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Pedigree English Setter SPA Carcassonne

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Okay, here is the latest on Alex.

Together with another volunteer I took him to a magnetiseuse last Thursday, and one of the man comments she made was on how Alex has an incredible desire to live. After seeing her, he seems to have improved even further and on Saturday he actually jumped up to greet me when I went into the park to see him

Right we thought, if he is refusing to give up, SO ARE WE!!!

Two nights ago we launched an appeal on the SPA Carcassonne Facebook page for a home for Alex, with the promise that if a home could be found, a second appeal would be launched for funds to help with his care. At the same time, Merlin launched an appeal on her site, Doglinks (www.doglinks.wordpress.com).

The upshot is that as soon as transport can be arranged, Alex is going up to Merlin's magical kingdom, and all being well, a few weeks later will be cared for by a friend of Merlin's, who is a dog therapist.


Please bear in mind that Alex is a very sick boy, and no miracles are expected. However he will be in the best of hands and being out of the refuge will give him even more reason to live.

Also be aware that, although Merlin is doing this out of the kindness of her heart, I am sure she would be grateful for any financial help that can be given. Her site has a donate button on the right hand side, and Merlin will keep everyone in touch with Alex's progress. The SPA Carcassonne appeal will run simultaneously via Facebook.

Thanks to everyone for their continued interest in this wonderful dog and thanks most of all to Merlin for starting him on the next phase of his life.

Thanks in advance for your donations.

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I like the bit about my 'magical kingdom' Rowan!  I wish I were a wisard and able to make dogs' lives everywhere, safer, kinder and happier.  Slightly off thread - for those who remember Scramble the paralysed spaniel we took from Rowan at Carcassonne........ he walked on his own on just a collar and lead last week, without his sling!  I will update when I have time with pictures and video.  Goes without saying that will keep this thread updated with Alex's progress also, as soon as he's had some time to relax and settle to his new surroundings.  cheers all

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I was just thinking about him a few minutes ago before coming on here.  Then I saw you had posted Rowan and didn't dare look.  What a relief to see that Alex is soon going to have some warmth and love, for however long it may be.

He is an example to us isn't he, never give up, never give up on them.  I've just looked at the lovely photos of him on Doglinks.  Well done to both of you.  I am very touched by your dedication and the wonderful results you are getting.  Keep going girls!   [:)]   [kiss]  


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Val - a very big thank you!  I have pm'd you.  Be assured that Alex will want for nothing and once he has rested for a couple of days I am going to get my vet to have a look at him and see what he thinks we can do to help Alex have the best quality of life possible for what time he has left.  My friend at  http://www.seulementnaturel.com/site/ is sending Alex a special diet to help with his kidneys and boost his immune system by way of her contribution to his care and I do feel that with his huge will to live, the support we can all give him will make the world of difference to this brave and lovely dog.  Thank you!

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Val - your cheque arrived this morning - a very big thank you!  My husband has just left to meet Rowan half way so Alex and Jojo should be snuggled down and on their way back home by late afternoon!  They will be tired by four hours travelling, so fed and asleep by the fire by early evening I'm guessing!  They will never have to spend another night in the refuge!  Whenever I do this, my heart goes out the ones left behind........ so we push on.... and on.....

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Alex and Jojo arrived safely yesterday.  Alex is just gorgeous!  They both are - so thin it's heartbreaking.  Alex has a cough but otherwise is very relaxed and affectionate and has been really good so far - they are both keen do'ers - positively inhale the food so they are getting small and often (4 times a day) for the moment bit like puppies.  Alex is very chilled and just loves to relax but also amazed us by chasing round the garden after hens and cats..... and he's been living in the cat house at the refuge!  Not trusting either of them off the lead yet as I think they are both capable of clearing the fences at a run!  Jojo howled last night for a bit but Alex slept in his basket by the fire most of the night but I did hear him coughing - SO - I am taking him to the vet this afternoon just in case with the week-end coming up!     It's a bit mad at the moment but I'm sure it will all calm down soon - could do without Jojo cocking his leg everywhere on the furniture tho.........!!  I will not be cashing any of the donation cheques just yet folks....... I really want to see what the vet says about him first.  That's it for now - yes I will get pictures later today if I can manage it but might be the week-end...........

My dog therapist friend Melissa is coming shortly to assess both dogs.

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Glad to hear the dogs arrived safely and are settling in.Sounds like Alex knows when he is well off, lets hope Jojo learns very quickly and stops christening the furniture. That was one of Albi's tricks.....Well good luck to you all, hope the vets visit goes well. Hugs to our two legged and four legged friends!!
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Alex has been with us for a week now and is just loving his new found freedom, warmth and TLC.  He has been to the vet for some treatment for his cough (lungs might not be in great shape but vet doesn't seem unduly worried as yet) some anitbiotics for his ears and some special medication for his kidneys.  All these treatments are short term and if he manages to put on some weight, he should have a real chance of some quality life!   We are hoping that Alex will come back to a level of fitness that we think good enough for him to find a home with people who understand and like English Setters and have perhaps been following his progress.  We shall see.  For the moment he is doing really well and we love him for his courage to come back from such a terrible state.  I don't want to detract from the urgent posts surrounding this one - just to keep people who have been supporting Alex in the picture.  We shall post some more pictures of him very soon. Lots of love from Alex!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Alex........... drooling after my hens and relaxing in the sun.  He's doing well and enjoying his life - he is also a dab hand at opening doors....!!!



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