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English Bull Terrier

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I've put him on AngloInfo Christine - that is where this lady who is interested in him picked him up.  She emailed me this morning and is going to try and get to him next week!  She has a small problem in that she and her husband organise bike rides over the Pyrenees and she drives the support vehicle in a ride in June - we need to maybe help her foster him during that period, I don't know yet.  No one else showed any interest in my posting on AI in my area - maybe I should try and put him on another area - it's B stupid forum in that you have to set up a new user name for each area you post on....!!

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On my is this true?  Christine - are you sure that they have done the deal with Carcassonne?  What's the bit at the bottom of the picture that seems to say they might have not??  I so hope it's good news and that he has a good home - dare not tell my lady she has lost him till I know for sure!  I didn't do a lot to help and in any case it's never enough..... I would make it the rest of my life's work to help dogs anywhere.  I found the link a bit confusing so wait to be certain before I email the English lady who was going to see him next week - I know she will be disappointed she couldn't move quick enough to get him - but if Malcolm is saved that's the most important thing!  She can always rescue something similar when she is more prepared.  Can you make sure for me Christine?  Would be very grateful - Spa at Carcassonne can be a bit tricky with other associations finding homes for their dogs Rowan tells me, so...... let's be certain.

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I'm thrilled to hear it and I have told the lady who was interested in him - she's pleased too!  She asked for us to let her know if ever we hear of a little lady Staffie that needs a home as her last faithful died last Christmas and she loves them as a breed and would love another one should there be one needing a home ever.  She has a busy summer ahead but I think she may well be looking seriously come the autumn and would also consider a Bull Terrier as well after she fell for Malcoml in his plight!  That dog was dying by degrees at Carcassonne, as I know a lot of dogs are, but that day I stroked him left me haunted and I am so pleased he will be out!  Thank you for letting me know Christine.

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I don't think it was through Alerte à Malibull finally, but Vanessa, a volunteer, who found a home for him with a friend of hers.  She also said an oldie in the yard was adopted over the weekend, but I don't know which one it was.


There are a couple of sites for Staffies, but you have to join to be able to see those needing a home.




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Thanks for the links Christine - I have passed them on.  I just hope the fellow is happy and can now recover and REST!  Even my little Molly slept for three days after I got her out of there - she was just so exhausted and being an old lady as well she was skin and bone and weary beyond belief bless her.  She's zipping round the place now, ribs beginning to disappear and very intelligent - I love the 'oldies' so I hope the one that got out at the week-end has found some peace too.  Just got the pics of the two old Jack Russells whose owner died.......... am going to post them on that subject today.

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Rowan sent me some snaps of Malcolm with his new owner last night - don't know if I can face trying to go through all that palava with photobucket again....... whimp aren't I?  The new owner is a youg man and I hope he will be kind to Malcolm for he is a lovely natured dog and deserves some happy times.

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  • 8 years later...
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puppies are except problems distracted and in case you reward too quick, they will neglect approximately to entire until they’re lower back inside the house.

For more information click the link below ...................


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