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4 Kittens Condemned need homes


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I wrote some time ago about a lovely kitten that had taken to following me about when I moved here to the Alps.  She would find me when ever I was out with the dogs and I (inevitably) started to feed her when the snow came in.  She was around more and more and in the last 3 weeks suddenly became hugely fat and obviously pregnant.

This weekend she produced 4 beautiful kittens in my laundry room.

I called a society called Chats Sans Toit which are a local charity only to be told to trap her and have the kittens killed, I was horrified by this, I know the world is full of homeless cats but could not bear to do this.

I have now advertised these babies on AngloInfo and have had an enquiry for 2 of them, I am determined to home them all and of course have mum spayed.

So, now that I am an granny is there anything I should be aware of about their development?

Right now they are all cosy on the tumble dryer in a box, mum is protective although seems not to mind my dogs sniffing about which is a bit of a worry. 

The cats are two black boys (I think) 1 grey tabby, 1 standard tabby.  Pictures to follow when she is more relaxed.

EDIT:  Forgot to say the mum is not feral I guess she must have been abandoned after being handled as a young kitten, she loves to be cuddled and I will make sure the kittens do too!



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where abouts are you please, we have lost 2 of our young cats within 10 days of each other this week on the road it isnt even a busy road and we have lived here for 5 years with many cats and have'nt lost any my sister is heart broken and wants another kitten.

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Liz, if you can wait about 6 weeks I will have kittens available; our cat had hers last week, although at the moment she has them hidden so I have no idea re. colour or how many! She comes in for her food and as much as I try to watch her and see where she goes, she is crafty and gives me the slip every time[:@] She had her kittens in the house previously, but this time decided otherwise. I really can't keep them as we already have 5 other cats, so these MUST go.
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[quote user="odile"]Rob, please get her spayed. Thank you. there are just too many kitttens without good homes. Please.

Here, here, Odile!

I can't understand why Rob hasn't had her spayed I was shocked at how openly he posted that it was her second litter, it's a disgrace when so many are homeless.  I'm only in the position of having this mum and kittens because some thoughless 'person' didn't get their cat spayed, which led to mum being born and then abandoned and now mum has kittens.  There is no excuse, get her done!

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[quote user="Russethouse"]Might it be better to get the full story before you make a judgment ?[/quote]

You are probably right but this is a very hot subject for me and from what we know, it's his cat, it's not the cats first litter he needs to rehome them, one assumes this situation could easily have been avoided with spaying.

Anyway back to my original reason for the thread


One of the 4 kittens, just 6 days old


Mum realxing in her nest with one baby sleeping on her.  Mum is beautiful and just came for a walk with me and the dogs so obviously not feeling too bad!

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'.........I was shocked at how openly he posted that it was her second litter, it's a disgrace when so many are homeless.'

I was tempted to ignore your posting as I don't need to justify my actions, but decided to make some observations. Perhaps you would have been happier if I had implied that the cat is left to fend for herself outside and I'm not bothered about her. I wasn't aware that it is a crime for a domestic cat to have more than one litter, as long as the resulting progeny are looked after of course. I appreciate that there are lots of unwanted/abandoned cats about, but none of them are mine as far as I'm aware. I have never, and will never, abandon any of my cats or kittens; I will be doing my best to find good homes for the latest arrivals, but if I can't they will be looked after (and spoilt) like all our other animals.

Russethouse, thanks for your sensible comment (as per usual!)

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[quote user="Rob Roy"]

'.........I was shocked at how openly he posted that it was her second litter, it's a disgrace when so many are homeless.'

I I wasn't aware that it is a crime for a domestic cat to have more than one litter....


It's not a crime no, just not an intelligent choice, more something to be embarrased about IMO,  now please stop hijacking this thread, start your own lets fill the world with kittens thread if you feel the need, please leave me to find homes for these kittens who came about through, as is often the case, ignorance..

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There are literally 1000s of kittens needing re-homing both in UK and France. Any extra kittens mean that others won't find a home = they will be killed or dumped - or will live in a refuge behind bars for the whole of their life.

Sorry - if you care for animals, no excuse.

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'here are literally 1000s of kittens needing re-homing both in UK and France. Any extra kittens mean that others won't find a home = they will be killed or dumped - or will live in a refuge behind bars for the whole of their life.  orry - if you care for animals, no excuse.'

Exactly!  No-one can guarantee that all the kittens you find homes for will be well treated, and if they are not spayed either, there will be hundreds of descendants in a few years.  There's a poster in my vet's explaining this!  No animal lover should have an un-neutered pet unless they are professional breeders of pedigree animals. 

Just a thought tho, shouldn't the orinal post have been on pet rescue rather than this one?

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Thanks Llanthouny, it should have been under rescue, didn't realise there was one!

I now have found homes for 3 out of the 4 so it's just mum and one kitten left, mum will be spayed as soon as the kittens are weaned, all new homes are assurinng me they will be neutered when the kitten are old enough.

I can only agree with your sentiments re keeping  un-neutered pets, but I was shouted down for stating this last time around!

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No Panda, you weren't shouted down for stating your opinion, but for jumping to a conclusion which may have ben unwarranted. Having lived next to people who had between 15 and twenty cats I'm all in favour of spaying...but everyone has the right to make their own decision in the light of their own circumstances, don't they ?
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[quote user="Russethouse"]No Panda, you weren't shouted down for stating your opinion, but for jumping to a conclusion which may have ben unwarranted. Having lived next to people who had between 15 and twenty cats I'm all in favour of spaying...but everyone has the right to make their own decision in the light of their own circumstances, don't they ?[/quote]

Yes, and I have the right to state my opinion on that decision, don't I?

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My French neighbours have kittens born last week and they intend to keep one for themselves. If they cannot find homes for the others then they will have no hesitation in killing the. rest. Yes, it makes me feel quite sick to think about it but I have come to realise that this is happening on a daily basis  and as much as I want to do something to help, apart from the fact I will be away for a few weeks soon, I  Know there are just not enough homes for the volume of kittens produced due to the fact that spaying is not really in the French way. Maybe, that is due to cost or indifference I don't know but I feel so helpless and quite relieved  I will be away when they do the deed. I was asked if I wanted to see them and I declined as it would have mortified me to see them knowing possibly what their fate may be. I would urge anyone taking on a kitten to please help stop this by having the pet "done ". I am certainly not being judgmental and I am sure most English who end up with kittens would never harm them and endeavour to find homes for them  but I am amazed at the amount of kittens on all the  forums that I view and all the kind people who try to help find homes for them. It probably happens in England but I was never aware of so many. I did suggest putting cards in local shops and in the vets but they were just not interested as apparently is would cost to do it.
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It is very very sad. It appears to be the same attitude with neutering and spaying dogs. As you said, it most probably does boil down to cost and indifference but also perhaps due to ignorance. There really does seem to be a great need of a campaign in France to educate people on neutering and spaying.[:(]
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