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Discouraging dogs


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Last year we had new neighbours who have two dogs. Since our last visit in September the dogs seem to have established the area outside our gates as their toilet. Can anyone recommend any products that will deter them without harm. We are getting a bit fed up of having to watch where we put our feet!!!!!!

Thanks in advance
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I have used a pooper scooper to good effect to relocate the crottes from mine to the offending owners doorstep.

It worked like a dream and eventually the tenant could take no more and moved, a bit extreme when all that was needed was to walk the dog but hey ho.

They did however give me a leaving present, the owner or perhaps a friend with a larger gabarit laid a cable in the bottom of my trailer [:-))] I dont know of any dogs with the same calibre and also capable and motivated to climb in and do their business, or indeed any whose staple diet is merguez [;-)]

I know, too much information!

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[quote user="rowland"]Hi Last year we had new neighbours who have two dogs. Since our last visit in September the dogs seem to have established the area outside our gates as their toilet. Can anyone recommend any products that will deter them without harm. We are getting a bit fed up of having to watch where we put our feet!!!!!! Thanks in advance[/quote]

Scrape up the evidence and put it in a paper bag, then place the bag on the neighbours door step; set light to the bag, ring the bell and watch them stamp out the fire. That will focus their mind on training their dogs properly. Remember they are the lazy gits who just let the dogs run out with out any control. [:D]

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There is rarely anything to be gained by falling out with neighbours, especially if you are leaving a property empty for long periods. The first line of action should always be to bring the problem to the attention of the neighbour in as friendly a way as possible to give them the opportunity to try to improve things.

This policy has always worked for me in the many houses we have owned. Some of my colleagues on the other hand seem to have gone out of their way to upset neighbours and while they may have scored points, they have caused themselves endless problems. Life's too short.
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Par for the course around here I am afraid, yes I did provoke the retaliation and if I lived in any other area I would endorse what Alan Zoff says, however, here at least subtle friendly neighbourly negotiation is just taken as a sign of weakness by people who treat everyone else as the enemy.

Actually I do have one not so near neighbour who is quite a decent soul and we get on well but even he, nice as he is, is a Picard de souche and has ripped the ar5e out of my generous nature several times probably without even realising it.

He borows things and they become his, when after 9 months I asked him to return my brand new invertor welder which was getting kicked around the floor of his sous sol he reproached me and told me that I knew where it was if ever I needed to borrow it [:-))]

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[quote user="rowland"]Hi

Last year we had new neighbours who have two dogs. Since our last visit in September the dogs seem to have established the area outside our gates as their toilet. Can anyone recommend any products that will deter them without harm. We are getting a bit fed up of having to watch where we put our feet!!!!!!

Thanks in advance[/quote]

If you can get hold of Jeyes fluid, clear up the dogs mess, and flood the area with Jeyes fluid, the next time the dog has a sniff to see if it's a good place to dump a load he goes off very smartly with his eyes watering!!! The nice thing about it? No harm done to the dog! Just a touch of re-education!!! Works for foxes too!!!!

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