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Saving Greyhounds...

Christine Animal

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Back to the plight of the Greyhound, I have just seen that the association "Lévriers en Détresse" in France has a site.  They say that over 70,000 racing greyhounds between 18 months and 8 years old are put down every year (I think they mean in Spain and Great Britain).  We also know the awful situation in Spain.

We brought one back once while on holiday there.  She was found badly injured on the road.  We took her to a Spanish vet who shook his head and only had one solution for her.  So we shortened our stay and returned to France where our vet was not much more optimistic, she had a fractured pelvis on both sides.  Seeing we were ready to do anything after having brought her all this way back he directed us to a clinic in Paris where one side was operated on and then the second.  They were in a way miracle operations and Sol lived a happy and normal life with us.

We also have a Podenco Ibicenco.  He has such a nice quiet nature and has never been a bother to us in any way.  If anyone has a special "penchant" for these types of dogs, don't hesitate to contact Lévriers en Détresse.

Here is their site (I had a job to finish the Spanish photos and what was written under them) :



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Someone from the forum has just contacted me about the associations above.  I did mention them under another thread, but Greyhounds in Need should also be on here as they do work with Lévriers en Détresse in France and do all they can to try to save the galgos from Spain, helping associations there who are also on their site :


Save a Galgo...  After all the suffering the expression of this one speaks for itself, if they could all have such a happy end.

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One of our sons and his wife had 3 rescue greyhounds in UK and then moved to India so needed to rehome them. They brought one to us, but Twiggy couldn't stand the heat and died suddenly. We were obviously very upset, he was a lovely-natured dog. Then we heard that another of the 3 had also died at about the same time, re-homed in UK. ( Both males.) Sorry to be negative, just a warning that they seem to be not too robust. I did some research on the net at the time and found that they are prone to sudden heart failure.As an extension to the story, I went to stay with G&K in India and now they have taken in 3 strays, 2 of which have " special needs" but seem very content with their new home, regular meals etc.. Pat.
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On a more positive note -

My rescue greyhound was three year’s old when she came to me. She’d broken her toe and her owner wasn’t prepared to keep her if she wasn’t earning her kennel fees.

I had had dogs all my life and without question she was my best dog friend ever. She lived until she was fourteen, was as tough as old boots and brought great joy into the life of my family. She died ten years ago and although I’d often said it before, this time I really haven’t felt able to have another dog.

I would recommend a greyhound to anyone.

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Petition to save the Galgos

The assocation Passion Lévriers


have a site concerning a petition to stop the torturing, burning and hanging of the Galgos in Spain.  It just takes a minute and is very important.  They have over 6,900 signatures, their goal being 20,000, deadline 26th November.

On their site there is even a page for English visitors, with some very difficult photos, but it has to be shown, so that we can all participate and help by signing the petition.


The petition, Il faut Sauver les Galgos   http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/485467652

Passion Lévriers have recently saved fifteen Galgos from Spain, helped with a lorry driven by some youngsters from Emmaüs from the refuge Les Clochards Poilus, Tabannac near Bordeaux.




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We have two rescue greyhounds (ex-racers from Ireland)  and  can confirm that they make the most fantastic pets. Ours are fun-loving, loyal and cheeky, content to laze around all day but always up for a walk or game. They have adapted really well to life in France, and contrary to one of the previous posters, ours are tough as old boots! One of our girls has endured over 200 stitches in her lifetime - through running into barbed wire fences whilst being used by the "itinerant community" for illegal hare-coursing. She has never lost her faith in human-beings or her joy for life despite this treatment. The other has a rare congenital heart condition (which could affect any breed of dog) . The UK Veterinary Cardiologist said that no dog would survive this condition past the age of 4. My greyhound  is now 11, so I think that proves her stamina !

With over 70% of the dogs in UK rescues being either greyhounds or greyhound crosses, the more people that become aware of their plight and lobby against it, the better. So thanks to Christine for raising this issue.

If you are looking for a new dog / puppy - please consider a rescue greyhound first. We would never have any other breed. 


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  • 2 months later...

I have just received the following message from Phoenix, but I won't be able to see it :

Our good friends the Finzels who are involved with greyhound rescue in Spain have asked us to give you this information. Note that that a Galgo is a Spanish greyhound.

BBC 1 Scotland, will be showing a 30 min programme on the galgos of Spain at 7 pm on Wednesday February 15th, arising out of our collaboration in Sevilla recently.

Viewers outside  Scotland can see it if they have Satellite/Sky. The Sky Channel  is 941..  

Chat up your neighbours  if you don't have Satellite yourselves and please let others know to watch it...............

Don't miss it!

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  • 6 months later...
Christine, have only seen this thread for the first time today. Absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking[:(].  I have heard about the Spanish and how they treat animals even worse than the French but this is even beyond barbaric. Just hope something can be done. Well done for bringing it to light.
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Recently saw a couple in our small village with a greyhound.  I don't see this breed very often.  I have to say it was hard to take my eyes off the dog.  He was gorgeous.  He moved so graciously.  He did look almost breakable though - his body so lean and legs so thin.  I guess, having read this thread, they are not as fragile as they look.  His face would melt you.

Hard to believe anyone could abuse such beautiful creatures.


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