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Bonzo, is a jet black Lab looking for a home.

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This is Bonzo. Estimated to be 6 to 8 years old, he has come with a tragic story. His owner committed suicide recently and the widow, returning to the UK, has reluctantly asked us to re-home him.

He is with us as a foster at the moment and within the week has settled in very well with our 2 other dogs. He is large and a tad overweight (50kgs) but is full of energy and runs well in the fields. We are feeding him the same quantity as our Lurcher (24kgs) and Breton Spaniel (19.5kgs) and he doesn't display any signs of being starved. Hopefully this will start to bring his weight down.

He is very intelligent and obedient, a tendency to escape under the fence in the first few days in the direction he last saw his owner disappearing in, has now stopped. He did always come back when he went though.

He is castrated, chipped, vaccinated and will be wormed this week along with our others. There are no signs of fleas and we haven't treated him because we use Advantix and that would not be suitable if he went to a home with cats. On that subject he seems fine with all other animals.

He is an excellent guard dog with a very deep bark at approaching strangers which can be stopped on command. He is very strong and tends to pull on the lead but we are gradually bringing this under control. It shouldn't take too long and may well be sorted when he leaves us. In the fields he can safely be left to run free as his recall is very good and in any case he does not wander out of sight.

He is entirely house trained with a cast iron bladder which means he can go all night without disturbing anyone. At the moment he is lying by my side gently moaning because Fran has gone to the shops, he is very faithful, Fran said he was the same when I was away overnight recently, but not a nuisance - he will stop if told to.



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In case anyone is worried about his age could I just add that 6-8 is not that old for a labrador. We have an old boy who looks a bit like Bonzo and he will be 14 in December. Up until recently he has been fit as a fiddle, and still is really apart from getting a bit deaf and arthritic. I hope someone gives Bonzo a nice new home.
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Yes, at first we thought he was older because of his size. Then he was estimated at 8 years which is what has been put on the Phoenix website, but when I took him to our vet the other days for his jabs and chip he said definitely not older than 8 and probably 6. This is born out by the fact that he is very active and behaves more like a young dog than others I've seen.

I mentioned that he was probably ok with other animals completely forgetting the fact that he was living at home with a cat! So that is a good indication. The cat is also being rehomed by Phoenix along with their owner's cockatiel! So, you know where to click.[;-)]

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Sadly, although Allan was very taken with Bonzo and wanted to take him home immediately, Jean, although thinking him entirely suitable for both them and their other Lab Amber, thought that it was just a bit too soon after the sudden death of the other Labrador just a few weeks ago. Must say I sympathize having taken the vow never to replace Lira, my Greyhound, who died in September, but very sad just the same.

Perhaps they will reconsider or maybe his real home is just waiting around the next corner.[:D]

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What a shame for Bonzo. Still, you never know, now that Jean has seen him she might not be able to forget about him!

Funny they should have a lab called Amber, the brother of our old black boy, Jet, was a yellow lab called Amber who died 3 years ago. We brought them with us from the UK.

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He was very lonely, in fact it was pathetic to see him pining after Amber died. However we got another lab, Teddy, who was a rescue dog, and also have a younger one, Billy, now as well who is driving me mad as he's only 18 months old and full of bounce! He was OH idea, as friends of friends were looking for a home for the last of their litter, so three labradors are enough thank you very much!!

Good luck to Bonzo though.

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Thanks Rob, worth a try though eh?[;-)]

The thing that worries me though is that he's been here 3 weeks now and Fran is getting just a little bit too attached for my liking, last time a dog lasted more than a fortnight it was tears before bed when she went[:(]

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The good news is that Allan & Jean, who came to see Bonzo last Friday have decided they'd like to give him a try. The arrangement is that I take him up to the half way point between us, the Centre Routier at Les Maisons Blanches (79) to hand him over.

It is not my normal policy to do handovers at the roadside but in this case they have already seen him and considered, and I have already seen them.[;-)]

We are passing through their area at the end of next week so if it doesn't seem to be working will pick him up then. I'm sure that won't be necessary as they took to each other before, as did Bonzo with the lady Amber.[:)]

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The handover went off very smoothly. We got there an hour early so were able to have a long walk in the fields and lanes nearby while we waited. When he saw them, and Amber too, he got very excited and jumped into their car without hesitation. He did jump out again though to come and say goodbye to me [:$].

Always a bittersweet moment at times like this but a warm feeling nevertheless.[:D]

Now we have more than a week before another one because we are away at the end of next week. Going to the Young@Heart Chorus concert at Angers on the Friday evening and probably the Galgo lunch near Parthenay on the Sunday.

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