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Not at our house at the moment but relatives visited to check it over. They found our front gates had been opened and clipped back.  A young cat had been tied to a post by the pool and been murdered.  Why would someone do such a horrible thing and a why go to the bother of doing it at our house?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]You had a row with any of the locals?

Many FN supporters in the area?[/quote]

There were a few FN posters up a while back, not a large village.  We get on with our immediate neighbours very well, when I am back I will meet up with our best neighbour and he has his ear to the ground. Sad to think they can murder a cat to express their issue. Obviously this is not being disclosed to Mrs T, she would be too upset.  Already asking around the village, don't know if I should speak to the Mairie.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Yes, definitely speak to him as his ear will be to the ground and he might ferret out who is responsible.

By the way, is there any strain on housing in the area with locals being squeezed out by incomers?

Hunters upset?[/quote]

No not really, there are still places for sale and a few run down places for fixing up. Some Parisiens have done up their places to a rally good look

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OMG Teapot, that's awful. It needs reporting to anyone and everyone who will listen. Maybe you're not the first/only people it's happened to, and reporting it will help because of that (and also, potentially, give you some degree of scant consolation if it turns out you've not been singled out). Gendarmes or Mairie probably have some degree of handle on likely suspects in a smaller community. Also for a little peace of mind whilst you're not there it might just give the Gendarmes reason to keep an eye on your place in your absence. And If, heaven forbid, it leads to anything else, reporting it on record might prove important.

So sorry this has happened to you.
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Thanks Betty, it still makes me feel sick thinking about it. I had someone remove it yesterday which is probably wrong as the Mairie and Gendames would have wanted to look at it but just felt I wanted rid of the ugliness from our holiday refuge.

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How upsetting for you, Theiere - this kind of thing makes me so angry, as well as horrified.

I would like to do the same to the culprit, whoever it is.

I agree it's worth asking for someone to keep an eye on the place, even if it involves cost. Maybe even install and electric fence around the perimeter.

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Horrible thing, TP. So sorry to read it.

I am glad you and Madame TP were not the ones to make the discovery.

Did anyone photograph the scene of the crime? That at least might be helpful to the gendarmes.

Can you lock your gates in future?

Maybe Chancer could advise on setting up a security camera?

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[quote user="Patf"]How upsetting for you, Theiere - this kind of thing makes me so angry, as well as horrified.

I would like to do the same to the culprit, whoever it is.

I agree it's worth asking for someone to keep an eye on the place, even if it involves cost. Maybe even install and electric fence around the perimeter.


We shall step up the observation of the house via the relatives permanently out there. I will have to think about increasing the wall height. It's such a horrible thing for someone to do. It's not like we have adopted a local cat. We take ours with us when we go.

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albf wrote : I would not read to much into it

You might be right .. but then again you might not.

Remember what happened many years ago in Wales when there were reports of violence, arson and other infractions involving local residents up in arms about the number of holiday homes being owned by non-Welsh residents.

That caused genuine discord.

Jealousy in all forms is still around.

Please inform the powers that be as the perpetrator is warped.
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@ Suein56

This is not a holiday home issue. I would put money on it.

People are cool around here.

The biggest threat to rural holiday home owners are gypsies. But that applies to both French and foreign owners

They usually tag your house. But not with a dead cat.

P.S I agree it should be reported just in case there is a nutter on the loose.
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So sorry about this on so many levels.. I think the children need some special counselling though. There is a well researched link between people who do violent things to animals and then go on to do similar things to people. There is a chance this can be prevented from developing further if the children get help now.
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My children were brought up to be kind to animals and take care of them. They always have, and now have pets of their own they care for.

Still horrible, even if it was children . They need a good slap! Or is it talking to nowadays?
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I'm glad you found out what happened, Theiere. Still worrying though, for the cat, and for the fact that they had opened the gate.

My neighbour (french) had 2 cats, she was very fond of them. One day she came back from work and found one dead on the lane, blood and fur all over the place. Probably some vehicle, but still worrying. She blamed a dog.
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