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Lovely Loopins type Berger Catalan

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Here is two and a half year old Loopins.  His owner has moved from a house with garden to an apartment in Niort and would like to find Loopins a new home.  He has a marvellous character, fine with everyone she says, children, dogs, cats.  He's clean in the house and stays alone with no problems.  I have the impression that now she has to take him out instead of just letting him out in the garden, it's a bother.

His mistress says he is about the size of a Spaniel, not too big.  He looks very much like a Berger Catalan (Catalonian Sheepdog), but he could of course be a cross which looks like one.  A very pretty and sweet natured family dog, Loopins is chipped and was vaccinated, though they are probably not up to date.




Sorry about the photos, they were not sent by email, but through the post and are not very good.

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Oh dear what a pickle. I'd take him in right this minute but my husband is saying NO NO NO NO NO! To be fair to hubby we did agree to only take in one dog at a time because we run a B&B and we're already lined up for foster boy number 2 to arrive soon. I feel dreadful now because I so want to come and get him. I'm so very, very sorry. SOMEONE PLEASE EASE MY GUILT AND ADOPT THIS SCRUMPTIOUS POOCH!!!


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Yep another Podenco. He's 7 years old and has a real life of misery. The guelgerros split his nose to make him look like a pig and have basically given him a lifetime of hell. He's apparently quite nervous and doesn't like being alone and he doesn't understand cuddles or petting. He's going to be a real challenge for me because I always want to hug animals but I can't with him because it'll obviously scare him. Distance I think will be the first thing and then gently, gently. I don't know when he's arriving but it'll be sometime over the next couple of weeks.
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We have sent you an email, but just in case you don’t get

it, here is a summary of what it says;

We would be happy to talk to you about taking Loopins; we

live in the country with plenty of safe white lanes in which to walk.

We also have an 18 year old cat, a 1 year old cat, a cross poodle of 5 years;

who is very friendly and gets on with all animals; 4 sheep and 15 chickens and a cockeral!!!!

We live about 30 minutes north east of St Jean d'Angely

(dept 17) and about 40 minutes from Niort.


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Thank you for your comment.

We believe that Kiki is a part Bichon, but we are not sure.

We 'rescued' her from a neighbour about 5 years ago.  She came to them as

a puppy but was not well looked after. She was a Christmas present but they

decided that she couldn't come in the house, so she lived on their backdoor

step that winter. Initially we gave her tit-bits through the fence, but it was

soon apparent that she needed more, so we bought some dog food and fed her

through the fence.

There was another dog, very similar to her, who lived near by and somehow or

other he got to her. Anyway, the result was she had eight gorgeous pups, and

she had them alone under the hedge. Three days after she had them the neighbour

came round with the news that "she has had pups", so that indicates

the interest they took in her!  A few days later they went away and it was

then that we noticed her lying in the garden not moving. We went round and got

into their garden and took her to the vets. She had mastitis because they had

taken the pups away too early. We then kept her until they came back and we “had


In fact she had already decided that she wanted to come and

live with us because from then on she dug under the fence every day to come and

see us. We asked the neighbour if we could keep her but he said “No” and he came

round for her the first few evenings when he got home from work. However that

must have been too much for him because very soon he didn’t bother to come for


It was just as well really because we were just about to go

to see someone about having her removed from them before it was too late.

She is a great little dog full of fun. Everone in the village knows her and everyone loves



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That's such a sad story but a lovely ending. She looks so lovely. Hugo (our pooch) is poodle x griffon and he really has a mixture of the breeds personality's as well. He was a rescue and had been in a terrible car accident. He now has steel plates in his jaw and he occassionally suffers dixcomfort with his back end. I've really grown to love poodles and poodle crosses. They usually have such wonderful characters. Hugo talks all of the time. He even answers back! I love it!!

If you manage to adopt this one as well, I think that you may have the cutest dogs in France. Keep us updated  if you do decide to have him. Also, any chance of you posting some photo's of Kiki?

Good luck

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An update, as I have just explained to Chantemerlière over the phone.  A couple of days ago I had a French lady from Angouleme wanting to adopt a dog. I sent her the photos of Loopins and the owner's telephone number.  This person informed me today that the owner says she has put Loopins with a friend above Poitiers, but as the friend does not have any papers for the dog the person does not want to take him until this is sorted.

I have tried to call the owner twice and left messages asking her to call me back about Loopins as I have a wonderful English couple interested in offering him a home.  But she has not returned my call.  What a shame, I would have loved the Chantemerlières to have Loopins.  I'll keep at the owner and thank you so much for your kind offer.


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Oh, Christine, do please keep trying to contact that elusive owner!!! The Chantemerliere family sound great. Can you not just get someone from Poitiers to go and collect Loopins from this friend....if that is actually where Loopins is??? Sounds like a bit of a fob-off to me! I wish I was in France at the moment 'cos I'd be there knocking on some doors!!!! [6]

You are wonderful, Christine. Keep up the excellent work.



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Christine, I do hope that you get through to owner of Loopins, he is beautiful and deserves a nice life with the obviously very caring family that have offered assistance.

[quote user="Magnolia"]

That's such a sad story but a lovely ending. She looks so lovely. Hugo (our pooch) is poodle x griffon and he really has a mixture of the breeds personality's as well. Good luck


Magnolia, my recent rescue I believe is also perhaps poodle cross griffon, from your small pic of Hugo I would say mine has more leanings toward griffon but she has straight longish hair at the front of her body and tight curly poodlesque fur at the back, she doesn't lose any coat at all and has the cutest personality, have a look at this pic, what do you think is there any poodle in there?


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