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Returning to the UK? Don't leave your pets behind!

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I was troubled to read on another forum's weekly newsletter about advice,

planning and check lists etc., to assist those Brits who are planning to

leave France and return to the UK. To my dismay, this article

completely ignored the rising problem facing owners of pets who are

returning to the UK and for various reasons have not got Pet Passports

organised in time and decide they have no choice but to leave their pets

behind. I did email the the Forum to advise them of this massive

oversight in their advice to British residents, but have not received a

response. So I wish to point out to ALL who are returning to the UK to

live and may have had pets here, PLEASE PLEASE make sure that you are

aware of the Pet Passport system that has to be in place before you can

take your pets home with you! DEFRA sets it all out quite clearly on

their website so for heaven's sake read it,

as many vets here in France don't have a clue - and why should they?

It's up to you to get it organised and take the responsibility for your

beloved pet - don't leave it to others! The figures for Brits leaving

their pets behind is shocking and shameful - please don't be one of them

if you are reading this and planning your trip home. There are some

very good people who can often help out with 'minding' a dog till the

passport is ready (seven months from start to finish) and it's usually

much cheaper and kinder to leave the dog or cat with a family here if

circumstances force it, than quarantine in the UK. Very often the

return home is for stressful reasons and the additional stress of

leaving your pet behind makes things worse and it's so unnecessary when

all it takes is a bit of forward planning or asking for help.  They have been a part of your lives, your dream for a new life here that perhaps didn't go as planned - don't make them a casualty and abandon them, it's not their fault and they have been loyal and loving and have asked for little in return.  Think how they must feel........ watching you walk away?

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Sue from PoorPaws had 2 more "dumped"on her yesterday. She was already packed out and is very fed up. The excuse was "we didn't expect to ever return to the UK".

Well, your pets didn't expect you to either! Or at least not without them!
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Merlin, thank you for a "lovely" post about a very "un-lovely" subject.  I am saddened just reading about this.  If you think it would help you get a response, please PM or email me with how to get in touch with the people or organisation that you wrote to and I will add my voice to yours.
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Please don't think I'm looking for praise or feeling smug, but we are returning to the UK tomorrow with 8 cats and 1 dog; 5 cats, two rabbits and 3 guinea pigs having already been taken there 3 weeks ago.

When I took my animals on, I had no idea we would be returning to the UK, but they are a part of our (very large) family and as such, could never be left behind.

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Judie, you are a wonderful, kind person and I have always known it.  This is to wish you and Will the very best for your new life back in the UK.

You'll have all your animals around you and, to me, no place is truly home without your lovely, loving animals............

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Well, we're back and all the animals are safely installed.

Had a couple of mishaps along the way - rough crossing, one cat escaped into the car and vomited all over Bill's carseat. Then one got out of her box just before we arrived at our UK destination. Then my lovely mother accidently let the dog out today and she ran off down the road looking for me but a kindly neighbour found her and was just taking her for a walk when I turned up.

I'm so lucky that I was able to bring them all back here. I feel privileged.

Judie (Mrs Will)

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Well done, Judie!

You must be completely exhausted and sooooo happy.

My very, very best wishes for your and Will's happiness back in Blighty.

If you can bear it, please do not desert us here on the Forum and still living in France.  Please continue to give us the benefit of your experience and advice.

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I hope everyone settles in quickly and your return home proves a happy one for all concerned.  It's a frantic adventure getting everyone back safe I know, but well done!  Rest and enjoy whils they all find their feet in their new surroundings!  So Glad it all worked out and hope it shows lots of people on here that it can be done with the proper planning, patience and a good tail wind!

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I have adopted a lovely little dog who was one of the too many who couldn't go back to the UK with their owners...

He is a great pet, so faithful, so clever, so happy, I love him to bits.

Try and think of every possible solution before leaving them behind in France, Please............


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I have known all about the passport thing and thought I had it all done perfectly - how easy it is to get it wrong. The guy at the pets check-in place at the tunnel asked me on what date Val had had his chip implanted as the date was omitted from his passport. I told him that I didn't know but guessed that it was not long before he was imported to France from the USA. He dragged it out until I was ready to have a fit and then asked me to guess at a date and write it in. He said that the date of implantation is the only thing that can be entered by the owner and doesn't need to be certified by the vet. Whew!!!!!!!!!!!! So that was OK then. As if I wasn't stressed enough without him amusing himself at my expense. Anyway, we are now ALL safely back in UK.
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