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I need sensible advice from vet or someone with knowledge of cats

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How absolutely awful for Tilly and all her friends...including the many she has now make here on this Forum. I shall be thinking about her all night tonight so please do keep us in touch with news about  dear Tilly.

Everyone has come up with so many suggestions. It has been lovely to read about so many caring folk!


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I thought I would write to let everyone on this thread know that little Tilly slipped away this morning.  She certainly touched my heart and everyone here too, I am sure.  She is buried on her favourite cushion under two lime trees, and we will be buying a nice plant of some sort to mark her little grave.

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes.


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Poor little Tilly - we were so sad to hear the news but glad she slipped away in her sleep with her family around her.  Even though her life was so short she obviously had a lot of people who cared very much about her - including many who never met her - and she will be much missed.  We are thinking of you and of your friends whose special cat she was.


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Dear Jan - I am so very sorry to hear your news.  I've been reading this thread since you first posted that wonderful photo and hoping she would pull through... she was such a pretty little thing and so clearly loved... you're in my thoughts. xx
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Thank you everyone for your kind wishes.  They are very much appreciated.

More sad news on the animal front.  Same people lost one of their 4 dogs yesterday which was accidentally run over by the rubbish lorry.  It happened so quickly, there was nothing anyone could have done.  Needless to say my friend says she now feels numb as she saw it happen, and can't talk about either of them.  The little dog was an attention seeking character that was always pleased to see you as long as you gave her a cuddle.

Even though they are not my animals - I feel empty for them as they have been through so much in the last couple of years.  We really hoped this year would be a better year for them, but it's not got off to a good start really.

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