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Dog Excrement.

Mr Wiggy

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You may think that this is a little wicked but. I’m getting so fed up people allowing their dogs to defecate right outside the front and side of my house. On several occasions I only have to put my foot outside to find that I have some dog muck right outside the door and at the side of the house it’s like a toilet. I feel that the only way to stop this is with an ultra sonic deterrent? Can anyone advise, it’s not that I don’t like dogs far from it, it’s the owners who let them do it. I think this is mainly down to people who park overnight in camper vans. Most of the locals carry bags with them.
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As cats etc were attacking our rubbish bags when out for collection we bought from a garden centre some stuff for repelling cats and dogs.  I don't have the name to hand as it is in the garage but I will post the proper name later.

It works a treat on the rubbish bags.  We sprayed it too all around the area up the lane where we put the bags and animals avoid them. Presumably a scent they don't like.

If you can find some and were to spray around your house it might work!!

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Try spraying bleach around, the heavy duty one not the domestic strength. We had a problem with next doors very large aggressive dogs entering our garden and doing what dogs do. Someone suggested the bleach spray and it seems to work. As for the owners that allow dogs to foul the pavements, if you know who they are and where they live, pick up the mess with a scraper put it in a paper bag. Go to their house and make sure they're in,  if they are place the bag on their doorstep, set light to it and ring the bell. It's great fun watching them stamp in the crud.[:D]

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[quote user="Mr Wiggy"]I did drop some into an offender's post box after I pressed it flat, setting alight to it is a bit too drastic and I think illegal as it could be classed as Arson.[/quote]

You really did that? Didn't it escalate a relatively minor (albeit extremely annoying) problem into a major dispute? If someone put dog shit into my post box, no matter how justified they thought themselves to be, I think I'd probably notify the police.

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[quote user="JandM"][quote user="Mr Wiggy"]I did drop some into an offender's post box after I pressed it flat, setting alight to it is a bit too drastic and I think illegal as it could be classed as Arson.[/quote]

You really did that? Didn't it escalate a relatively minor (albeit extremely annoying) problem into a major dispute? If someone put dog shit into my post box, no matter how justified they thought themselves to be, I think I'd probably notify the police.[/quote]

 That's if you knew who dun it, unless of course it had finger prints? [:D]

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Its been an ongoing problem for me from the very first days, very few people walk dogs around here, most are just left to live out their poor existences chained up walking and lying in their own excrement, its therefore not too hard to work out who the suspects are but another thing to catch them in the act.


There are 2 possibly 3 that do it regularly, they walk their dogs and stop outside my place waiting for them to crap on the doorstep before moving on, they only do it when I am not there or they think that I'm not there, I usually come back to lots of offerings when I spend any time in the UK.


My tenants have caught some people out in my absence and taken photos, I have caught some others, a quiet word with the perpetrator usually results in a denial and swiftly followed by aggression and verbal insults, only one guy after initially denying it admitted it after me showing him the photo and he ahs stopped, the others I return the unwanted packages to sender after being certain what hound is responsible for which crottes, I am becoming quite an expert.


There was a Young single mother in the cassoce building just up the road, of course she just had to have a pit bull to keep the baby company in the upstairs flat without a garden, she would let it out, Watch it waddle down the road and then shout for it to stop once outside my door, not wanting to put it in her letter box I put a whole job lot of them collected on my return from the UK onto her doormat.


Not long after she moved out but she got I assume one of her friends to leave me a leaving present, someone laid a cable in my trailer [:(] Dogs dont usually leap over a 1m high wooden hurdle to do their business and this was definitely human.

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