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Going to DRIRE in person


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I'm in a bit of a rush to get my car registered before I return to the UK in 3 weeks. I haven't done it before now as we're still not 100% sure if we're staying here. However due to family illness we are on a mercy mission back to the UK. So I 've just spoken with the DVLA and realised I've made a huge mistake by listening to one of their 'people' a few months ago when they told me to declare SORN - yes I did explain I was living in France!  [:@]

Anyway, no use crying over spilt milk as they say so best get on and get registered quickly.

So having read the 'how to' info from SD which is great, I was wondering if it was possible to visit DRIRE in person to get my attestation certificate issued straight away?

Also, I've been doing a lot of searches on "Certificat de conformite" but I can't see if there is an advantage in applying to the manufacturer rather than going to DRIRE?  Except DRIRE is cheaper from what I can gather.

And finally, I will need to visit my local prefecture but I'm not too sure what that is - any ideas how I would find them in Pages Jaunes?

many thanks in advance

from a slightly, stressed




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We went to the manufacturer to get a certificate. This came back as a 'partial' one so we had to go to the DRIRE  anyway! We went in person, but it all took many letters and weeks until it was all sorted!

From start to finish our car took over 6 months until we finally got the Carte Gris! This was issued by the prefecture when we finally presented all the correct paperwork! This can vary, so we originally went to them and they gave us a list of the papers required.

Look on http://www.pagesjaunes.fr  and enter prefecture and your department number.

Good luck


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It depends on the vehicle. Newer ones have a copy of the European certificate of conformity with the vehicle documentation. So there is no charge, no need to go to DRIRE. If it is too old, or you bought second hand and never got the certificate, some manufacturers may give you a copy of the certificate (we have had one for free from Peugeot, though others have had to pay).

If it is a vehicle of a type sold in France then it will most likely be on the DRIRE database, so you should be able to get an attestation from DRIRE while you wait, on demand (there is a charge, though all they have to do is to print out a standard letter). It is when you have an unusual vehicle that it becomes impossible to get the paperwork together quickly. And some DRIRE offices are known for being slow and/or awkward so are likely to insist on you making an appointment.

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Normally the DRIRE issue attestations by post, but if you call in person with all the correct documents (quittus fiscal, CT certificate, V5C, original invoice/receipt) plus a set of photocopies, smile nicely and explain the urgency, they'll probably do it whilst you wait.  Tell them you're on your way to the prefecture as you speak.....

Download a copy of the application form [url=http://www.poitou-charentes.drire.gouv.fr/vehicules/RTI/7-5-2RCR19.pdf]HERE[/url] and fill it in before you go.  It has an English help sheet attached to it.

Don't tell them how long you've been running around in an illegal car (or the reason why!) - as far as they're concerned, you've just officially exported the car from the UK and you need a fast track French registration to be able to return there urgently for family reasons.

If the the official signatory is out of the office, they'll check that everything's been completed correctly and post the attestation on to you.  Should only take a few days at most.

Your prefecture is the equivalent of the UK County Hall.  They handle all motor vehicle registrations.  Addresses as follows:


ZI Nord - 135, rue Philippe Le Bon
tél. 02 51 47 76 00


29, rue Delille

Cartes grises: 10h-11h30 et 13h30-16h30


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I can confirm what S.D. says about a nice smile.

When I went to DRIRE in person they wanted me to fill in a form to request the attestation, the various vehicle weights required on the form were not in my car's handbook or on the VIN plate (2001 Skoda) or at least not in the format that they wanted.

They told me that without the information they could not accept the form and issue the attestation.

So with a nice smile I asked (in broken french) "is there anything that you can do to help me"?

After much deliberation he printed off the attestation which contained the information that I had to have to request the information! - so I copied it, handed in the form and the fee and they gave the attestation to me!

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