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lily pollen and cats


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Not strictly France-related but important for people to know. Pyewacket, my avatar, has just spend 48 hours in the vets having her kidneys flushed out after having got lily pollen on her head. Apparently lilies (leaves, flowers and pollen) are highly toxic to cats, causing kidney failure and death if ingested and not treated within 24 hours. Lots of cats die particularly as a result of chewing the leaves. I'm not sure why I decided to check with the vet - just glad I did!
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Fay, I'm so glad she's all right.  I saw an article about this recently, it says :

Recent news stories in the national media have highlighted the dangers posed to cats by lilies, often of the type that can be purchased in your local supermarket.

In the case reported recently, a cat merely brushed against the flowers before licking the pollen from its fur.  Within minutes the cat became sick and within hours had died after going blind, suffering renal failure and becoming virtually paralysed.

Cat owners should remove lilies from their cat's reach.  If your cat is a nibbler or lives indoors, grow some cocksfoot grass for him to munch on.


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Thank goodness you did & I'm really glad to hear that Pyewacket is ok!!

Our vets has a newpaper cutting, on their wall, about a cat who died from chewing lilies.  I also noticed, now, that when I buy flowers from M&S, there is a label on them to warn of the dangers, from lilies, to cats.   

Below is a (very long!!) list of others - I only knew about  Poinsettia & Foxglove, before finding this.


It's impossible to avoid everything - but I'm really careful about cut flowers I have in the house.

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Very scary!! My lilies have been evicted from the garden! Shame though as they are one of my favorite plants [:(]

So glad your cat has recovered and thank you Fay for alerting others to this problem, i hope it helps save some other cats.

I shall spread the word!



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I snip the centres out of the lilies as they open - a bit of a chore, but it doesn't seem to have any harmful effect on the flower and when you stand back the overall appearance of the bed is still attractive.  Didn't know about foxgloves - we have them everywhere and the petals drop (obviously) over everything.  What can be done about that?

Chrissie (81)

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I don't think we need to panic excessively. Most animals know instinctively what not to chew /eat. That's not an entirely safe attitude to take because we're introducing so many new - ie, not native - plants to our gardens now. Even so, my cats have been existing safely outside for years (not counting roads [:@]) so while not being complacent, I'm not planning to obsess about it. I do avoid lilies in the house because - in an attention seeking ploy - my cats have always tended to deliberately play around vases of cut flowers. Having lilies around, de-stamened or not, indoors or out - seems a bit risky because of the pollen problem but in I'm not going to dig up all foxgloves for example.

I've got a Pyewacket too - he's a Wacket rather than a Pye. He's a Maine Coon and just a year old now.

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I agree that cats wouldn't tend to tuck into most plants (it's hard enough to get them to eat cheap catfood!) and pollen, being 'gathered' unknowingly and then licked off, is probably more of hazard...

And at the risk of going off topic - hurrah for Pyewackets! Pye is sometimes Wacket too. Was yours named for the cat in Bell, Book and Candle or the list of 'imps' in the Matthew Hopkins illustration (or both)? A search on the net shows it to be a surprisingly frequent name - for cats, race horses, restaurants and even Walt Disney's brother's yacht!

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It's impossible to keep the cats away from everything - they seem to have a sixth sense, what to avoid.  I do believe that to be true, as they also seem to know the most expensive objects in the house!!  They are are ones to knock over, scratch, chew & pee over (the last one's usually Mark's amp - so I don't complain about that one!!  [Www]!!)

Catalpa - do you have any photos of your Wacket?!!  We thought about getting a Maine Coon - as they are so beautiful - but ended up with 3 moggies from the shelter!!  But I wouldn't change them for the world.

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Catalpa has the most beautiful photos she's taken of her cats.  She put a link to them before and I thought they were Angora Turc.  Very class, Burberry type, photos with light and shadows and leather handbags... you know what I mean !   [Www]   Can we have some more Catalpa, please ?   [:)]



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Oh, you’re not really interested in photos are you…??[;-)] Here’s five then, I have more! Can’t remember which ones you saw, Christine, though I do remember you saying that the Lidl fleeces looked very Burberry. Which should thrill the Burberry brand manager.[6]

At about 5 months old:



Wacket a few weeks ago:


Wacket showing off his tail – a real Maine Coon characteristic:


Wacket and Gussie last week surveying their territory:


I’d had the Pyewacket name in my mind for a few years – I’d been waiting till we moved before we had more cats as the last one died several years ago. And I had a wonderful Maine Coon called Angos – who unfortunately had a blood defect which even more unfortunately came to light when he was neutered at 6 months. The three days the vet tried to figure out why he continued to bleed after the op were not good ones. [:(] So while I didn’t want to use the name again, I liked the Gus part, hence Gussie. Which was a bit like another of the imps anyway - Griezzel Greedigutt. Gussie (or Gusset as he is more generally known) is extremely greedy and now he is one year old and out of kittenhood, he’s going on a diet. Maine Coons can weigh up to 10 / 12 kilos as they can be big-boned – ours currently weigh in around 7-8 kilos.

I can bore for England (possibly even Britain) on the subject of Maine Coons.[:$] I’m not knocking moggies – and really, how can anyone justify buying pedigree cats when so many moggies need homes – but anyone who has been owned by Maine Coons will understand when I say they are the most characterful of breeds. Very chatty - they warble and chirrup rather than meow... very loudly; they're very affectionate – they really do think they are people. And they’re real outdoor cats. They don’t mind rain, snow…

…I’ll stop now, shall I? [:$][:$] Of course, I do have more photos...[Www]
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Forgot to say that they're silver reds - in breeder-speak. In normal cat-owner speak that's a cream colour with some ginger hairs coming through, more on Gussie than on Wacket.

And also forgot to say, Fay, that I'm very glad your Pyewacket is recovering well.[:D]

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They are beautiful!!  I've always loved the Maine Coon breed & yours are gorgeous!!  Big fluffy cats have always been my preference - but then we got Solomon.  Half siamese & half grey tabby.  A short haired oriental cat was NEVER top of my list - but I love him to bits!!  He's such a character & has us in stitches nearly every day. 


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Thank you Catalpa!  It was the first photo that struck me, let's call it Hermès or Lancel then (Lidl Lancel), it is really a lovely one.

The last one as well, what a view you have from your house!

Isn't that the one you had on your avatar, Ali, but on the sofa.  Who's that Bob Dylan on it now ? [:P]


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They're all scrummy - such a variety but each one perfect in his/her own way! (We are terribly off topic now - should we take this to the Lounge? I could start a thread there just called Cats?)
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