluse" thread.  Prior to contacting Marylene, I thought I would check with you - do you know what type of help she needs, other than homes for the pets?  I would be able to volunteer help, but cannot afford to have another dog.  Do you think she needs someone to help with the kennels, feeding, washing, etc.? 

I am in Bedoin.  The website gives a phone number, but not an address (at least I didn't notice one).  The site says it is under construction too, so all I could pull up was the first page.  Where is she located??

Sorry I missed that thread until now.


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That's very kind of you Lori.  Maggi could probably explain where it is exactly as she has been.  I could put you in touch with Eliana who is Brazilian, her husband is French, and she speaks English.  She is one of the most dedicated and determined people I know in rescue work.  She goes regularly with her daughter and helps with the dogs, especially in giving them the attention and affection they need.  If you would like to pm me a telephone number and/or email, I can pass it on to Eliana.


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Thanks Christine.  I wonder if we are speaking of the SPA in Isle sur la Sorgue.  If so, I contacted them a couple of years back to ask if they needed any volunteer help.  The reply I got was that they could not take volunteers as their insurance cover would not cover volunteers, only paid employees.  I found it quite disappointing and sad for the staff and the animals.

Anyway, I sent you an email giving you my contact details so that Eliana or Marylene can contact me.

I hope I am able to offer some help.

Sorry I missed the thread before.


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Lori, I have passed your details on to Eliana and she should be contacting you.  Hope you can work something out and many thanks for your help.

Just to show how happy Eliana is about the results of the "Curry Night" :

"Quatre chiennes ont ansi pu quitter le refuge vendredi dernier vers la Suisse où une famille les attendait.  Eglantine, Babelle, Milly et Dora ont ainsi étés sauvées par la generosité de TREVOR et de sa famille !
Avec le reste de l'argent (eh oui....il en reste! ) nous allons pouvoir parrainer 2 toutous !
Voila, ça fait du bien de savoir que des gens comme ça sont la pour nous aider !

Merci beaucoup à Maggi et Mike !  On ne vous oubliera jamais !

Et aussi des gros bisous à TREVOR qui n'a pas oublié ses compagnons de galère !"


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Lori - do get in touch with Eliana - she is lovely and they do need help.  I live too far away (400 km) to do much but we are doing our bit of fund raising and trying to get people interested (uphill work).  I'm sure Elianan would appreciate any help she can get.  We are so peased that the 4 girlies are on their way to Switzerland so need to find homes for Pacha and Tango.  Lovely big boy dogs - especially Tango as no-one even looks at him as he is 'too big, too black ....' yet he has a nice nature and sweet face.  If you know anyone???



PS The Friends of Trevor have got up to 470 euros now and I'm hoping to pick up some more euros when I go to Crufts next week.

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Eliana has emailed me.  She told me when she is at the Refuge (which days), so I can visit on one of those days.  I emailed her back asking for directions, as I still don't have an address and which day might be best for her.  I await her reply.

Cerise - that is so nice of you to work for a refuge so far from where you live.  I can see how it might be an uphill battle.  I'm not aware of anyone looking for a pet, but I will certainly make it the topic of conversation whenever possible.  I would imagine the bigger dogs are harder to find adoptive homes for as they require a bit of space, eat more and might be harder to transport to the vet, etc. when needed.  There are so many dogs on the list.  My daughter and I recognized several from the streets of Bedoin.


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