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Cat just will not eat.


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One of our cats has chronic renal failure and the vet has done all he can except to put it down. He, the cat 15 years old, seems not to be in pain and could go on for some time if he would only eat. We have tried all sorts of foods but cannot persuade him to take any significant amount. We have tried low protein diet food, ordinary cat food, tuna, liver, cat milk and who knows what else. He drinks water and licks the food but does not seem to want to take a significant amount. Has anyone any suggestions as to what we could use to tempt him to eat?...............J


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When I had a similar problem with a cat in the UK I was recommended to try Eukanuba dried food as felines are supposed to find it really tasty. Our Katie certainly did. It seems it is possible to buy it here in France: example of prices etc

We have a cat - looks just like the Felix cat - and he has chronic renal failure too; he is 16 and at present still eats well but he is beginning to have problems digesting what he eats, so has lost weight this year. He is fairly exhausted a lot of the time but still manages a stroll around the garden and is content and pain-free at present.

Good Luck.




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Hi. When my parents elderly cat wouldn't eat, they tempted him with evaporated milk and pieces of ham. This was all he would eat for a long time and he seemed to do ok on it! Not sure if you can get evaporated milk in France but perhaps some of the cream (runny stuff in cardboard packets) would do instead? Joy

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[quote user="Joy1"]Hi. When my parents elderly cat wouldn't eat, they tempted him with evaporated milk and pieces of ham. This was all he would eat for a long time and he seemed to do ok on it! Not sure if you can get evaporated milk in France but perhaps some of the cream (runny stuff in cardboard packets) would do instead? Joy

In the same circs we kept our cat going in France for a long time with 'the runny stuff in cardboard packets' boiled fish and raw mince - well the steak hache broken up.She was purrfectly happy [:D] All the very best, I know how you feel.

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This eating thing can 'come & go'.  Not being callous or uncaring, but that's the way it is.

We have two 18.5 yr old sisters (+ a lively adopted 6yo 'French' male).

At the end of last year, we thought that one of the old girls was on the way out - not eating, coat shabby, etc.  Nine months on and she's eating well & quite perky, for someone of her age.  Now her sister is ailing a bit - just pecking at her food.  However, she's happy (as far as we can judge) and not in any pain. She's fine - just getting on a bit.

Best advice is usually the Vet's + your own instinct for how to proceed (& you know what I mean). Delay, delay, but then ultimately don't delay.    

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When I have had elderly cats that havnt wanted to eat, I have tried everything and anything, one of the best things I find is Chicken soup, or chicken and fish boiled in a little water then using a blender make it into a paste, prawns and smoked salmon always works and cream off the finger, if they wont take it I have some times had to use boiled chicken water in a syeringe and done a bit of force feeding that will simulate the appertite. Hope you can work out some thing for him [:)] 
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When this happened to one of my babes, we managed to stimulate her appetite with Ambrosia Creamed Rice - wouldn't eat it out of a bowl but loved it from the tin.  She also loved Devon Custard - again straight from the tin.  After a few days, she was happily back to normal.

Sadly she is no longer with us but she did have 12 happy years and 4 beautiful babies.

I hope your little one turns the corner soon.


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We acquired our much loved cat when he was run over in the road near us seven years ago.  He had extensive surgery and afterwards the main problem was that the vet couldn't get him to eat (chicken, fish, plus any branded food - all rejected outright).  He was about to be force fed when they tried a liquid food which he liked and he then made a slow but steady recovery.  He is now 9 years old but whenever he is off colour he still prefers foods which can be licked rather than chewed.

The liquid food he was given is Liquivite (http://www.liquivite.co.uk/ava.html) and it is recommended for sick or aged cats.  It doesn't seem to be available in France but there are several European agents listed on the website who should be able to ship you some (or preferably send you a sample).  I do hope you find some and that it tempts his appetite.  We'll be thinking of you...


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When my cat was diagnosed with renal failure, she was put on a diet which excluded proteins which meant she couldn't have milk, "normal"  fish or meat.  She had to have a special diet which could only be obtained via the vet.  There were two "flavours" of moist food - chicken and beef and also special dry food which she had as a "treat".

  Luckily, the moist food was produced in such a way as to make it particularly tasty so she was relatively keen to eat it.  It was difficult at first, as she had always been a picky eater but the ideal way is to introduce the diet food gradually into her normal diet, reducing the normal and increasing the special food over a few days. 

The diet and the medication worked very well and she soon became more like her old self.  She was also prescribed Liquivite, but she didn't care for that much.


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Luke is now at the vets for four days. They are trying the injection of water under the skin again. This will rehydrate him and, I assume, flush out the kidneys. This was tried and steroid injections were given three weeks ago with only a small benefit. Having talked to the vet we have come to the conclusion that there is not much else that can be done except one thing but we will see how he is tomorrow. Thanks to all for the support, advice and pms. You have been most kind.............J and J

PS The pic on the left shows Luke, a tabby and our other cat Ben who also has problems but not so advanced as poor Luke.
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Talked to vet on phone tonight and he said that Luke was "Pas mal" and is still having rehydration therapy and "Il fait pipi" but is not eating still. He wants to keep him until Friday to see if he can improve. May be they are feeding him on a drip, poor little chap........J 
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Well just to let you kind people know we decided to let Luke slip away today. When we saw him, and in spite of all the treatment, it was pretty clear that it was time to say goodbye. We stayed with him until the end and will remember him always. Thanks to all for your advice and good wishes……………….Jackie and John

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Me too, deepest sympathy.

We've recently adopted three much older cats, had one for 7 months and the others for a week now - but the one we've had for longest has really become 'my' cat and he's a real chum - couldn't think of what the house would be like without him.  My OH is wholly indifferent to animals usually but suddenly she's become a real cat person, they're all over her and she's even starting to feed them now.

But very sad about Luke, so sorry to hear.

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Just to add my condolences to those already expressed.  We had 2 moggies, one died at 18 after a short illness and one at 20 after a long leukaemia type problem.

That was about 7 years ago now and your post has brought tears to my eyes.  I think of you and your cat and also of our own darling cats.  It is so hard and I don't think you ever really forget.

All the very best

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I am very sorry about Luke too Jackie, it's so sad to lose them and when they reach a good old age this often seems to be the way they go.

We have lost several like that and I found a site about it which I posted on here, it may be of help to you for Ben or anyone else with a cat with renal failure.



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So so sorry to hear of Luke's demise but I know he will be so pleased you stayed with him 'til the end.  It is never easy and you will never forget but you will have so many happy memories and the knowledge that he will no doubt be living in his field of dreams, with loads of mice and telling all his old/new friends about the very happy life he had with you.

Thinking of you (with tears streaming!!)

Take Care


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