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Kiki for Magnolia

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I mentioned our little dog Kiki on another thread and Magnolia was interested in seeing photos of her. So, rather

than highjack that thread, here are some photos along with a brief history of


We 'rescued' her from a neighbour about

5 years ago. 

She came to them as a puppy but was not well looked after.

She was a Christmas present but they decided that she couldn't come into the

house, so she lived on their back doorstep that winter. Initially we gave her

tit-bits through the fence, but it was soon apparent that she needed more, so

we bought some dog food and fed her through the fence.

We then noticed that she had a problem with one of her back

legs and we asked our neighbour if she had taken her to the vet. She said that

she had and it is just a trapped nerve and she was going to a healer!!

There was another dog, very similar to her, who lived near by and he got to

her. Anyway, the result was she had eight gorgeous pups, and she had them alone

under the hedge. Three days after she had them the neighbour came round with

the news that "Kiki has had pups", so that indicates the interest

they took in her!  Shortly after that they went away for a week and left

Kiki to fend for herself.  It was then

that we noticed her lying in their back garden and hardly moving so we managed

to get into their garden and took her to the vets. It turned out that she had

mastitis because they had taken the pups away too early. We got some medication

for her and kept her with us until they came back. We were reluctant to take

her back but we felt that we had no right to keep her. Anyway when we did take

her back to them we “had words”!


fact she had already decided that she wanted to come and live with us because

from then on she dug under the fence every day to come and see us. The neighbour

came round for her the first few evenings when he got home from work but that

must have been too much for him because very soon he didn’t bother to come for

her, so she was ours.  


was just as well really because we were just about to go to see someone about

having her removed from them before it was too late. In fact it was too late in

some ways because we discovered that she had in fact broken one of her back

legs and had never been to the vet nor had it set, so it is still very weak.


all these problems she is a great little dog full of fun and loves to go for

her walk every day. Everyone in the village knows her and they all love her.

We know that Kiki is part Poodle and we believe that the

other part is Bichon, but we are not sure.


Kiki when she first come to us.


Helping in the garden.


With some of the other livestock!


With the cats. Le Roi 'Arthur' and  'Peake' at the back (Peake is 18) but poor 'Holly' at the front is no longer with us.

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No, they went about six months after Kiki came to us.

Strange really because otherwise they were very nice people as the following

incident shows.

We bought a faulty item from a supermarket and when we took

it back but we were basically fobbed off and they wouldn’t exchange it. We hadn’t

been here long and weren’t sure of our position but we left it for the time

being. A couple of days later we mentioned it to her and she said “Donnez-moi” “Donnez-moi”!

We gave it to her and she jumped straight into her car and off she went. The next

thing we know, she is back with a replacement! She said to us if you have any

problems with shops or anything else just let her know and she will help us

sort it out!!


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Wow, I'm astonished at the change in Kiki, as Christine says it's amazing what a hair cut can do, what a lovely little dog!  I wonder if my new baby will turn more poodle with a good clipping, she is really very untidy right now so we will soon find out.  I'll let you know. 
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Woohoo! I want her! Oh she is a real little gem isn't she?

 It amazes me how wicked people can be. I took my kitten to the vets this morning because during the night he must have had a fall or something. Anyway, the vet's was heaving with dogs and I could have cried at the way the owners were treating them. One man came in with a beautiful, big black labrador of 7 years. Because the dog was curious about the other animals he wouldn't sit still so the owner felt it appropriate to hit him on the head and body with the lead and not softly either! I cringed each time he did it but the dog must have been used to it because he hardly flinched. So the less the dog flinched the harder he hit him.

Then opposite to him was a young couple (30ish) with a little girl (3ish) and a rottweiller muzzled! I asked if it was necessary for the 9 month old dog, who was hyper I might add, to be muzzled to which they replied "no not really". However, every time the little girl went to pet the dog the parents told her not to touch. Also, because the dog was very excitable the owner was pulling him around like a large rag doll and the muzzle kept slipping. Now i'm no expert but I started filling my drawers at the thought of this muzzle coming off and there being a conflict between these 2 dogs. And also, why do this young couple have a huge dog like that which they obviously can't handle? I was in this waiting room for 20 minutes with the atmosphere getting more tense by the minute. I couldn't wait to get out of there partly because this rottweiller was making me nervous and the whipping of the dog was distressing me. I felt quite nauseas when I got out but what can you do? If the vet won't say anything there's nothing anyone else can do is there? I guess it's normal practice here. It's like those barbaric spiked collars you can buy here. Just looking at them distresses me.

Kiki is so blessed to have found you and at least she can now have a wonderful life x

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Thank you for your kind comments.

I would not have liked to have been at your Vets this morning, sounds horrible.  I might have been inclined to say something to the 'man' who was hitting his dog, but then what good would it do as these people have no idea how to react to animals. I suppose that the Vets are in a difficult position but it wouldn't do any harm to mention to them you don't approve of certain owners treatment of their animals.

I hope that your kitten was not too badly hurt in the fall.

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Thanks for asking about Socks. I'm glad to say he's alright. There's a possibility that he fell awkwardly sometime during the night or he had been playing roughly with his brother. The vet gave him a good check and he has inflamation in his back leg. She gave him an anti-inflamatory injection and suggested that he rest for a few days. When I bought him home he curled up on one of the many beds tucked himself right under the radiator and slept all day. He raised himself up for dinner (always a good sign) and then went back to bed. He's still limping a bit but otherwise I think he'll be fine. Nothing a bit of love and plenty of cuddles won't cure i'm sure.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Kiki is the ringleader.

Although Lou-Lou likes to play, she has more stamina and when they get going he is always the first to tire! She won't give him a moments rest.

It has been good for both of them although sometimes Kiki can still be a little jealous. I suppose that is normal because she has had us all to herself for the past 4 years..

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We intend to get a couple of horses/ponies and perhaps a donkey as soon as the weather allows me to build a field shelter. Susanne had 4 ponies in the UK which she used to show 'in-hand' but hopefully these will be just for riding.  We are also considering some ducks and geese, but that is not certain.

You asked where we live, well here is a little tease; have a look on your map because our username is where we live!!! [:D]

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