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French Vets


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Mogs mum (cat!) went missing yesterday. Finally found her at lunchtime today in an outbuilding on top of stack of hay. Not looking too good. She'd either been hit by a car or attacked by a dog. (The latter being most likely).

Just back from the vet. He had her knocked out and proceed to sort her out there and then. (Main thing is a broken jaw.) Talk about efficient service. And got to bring her home.

So guess the price. Consultation,40 mins of vet time, anaesthetic, 3 other injections, stiches and tied her jaw up, plus 2 types of tablets to take home. I didn't dare look at the price just handed over the credit card. When i checked the recipt €48! In the UK just the consultation fee would have been £30.

Poor little mite. She's now beginning to wake up. So keeping everything crossed that she'll be ok.

What a day............(fosse contents also decided to fill up into the downstairs shower and loo last night and this morning [+o(])

Is it beer o'clock yet?

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Hey that's not a bad price. Where are you located? My vet is in Pontivy. I have to take my boxer there often as he is allergic to everything. I am used to regular bills of around the 80 euro mark. I got medication last Friday for him. No consultation. 23 antibiotic tabs 10 cortisone tabs and a tube of anti itch cream 63 euro's.

PS hope your little girl gets well soon
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Vet was at Nontron (24).

Just let her out of her cat carrier. She's falling over still after the anesthetic, but into everything! And meowing......lots.

Edit: No i put her back in her box! Too dangerous!

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We have a couple of terrific vets. One we go to for our dogs and the other we use for our donkeys. The donkey vet had to come out two days running when one of them had an abscess in her hoof, and he also trimmed their feet when he returned about a week later. He then came again to give their feet another trimming, free of charge because they had not been looked after well before we had them and needed extra care. The bill for the 3 visits, antibiotics etc came to 79 euros, and about 38 of that was the medication.

The dogs' vet is in the process of renovating the house next door to us so will be moving in later this year - both he and his wife are vets. How handy is that! (Actually the surgery is about 10 kms away, and I wouldn't presume to ask him about problems when he's off duty, but in an emergency........[6])

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My dog Lucy recently contracted Tick Diesease, very nasty.[+o(]  Whilst we and the vet were still trying to workout what was wrong with her we had and hours consult including x-ray general antibiotics, drip to rehydrate her blood test and she stayed at the vets then for the rest of the day for observation whilst we waited for the blood test to get back. Then she was given the Tick injection collect that evening all that for 80 euros .[blink]You could have knocked me down with a feather I was expecting and prepared to pay hundreds.
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I recently changed my vet as I felt the two passport charges for my dogs (with just drontal provided by the vet) was excessive at 70 euros. (Labrador and lurcher) 2nd vet was a different cup of tea - told me I could frontline them at home as he could see I had the right type, dished out the drontals and said I could do that at home, did the paperwork and gave me the bill - 42 euros.  Fine til I got home - he had put the wrong dates on the passport - on the one page he had put 15/6 (correct) on another page 16/6 (that was the day we were travelling) and the last couple was 16/9 !! Went around to the neighbours and borrowed a blue pen and changed the dates to the correct dates. As I had the invoice and tel no, plus my receipt with date and time on it, I decided to blag it - the port only questintioned the time, which was consistently correct though his handwriting was poor.  I guess its a case of you gets what you pay for - efficiency is expensive but less stress-inducing!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I must admit that our vet made a mistake on the date in one section of one of the three dog's passports and that ended up with us having to wait for a fax to arrive at Calais confirming that he had made a mistake.  The date he put in was about 3 months in the future from the date we travelled.  I did think it was a little bit 'job's worth' since all the dates on the other two passports were correct and the dates on the other parts of Rio's passport were correct, just that one error.  I have now learnt to check all the dates and times in each passport before leaving the vets just to be sure. 


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