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correct language? Anal glands


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  • 4 weeks later...
Until this post I had not known, or mercifully forgotten, that dog have ... those things. And you have to squeeze them? Gosh what a treat.

No wonder I prefer cats. If they've got them (which I doubt, being fastidious creatures) I'm sure they'd sort them out themselves. Or at least not tell me about them...

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We frequently have this problem with our Dane. The exit duct becomes blocked and they will actually burst a new passage through either to outside or inside if not noticed and emptied in time. The new channels are known as fistula's and can cause some serious infection problems. We can see from outside if the glands are becoming a bit full but then he is a big dog. It may not be so easy with a smaller breed. It is always worth looking if, for instance, he seems to be giving a bit more attention than usual to his bottom.


Edit. Sorry, on re-reading, this seems a bit worrying. This is the first dog we have ever had with this problem and we have had more than we can count!
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My other dog never needed it doing, evidently Dilly needs it because his number 2's are never solid enough and so don't do the squeezing for him! I was going to be shown how to do it myself by a local ex-vet but I think I would prefer to pay for someone else to do it instead!!!  Apart from the potential problems above, if left too long it makes him scratch all the time and he gets really itchy, not very nice for the poor blighter!

Sorry to lower the tone of the forum!!!!!!!!



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One of our labradors had to have an operation earlier in the year because a blocked anal gland had formed a very nasty cyst, that developed suprisingly quickly. It caused him a lot of discomfort and became very raw and bleeding as he would not leave it alone.

The vet did wonder at first if it was cancerous, but thankfully not.  We were worried about the anaesthetic though as he is 13, but all went well and he is fine again.

Someone once told me that if you give your dog a piece of raw carrot every couple of days this helps to keeps the glands clear - unfortunately I didn't follow her advice [:(]

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Mary, I will try that carrot trick because this anal gland thing is a really big worry to me. The fistulas, as said, can be very serious. Several years ago a vet told me that where there is a recurring problem, the best thing is to have the glands removed but she warned that (now I am really going to lower the tone) that the nerve responsible for closing the anus is very close and a slip of the scalpel can result in a completely incontinent dog. Needless to say, I have avoided the operation and an just very careful instead.

I am glad that your dog is fine.

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You lot are a load of wuzzies (esp you Dick!!!! LOL!)  Latex glove, a squirt of washing up liquid as lubricant, a firm grasp of tail, quick insertion, squeeze, mop and it's all done!

SB Your dog probably with never need it doing but if he starts scooting along the ground on his bum, licking his bum (more than normal), having fetid dggy breath (from bum licking) he may need it doing!!

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Our old cat (back in the UK) once got his blocked (can't remember

why/how now!  though I do agree with Dick that cats generally are

better at cleaning themselves up) and we had to do a trip to the

vet.  The expression on the cat's face as the vet swiftly stuck

his finger up the cat's bum was a picture....... if only we had had a

camera......though on reflection I'm not sure how we would have

explained that kind of picture to the lady on the photo counter at



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  • 2 months later...

Hello Dick,

I just saw your message today. This is of course, not important, but I thought I would tell you that my (neutered) feral Tom - (ka Brother of Minwee - no, that isn't a typo), has to have his anal glands expressed every six months.  The alternative is terrible pain and eventually, infection. We do it under sedation, and he is groomed and bathed at the same time (yes, still not a typo).  I wonder if it is something to do with not having been neutered young. B-of-M was (the vet thinks) about two or three when I took him in.


With all good wishes


Valerie Aston

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