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dog missing his dad


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I honestly think my dog is missing a link or two(or maybe thats me?[blink])

He really misses my husband when he goes away to work as he can be a way for months on end, and i often find him with his head resting on the seat of my husband office desk,where the 2 of them spend most of there time when he is home. they speak to each other on the phone and he will mope and not eat for days when he first goes away. today to cheer him up i told him his dad was coming home early as the last bit of his tour was cancelled, at the mention of his name he went straight to the top of the drive to watch the gates for his arrival. I went off to bed (as i work nights) leaving the back door open for the dogs to go in and out as they like. I woke 5hours later to see the weather had broke and it was pouring with rain, so i came down to shut the door to find the daft dog still sitting on the top of the drive watching.soaking wet, so hes now in his bed wrapped up in towels drying out..........................and sulking as he thinks i was winding  him up. next time ill wait to tell him hes coming till afew hours before[:D] 

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You got It me !!!! Mug and takes them to the beach every morning and brushes them and bys all the treats and toys, he just swans in every couple of months and they behave like im not there. But i can always rely on my old tom for a cuddle 

since we are talking about him Id better put his picture up ................

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Oh Pads, he must be a most wonderful dog.  He looks just like a female we rescued as she was going to be put down when her master died, but the vets couldn't do it as they knew her and how lovely she was, so they called me.  She was so thin when we got her after pining in kennels before being taken to the vet by the family.  We only had her for a few years, but she was the most marvellous companion.  We have had so many dogs, but there always special ones and she was one of them.

(Can't see him so well on the avatar, thanks for showing us a larger version).


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She looks loverly christine, very much like tigue , especially that "Whats going on over there" look.

Sadley my old mans legs are beginning to go at the back, he keeps falling over, but appart from that he is very healthy for his age( so the vet says) The same thing happened with our last dog its very sad because the front half is still very liverly

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