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Speed Cameras or wind up??


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Would they really be that crafty?



Surely not [:P]

Was sent these images this morning - suggestions anyone?

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Depend who "they" are?

Were the pictures taken in France or England?


I think that I have worked it out!

The barrier is in the central reservation on an english motorway, looks like the channel tunnel high speed rail link running from london to Folkestone. If so then they have already had "specs" average speed monitoring there, this could be the next generation now that the original temporary road works system hase become "established"!

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UK Road Transport lab report actually says it safer to have them hidden. Apparently quite a few accidents are caused on UK roads as when somebody sees the brightly coloured speed camera their reaction is to brake hard - even if they are driving within the speed limit. Of course on open clear road the driver behind does not expect person in front to slam on the brakes and -> accident. Road Transport research group (whatever then name is, the government group) report says this is quite a problem and needs to be sorted as they are causing more accidents than they are preventing (although in all probability the accidents they are causing are less serious than the ones they are preventing).

Report was some time ago and reported on BBC or Guardian internet (RSS) thingy.


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[quote user="chris pp"]

Briefly poke my nose in, what is wrong with speed cameras being concealed?

Surely it makes more sense if people don't know where they are, that would eventually get people to remain within the legal speed limit, which I would have thought was the idea.




I do actually agree with you Chris.  I never understood the point of highlighting the fact that they were there.  I have only ever received one speeding fine.  I was gutted[:'(]  I was sure I was within the limit and smiled nicely at the Gendarme as I drove past, merrily thinking "your'e not getting me, sucker".  Several days later I had a 90Euro fine drop through the letter box[6].  I do agree that there is a need for speed cameras but why are they never sited outside schools and through towns?  Why do they always seem to be on the open road?  Hmmm.......now let me see.  Suggestions on a postcard please![:P] 

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[quote user="chris pp"]

Briefly poke my nose in, what is wrong with speed cameras being concealed?

Surely it makes more sense if people don't know where they are, that would eventually get people to remain within the legal speed limit, which I would have thought was the idea.




If they are right, then why hide like thieves in the night!!

unless of course, they are not meant to slow people down. Speeding offences in the UK are on the up despite them being painted brightly, so hiding them can only make it worse in my book. Pity we cannot substitute each camera for an actual police officer in a car, but hey, they wouldn't make any money out of that, and the officer might be tempterd to wonder off and reduce the crime figures elsewhere
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[quote user="chief"][quote user="chris pp"]

Briefly poke my nose in, what is wrong with speed cameras being concealed?

Surely it makes more sense if people don't know where they are, that would eventually get people to remain within the legal speed limit, which I would have thought was the idea.




If they are right, then why hide like thieves in the night!!

unless of course, they are not meant to slow people down. Speeding offences in the UK are on the up despite them being painted brightly, so hiding them can only make it worse in my book. Pity we cannot substitute each camera for an actual police officer in a car, but hey, they wouldn't make any money out of that, and the officer might be tempterd to wonder off and reduce the crime figures elsewhere[/quote]

Surely offences are only on the up because more people are being caught??

I like the idea of the average speed checkers as so many people just brake when they approach a camera.

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The thing is that this government department report identified that the cameras were actually causing accidents. People going along within the speed limits suddenly see the camera and immediately jam on the brakes. sort of instinctive reaction which is not surprising. That is certainly why they recommended that the cameras were not made obvious (i.e. get rid of the yellow backs that were put there to make them stand out to drivers).

In practice its pretty easy to make a mistake and allow your speed to creep over the limit every now and again. I find this particularly true after coming off a fast motorway or dual carriageway straight into a 30 mph limit. a recent report (within the last couple of months from a government department again) identified that speed was actually not the massive cause of all the accidents that had been previously thought but that "bad driving", in particular failing to pay decent attention was the highest cause of accidents - and speed cameras do nothing about that.

There are lots of laws and people break loads of them all the time and are not "done" for it. Discarding a cigarette end in the street is "breaking the law". UK has so many laws these days even the police have started breaking them (e.g. a recent police recruitment drive to recruit officers from ethnic minorities).


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There are lots of laws and people break

loads of them all the time and are not "done" for it. Discarding a

cigarette end in the street is "breaking the law".

Yes but dropping a cigarette doesn't kill people. And  yes people should be 'done' for these other offences especially if there was an easy sytem of enforcing it. With speeding and cameras there is. So it should be used!

It is not possible to stop people driving badly but it is possible to try and get people to stick to speed limits. If you find the speed limit is wrong, campaign to get that changed not just moan when you get a ticket!

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....It is not possible to stop people driving badly but it is possible to try and get people to stick to speed limits. If you find the speed limit is wrong, campaign to get that changed not just moan when you get a ticket! .......

I think you contradict yourself. Speeding is driving badly, and if you can solve speeding by using cameras, why not tackle other areas of bad driving. Fact is, as is poionted out before, less than 7% of accidents involve excessive speed, and thats according to the police who investigate them. It seems in the UK that you can drive drunk, off your head on cocaine, without a licence and insurance as long as you do it within the speed limit and no one cares anymore. Another case of the masses being brainwashed and shafted by this govt of ours. I guess next your going to tell me there is a massive terrorist threat and the only solution to that problem is carrying an expensive ID card. I think the obsession with speed cameras has actually turned road safety into a joke. Cameras should not be hidden because in the UK they are alledgedly only placed at blackspots, and i personaaly want as much warning as possible as to increased danger on the road whether i am speeding or not. 93% of accidents involve cars travelling within the prescribed limits...these drivers need early warnings not stealth taxation. Hands up, i speed. I will take it seriously when the govt does...
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I guess next your going to tell me there is a massive terrorist threat

and the only solution to that problem is carrying an expensive ID card.

I wasn't planning on it.

When i was talking about bad driving i was referring to the point raised by Ian in the previous post.

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yes i put up my hand as well for speeding I have a Honda Blackbird which is a 200mph bike

i've done over 170mph on m/ways and track days drove up the A9 (60mph limit) in Scotland at over 130mph now that road is a killer not for speeding but for people who do 40-50mph  and hold up

people who need to get to work and the likes so try to overtake at any chance

the only time i've had any trouble is a) very poor roads ie pot holes and the likes b) in town with cars and people pulling/walking out in front of me

ps i dont drive like that all the time and i hate being told what to do all time thats why i moved to france because the way GB is going i would have ended up in jail for speeding while the killer and the like would be walking the streets 

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