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Lovely Loopins type Berger Catalan

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Oh Panda your pooch looks exactly like Hugo only with wirier fur. Hugo, when clipped looks just like a Poodle but when his fur has grown he leans more towards Griffon. His coat is very thick and fluffy and he doesn't moult either which is a real blessing.

This is a photo of my family (from right to left) Hugo, Socks, Marmite and Roqui who we fostered for a while before he was adopted by lovely Anna and her family. If you look closely at Hugo you'll notice that he has a wonky mouth. That's because he had a very serious road accident at 2 months old and nearly died. He had emergency surgery and now has steel plates in his jaw giving his mouth a scewiff appearance.


We rescued Hugo from Les Amis des Betes in Royan and he looked like an old dog. He was bordering on having mange, had tick and flea infections and his fur was so long, matted and stinking that we thought he was at least 7 years old......he was 6 months old!!!! We took him away there and then and went straight to the vets for a check-up. We knew nothing of his injuries until the vet told us that the previous owner used him for Hugo's treatment so everything was on file. We took this quite disturbed dog home and wondered how on earth we were going to cope with him but I couldn't let him go because I instantly loved him. He didn't know how to play and he just ran around like a mad thing. He was like that for months. I don't know how we got through it because he was destructive, dominant and aggressive and he made me cry with frustration so many times.But now at 4 years old I love him more and more each day. He's been my companion when I was lonely on first arriving in France, he comforted me when I lost my little brother and he showed me how to behave with him and other dogs. I can't imagine my life without him.

As for my kitty's well, just look at them. They even look like they're going to get up to something no good in the photo! They're off to be castrated next week (they're 7 months old) so that'll be fun. And would you believe that they're brothers?

Thank god for animals x



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[quote user="Chantemerlière"]Thank you for all your hard work Christine.

We have spoken to the present owner of Loopins and we have a rendez-vous for next Tuesday the 22nd..

We don't want to get too excited just yet but, fingers crossed, Kiki will have a new friend very soon. [:D]



I'm with you all the way!   [:D]  Many thanks Chantemerlières.


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Well, the big day has arrived and Looping has found a new


We collected him from Niort at 3.00pm this afternoon and he hasn't stopped since. He is in very good condition and he has obviously been well looked


His name is LOOPING but he is known as LOU-LOU pronounced Low-Low and he is a X Griffon born in February 2005!

I have enclosed a few photos, which were taken as soon as we

got back here, so he was still a bit disorientated.

Kiki is a bit jealous, but I hope, with careful management,

we can overcome that.

To Magnolia, We have received your email and Susanne will

email you later this evening.




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Just come in for a sit down between this and that and found the good news!  What a pretty boy!  So it's Looping, I took her g for an s.

Well done Susanne and husband.  Hope you'll all be very happy.  Many thanks and a big hug to Lou-Lou.   [:)]




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Well done you, he looks beautiful. 

We had the odd jealousy issue at first but now our two get on well, a little too well at times, my old cocker spaniel has suddenly, at 12 years old ,realised that girl dogs can be quite fun!  I try to tell him to stop as this is his step sister but he seems not to care and neither does she, hussy,  luckily for all concerned he has had the snip and she is about to!



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  • 2 weeks later...

An update on Lou-Lou

He is progressing well and thorough enjoys playing with Kiki

and our ram ‘Danny Boy’. In the background you can see two of the lambs and some

of the chickens and he would play with them if he had half a chance.

On Thursday last he had some enthusiasm dampened when we had

him "snipped"! He had a little bit of a reaction to it yesterday so he had to

go back and stay in overnight. We picked him up at 9:00am this morning and he

is almost back to his old self.




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Thank you for the news, you know how we always love getting photos.  They seem to be getting on fine, you can hardly tell which is which on the last photo !

Good for you getting Lou Lou done, hope everything is all right now.  What a wonderful life he is going to have with you !

Don't hesitate to keep us posted and many thanks again.   [:)]


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  • 1 month later...

The latest news is that the lovely Lou-lou has had his first haircut since coming to live with us. He had it cut in St Jean d'Angely this afternoon and I think that the young lady did a great Job.


Kiki had her hair cut at the same time and they both seem to be happy with their new style!




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