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Okay, I took the plunge with the rescue dog

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To continue my thread, below, I decided to rescue the little beagle from the SPA at Carcassonne. She was at the vets yesterday for teeth, sterilisation and X-rays (she limps very badly) and now she is safely sleeping in her basket.

She weighs in at a massive 6.5kg, and has been used as a puppy breeding machine, with several badly performed caesarians. She lost 2 teeth, which couldn't be saved and will be on anti-inflamatories for the rest of her life, but at least she is safe and warm and loved now. Poor little mite.

If I knew how to upload photos I would do so. She is SO pretty and I love her already.

Thanks to everyone who encouraged me (esp ValB) to go ahead. The vet was very good about the cost, too and reduced it to the bare minimum he could without risking his job!

I have called her Lily.

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Well done Rowan, for your kindness and generosity.  I love the name Lily.  By her weight it sounds as if she is a little Beagle Elisabeth.  You must feel so good after all that has been done and that she is now at home in her basket.  How wonderful for Lily to have such a happy end after such an awful life.  Look forward to the photo.   [:)]


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Not sure if this will work, but here goes. Thanks for the help with the photos. She is asleep in the sun now, obviously a bit sore, but wagging her little tail like crazy. Yes, I think she is a beagle elisabeth, bred for their size. I guess that is the cause of her problems!

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[quote user="Rowan"]Not sure if this will work, but here goes. Thanks for the help with the photos. She is asleep in the sun now, obviously a bit sore, but wagging her little tail like crazy. Yes, I think she is a beagle elisabeth, bred for their size. I guess that is the cause of her problems!


There you go.


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I volunteer at the Carcassonne SPA several afternoons a week and she is just one of many dogs that I would love to have brought home, to be honest. Sometimes I think I prefer dogs to people. Lily is so trusting and wonderfully affectionate, despite her horrid experiences. None of this "I had a bad childhood so it's not my fault I am a mass murderer" rubbish from dogs!!

And thanks again, Bugsy! I wish I could make my mistakes in a less public manner. Won't be trying that again!
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How absolutely ADORABLE. How did you resist her for so long, I would have taken her home with me on day one.  She certainly looks very well settled with her new Mum and she is going to be a very spoilt llittle lady. Welcome to the forum little Lily and we hope to get lots of updates and pix of you, you are a real sweetie and I am green with envy   [kiss]  [kiss].

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Well Done you ... One lucky doggy there

She's a real sweetie

Rowan how long have you volenteered at the SPA in Carcassonne ? I brought a dog in that we found while on holiday back in 2008, I'd love to find out some news on him ... maybe a quick ring to the owners to see how he is ? I know im cheecky but he touched my heart so hard I think of him all the time ....

This is his story

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I have only been helping out there since we lost our last beagle, just before Christmas. I was going there regularly to look for a companion for our other dog, and realised how short of help they are up there. I walk the dogs, brush them and play fetch etc. Plus I help out with any language problems if any Brits show up.

People quite often bring in lost dogs, which is wonderful, so thanks for that. But most of the dogs they have there are just tied to the gates by their owners who no longer want them. Heartbreaking.

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Pads, I just read the story of Frankie.

Yes, it is hard for the dogs to get noticed, and there are several dogs up there who are lovely and gentle but have been waiting for homes for 21/2 years or more. But they are fed and are safe and in some cases probably have a better life than before.

An owner is perfectly entitled to say they don't want to keep their dog if they are called to say it has shown up at the SPA. As I say, most of the dogs there were left by their owners who don't want them any more. Very sad, but In England the owners quite often cut the dogs ears off to stop them being identified from their tattoos.
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