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Seal of approval for bullfighting

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I have just received a message from Phoenix which I found astonishing, particularly in view of recent moves to ban bullfighting in parts of Spain.  The gist is as follows:

>>The French cultural minister has just legitimised bull-fighting, or corrida, as part of French traditional cultural heritage.

The Fondation 30 Millions d'Amis, one of the largest French animal

welfare charities, have mounted a petition campaign against this

outrageous 'seal-of-approval'. They are asking you to put your name to

the cause and to condemn this torture.


You can sign online using this link:


Please sign and encourage other like-minded people to do the same.<<

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  • 4 months later...

I was going to say I prefer Bullfighting to Cagefighting.

But what I really wanted to say is that I find Cagefighting using 8 year old children  slightly distasteful.

Of course it is completely legal and breaks none of the British Laws, for some there may be a slight moral rectitude concern, but is the practice just a traditional and cultural pursuit in Lancashire or does it receive cultural support in other parts of the United Kingdom?

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[quote user="Hoddy"]That is a specious argument Papa. I hate both. Hoddy[/quote]

But then there are NO bullfights involving 8 year olds in Spain, Portugal, Equador, Colombia, Mexico, etc , etc.

I find your rhetorical attempt to divert attention away from the dubious customs in Preston, Lancashire, England where 8 year old children fighting in cages in local clubs and bars ammuuusssing.

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But it keeps them out of trouble; they could be out on the streets with knives, clubs and knuckle dusters terrorising helpless old grannies.

'The kids were there to fight, they have fought before. The parents were there. Would people rather these kids were out on the streets with guns and knives?'

- Club owner Michelle Anderson

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2040005/Children-young-EIGHT-filmed-taking-cage-fighting.html#ixzz1Yd9y5CMC

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Glad to see the Mail is making a moral stand.



I agree with Pachapapa. This is more serious than bullfighting because it may well be training tomorrow's thugs.

I abhor bullfighting, which I consider to be sickening and depraved. But cagefighting is using children as surrogates for their parent's (usually, I dare say, the father) anger and violence as public entertainment. I doubt the children involved are allowed to express their own opinions about this activity and instead of being nurtured are being brutalised at the age when their social values are developing. They may well grow up believing that violence is legitimate.

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Bullfighting, which I totally condemn, is deeply entrenched in this area, and no rational argument is possible.

If you live at any distance it is impossible to believe the attitudes.

If you looked at any of the clips about local village festivals in my thread on that topic you will see how prevalent it is.

The Catalonian decision to ban bullfighting is more about marking independence from central Spanish power in Madrid, than a real dislike for the activity.

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[quote user="Clarkkent"][quote user="pachapapa"]

Glad to see the Mail is making a moral stand.



I agree with Pachapapa. This is more serious than bullfighting because it may well be training tomorrow's thugs.

I abhor bullfighting, which I consider to be sickening and depraved. But cagefighting is using children as surrogates for their parent's (usually, I dare say, the father) anger and violence as public entertainment. I doubt the children involved are allowed to express their own opinions about this activity and instead of being nurtured are being brutalised at the age when their social values are developing. They may well grow up believing that violence is legitimate.


I have seen children much younger than 8 being bought up to cage fighting.........

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[quote]French-Mexican bullfighter Michel Lagravere, known as Miguelito, is tossed by a bull[/quote]

Just one small unimportant point, young Miguelito is 12 years old!


[quote]Rafita Mirabal is believed to be the world's youngest-ever bullfighter - a miniature matador.[/quote]

....... 9 years old!

From what I've seen of the so called 'cage fighting' event, these kids were only wrestling. If it had taken place in a muddy field it would have been called "Cumberland Wrestling" and probably would have drawn no comment whatsoever.

Unfortunately setting it as the pre-event attraction to adults knocking seven bells out of each other is as disgusting as encouraging kids into the bullring! 

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[quote user="NormanH"]Bullfighting, which I totally condemn, is deeply entrenched in this area, and no rational argument is possible.
If you live at any distance it is impossible to believe the attitudes.
If you looked at any of the clips about local village festivals in my thread on that topic you will see how prevalent it is.

The Catalonian decision to ban bullfighting is more about marking independence from central Spanish power in Madrid, than a real dislike for the activity.


The village fiestas with running of individual bulls in the streets and main square has not been affected as this would be political suicide interfering with local culture and customs.

Although in the past I have taken brit tourists to the Plaza de Toros in St Feliu de Guijols for proper bullfighting one must go to Extremadura and Andalucia.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]


[quote]French-Mexican bullfighter Michel Lagravere, known as Miguelito, is tossed by a bull[/quote]

Just one small unimportant point, young Miguelito is 12 years old!


[quote]Rafita Mirabal is believed to be the world's youngest-ever bullfighter - a miniature matador.[/quote]

....... 9 years old!

From what I've seen of the so called 'cage fighting' event, these kids were only wrestling. If it had taken place in a muddy field it would have been called "Cumberland Wrestling" and probably would have drawn no comment whatsoever.

Unfortunately setting it as the pre-event attraction to adults knocking seven bells out of each other is as disgusting as encouraging kids into the bullring! 


Minimum age in Spain 16.

Miguelito comes from a bullfighting family and became familiar with the ART in his infancy.

Nice pictures. Pity you didn't post a video... even better would have been a video of fighting bulls on horseback... my favourite.[:D]

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