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Not French drving, BUT...


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Baz, it would have been a roadside scamera van which films continuously. The height of the camera confirms this.

I usually stick my tounge out when passing one as I find it just too difficult to moon and drive at the same time [blink]

If they decided to track me down and prosecute me I'd go to court willingly just to show them up for the petty miserable motherless pillocks they are [:)]



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[quote user="trees 2"]Amazing, isn't it? Call the cops to report a burgalry etc, get a crime number, and usually, no visit.[:(]

Flip one of their Scameras the bird, etc, and they'll chase you to the ends of the earth.


I really don't want to live in a society in which people are allowed to choose which laws they observe and which they don't...

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="trees 2"]Amazing, isn't it? Call the cops to report a burgalry etc, get a crime number, and usually, no visit.[:(]

Flip one of their Scameras the bird, etc, and they'll chase you to the ends of the earth.


I really don't want to live in a society in which people are allowed to choose which laws they observe and which they don't...


The French have done that for years. ignore the laws that they do-not like,thing it is a lot to do with the revolution.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="trees 2"]Amazing, isn't it? Call the cops to report a burglary etc, get a crime number, and usually, no visit.

Flip one of their Scameras the bird, etc, and they'll chase you to the ends of the earth.


I really don't want to live in a society in which people are allowed to choose which laws they observe and which they don't...


I don't recall there being an anti-mooning law in England.  Did Tony and Cheri slip one in whilst I was away? 

Naturally, mooning at a police camera would be an aggravated offence.

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One of my tech college mates was I believe the first ever person to be prosecuted for "mooning", it was not long after the release of American graffiti, I reckon 1976.

He made front page news in the then sleepy new town, now even the murders are not guaranteed to make the cover!

He was prosecuted for indecency, having and I quote "exhibited his bare backside out of a car window", so sorry but the statute is already there.

One of my customers was Transport for London (TFL) specifically the reincarnated traffic control systems unit, they were responsible at the time for the first traffic light/box junction cameras, then the bus land and congestion charging cameras. 

There  was a wall of fame exhibit of still and seqential video shots showing some amusing and also horrific accidents involving people juumping lights together with motorcyclists with blanked out number plates giving the finger to the cameras and one memorable (because she must have been a model or porn star) female pillion passenger mooning in both the forward and reverse seating (actually standing) position on the same evening. The other hairy ar5ed biker moon shots were instantly relegated in favor of that one.

Data protection act?

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[quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="trees 2"]Amazing, isn't it? Call the cops to report a burgalry etc, get a crime number, and usually, no visit.[:(]

Flip one of their Scameras the bird, etc, and they'll chase you to the ends of the earth.


I really don't want to live in a society in which people are allowed to choose which laws they observe and which they don't...


And what law, pray, forbids rude gestures at a CAMERA?

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Try this one...

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is an offence to indecently expose oneself. Indecent exposure is defined as someone, male or female, exposing their genitals intending another person to see them and thereby to cause alarm or distress to them. The offence is covered by section 66 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, with the maximum penalty being imprisonment of two years.

The rude gesture in question occurred in a public place (on the highway) and the deliberate downward displacement of the individuals underpants is likely to have exposed the  genitals at some point.  The fact that a camera was present is immaterial.



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Well you can be prosecuted for NOT knowing who wasa driving a car registered in your name, so I suppose anything is possible.

How on EARTH this shower have managed to uproot one of the basic tenets of British justice, (innocent until proven guilty), I'll NEVER understand.

Probably did it the same way as they keep applying retrospective legislation.........

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Assuming, for the pupose of argument, that he was getting changed, he was not wearing a seat belt which is certainly an offence for him and possibly for the driver also, for allowing a passenger to travel without a seat belt fastened.

Either way, he gets done.

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[quote user="trees 2"]

Well you can be prosecuted for NOT knowing who wasa driving a car registered in your name, so I suppose anything is possible.


Not quite.

The registered keeper of the vehicle who does not provide details of the identity of the driver commits an offence - unless he shows to the satisfaction of the court that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained who the driver of the vehicle or, as the case may be, the rider of the cycle was.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is an offence to indecently expose oneself. Indecent exposure is defined as someone, male or female, exposing their genitals intending another person to see them and thereby to cause alarm or distress to them. The offence is covered by section 66 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, with the maximum penalty being imprisonment of two years. [/quote]

SD: I thought that "mooning" consisted of exposing the backside; this is borne out by the photograph that accompanied the original post, in which the alleged offender's genitals are modestly concealed.

However, I yield to your superior knowledge, in these as in other matters.

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