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Any knitters/sewers out there?

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Is there anyone out there wanting to occupy their evenings doing something good without having to leave the comfort of your own homes? Well, look no further, i'm here to help [Www]

I'm looking for people to make dog coats, blankets and quilts for rescue dogs in the Spanish mountains. This is all for charity therefore i have nothing to offer but my sincere gratitude (and yes I am willing to go on bended knee and beg [:$])

These coats will not go to just one rescue centre but as many as possible. During the winter it is bitterly cold in the mountains and because most of these refuges are being run out of the good will of the volunteers they can't afford to go out and buy things like coats etc.

So if your interested [:'(] please feel free to contact me to ask as you wish or go to www.galgonews.com where you can find the pattern for the coat and also some links to the centres we wish to help.

Hope to hear from thousands of you soon [:D]



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Hello Magnolia

What a lovely idea.  Can you edit your text so that it is a more readable colour? (If you go onto your post, you have an edit button on the top right of that post.)

Can the blankets be made up of squares or would the dogs chew them?


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Oh, i'm all excited! They can be made however you wish. There are all types of dogs, all ages and sizes so everything helps. The warmer the better. Polar fleece is the best stuff for the coats but as long as it's warm it can serve a purpose.

I'm hoping to get collection points all over France so that when made everyone has a point of contact. That might be a bit adventurous but hey ho!!! Also, if you have friends and family in the uk who'd like to help out please get them involved. One way or another i'll get the items to Spain!!

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Hi Magnolia

Not sure if you have seen, but on the Central France section of forum there are a group discussing stich & *****.   Not my thing to be honest, but you may find some willing volunteers from the people responding on the post.

Good luck with what you are doing.    I really wish I could take one of the dogs, but we just can't at the moment; everything is a bit too unsettled for us right now.     I could probably spare a few euros though if there is anything set up where people could donate (not many you understand !); or if not, perhaps I could buy some wool or something and post it ?? (no idea where from !) - pm me if you want.

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Hi Magnolia

I would like to send the knitting pattern to my MIL who is big on dog rescue and knitting but I couldn't find the pattern, am I being dim?  I will have a go at the fleece type one, again I would apreciate a pointer to the actual pattern.  I found myself watching some of the horrible things that had happened to these poor dogs, how can they do it?


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Ok, go to the link www.greyhoundsinneed.co.uk and go to 'make a dog a coat'. This is where the pattern is for sewing. I don't have a pattern for knitting so if you prefer to knit you could make some blankets. However, I am now on a mission to find a knitting pattern. The only problem with knitted coats are the weight of them if the dogs get wet. Anything and everything helps.

As for getting the items to Spain, well, there are rescues happening all of the time so whoever is involved can take blankets etc with them. L'Europe des Levriers go to several different refuges so all garments can be distributed fairly. I'm hoping to get a few collection points across France so you all have somewhere to take your items to including myself here. Hopefully i'll be able to collect more info on the organizing of the items once I know how many people would like to get involved.

I know what you mean Panda. It's heartbreaking isn't it? Any way that you can help will be greatly appreciated. Where does your MIL live? The uk or france? It'll be good to know where everyone is so that we can get better organised.

Thanks everyone


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Sorry haven't been back on line; problem with livebox only just resolved about half an hour ago.  Couldn't get to the site for the dog coat pattern, says page cannot be displayed.

What would be good, Magnolia, is if you can get the pattern (sewing & knitting) and email it to me and I will see who I can press gang into doing some work!

My mind has been busy thinking of some people that I think might want to help.  I have 2 or 3 in mind to target but I haven't yet got the ball rolling as I want to hit them with the patterns.

Please do this, if you can, ASAP as I am away for about 3 weeks later this month.

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There IS a knitting pattern, I found it yesterday - when I track it down I'll post the link (edit - link was non specific so here is the pattern )

Knitted coat pattern

Charity shops sometimes sell "odds and sods" of wool cheaply that may be suitable. They may also be able to sell you very cheaply mens neck ties that are too grotty to put on display; 2 of these with the thin ends sewn to the make coat as in step 9) make good alternative belly bands.

  • Size 8 or 4mm needles

  • 500g ball of Arran wool or suitable thick wool.

1) Cast on 100 stitches in garter stitch and knit for 24 inches.

Divide neck as follows:

2) With right side facing, knit 43 stitches then cast off 14 stitches which will be centre of the neck.

3) Knit the remaining 43 stitches from the left hand needle onto the right hand needle.

Shape neck as follows:

4) Starting at beginning of row knit 43 stitches then slip remaining 43 stitches onto stitch holder.

5) Starting at neck edge decrease one stitch every alternate row (by knitting two stitches together) until 20 stitches remain, then cast off.

6) Return to remaining 43 stitches on stitch holder and repeat to match other side. Wrong side facing, sew neck ends together.

To make belly band:

7) Cast on 1.5 inches in garter stitch.

8) Knit for 66 inches and cast off.

9) Sew band onto dog coat half way down. (To tie under belly)


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Ok everyone. I admit it. I CAN'T KNIT OR SEW [8-)] !!!!!!! Right, i've admitted it and I now feel like a huge weight has lifted off of my shoulders! All i can say is make what you can with what you have. It doesn't have to be perfect, the wool/material doesn't have to match it just has to be something that's warm and functional.

Generally, my role in all of this is to get word out and support and to try and organise things. If anyone needs help in trying to get items to us, questions about the charities, what everyone can do, I will do my utmost to help in any way that I can. But ask me about a knitting stitch or sewing mmmmm, that's dangerous! I don't even know how to hold knitting needles [:$]. I think it's because I got one stuck in my foot as a child and am still scarred from it - physically and emotionally [:(]

Sorry to be such a sorry affair. And to think I call myself a housewife [Www]

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A few of us local women have just recently decided to meet weekly to do a session of handicrafts. It has been decided that we would each do our own chosen craft to work on. After much deliberation, I thought I might try my hand at making myself a quilted waistcoat (mainly because I've had an old/ancient Womans Weekly pattern which I've never had the heart to throw out as, for years, I've fancied having a try at it and I think it's now done full circle and once more looks quite trendy...or so my daughter says!). Anyway.....guess what? Yes, I've changed my mind! My first project is now going to be.....a fleecy, perhaps even waterproof, coat for one of those poor shivering skinnies! Perhaps I can persuade some of the others to do the same!


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Aah thanks RH [:D] When we used to knit blanket squares for the elderly, we were told just to knit plain on each row because it held the heat better. Like them baby blankets with the air holes in them. Can`t remember the proper name. Or like crocheted (sp) shawls. They`ve got holes in but hold the heat. Sorry i`ll go have a lie down in a dark corner



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