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Implications of getting flashed by UK speed cameras


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Thanks Bugbare

I need to make a quick dash and I mean a quick dash to oxfordshire on the FJR1300

I know I can do the tunnel to just north of oxford in just over 75 minutes Ish just have not done the road for 6 years so its going to be one hell of a light show !!


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[quote user="dave21478"]why not leave earlier and drive slower?

French plates will be of little protection should you encounter police officers on the road and will be no use at all in the aftermath of an accident.


I think you'll find that Marks comments were tongue in cheek Dave [:D]


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[quote user="mark224"]I need to make a quick dash and I mean a quick dash to oxfordshire on the FJR1300

I know I can do the tunnel to just north of oxford in just over 75 minutes Ish just have not done the road for 6 years so its going to be one hell of a light show !![/quote]Seems pretty clear to me that this is meant in complete sincerity. By his own admission he has done it before and why the question otherwise ?

Has anyone done the maths ?

Folkestone to Oxford is 135m which in 75 minutes is an average of 108mph !

Mark you are a complete bl00dy idiot and I hope you get caught and jailed [:@]

Shame on anyone for encouraging him too whether meant in jest or not !

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Well done, Another.  Until you have lost someone because of a dangerous driver, you don't know about the enduring pain.  I lost a friend this way when I was 16.  She was 15, beautiful, clever.  Her death broke up her parents' marriage.  The driver moved abroad to start a new life.  She didn't have that chance.

The pain never leaves you.

Mark - just leave more time for your journey.  You won't regret it.

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Well said Ernie and Cathy.  Mark, if you're for real then you're a braggart and a prat and to be honest, if you kill yourself, you bloody well deserve it.  Obviously you don't care about the consequences of you driving that fast in the event of you having an accident and if you do think about it, you're an uncaring and stupid man.

If you're just trying to wind people up in here, why don't you get a life and go elsewhere to do it.

Edited for content:  Mark, just an afterthought, if you drive that fast in the UK - and how silly is it to come into a public forum and ask whether you will face sactions for breaking the law in the UK and then telling people how you will do it - I'm sure that you will be doing the same either locally or driving through France.  I wouldn't worry about whether you'll get flashed in the UK, you've given enough information on here about your post code and the type of bike you drive to enable people who are concerned about road safety in 24 to be able to have a quiet word with your local gendarme brigade before you have an accident which may involve somebody locally.

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[quote user="AnOther"]

Folkestone to Oxford is 135m which in 75 minutes is an average of 108mph !


If we were lucky, it used to take us that amount of time to get from Folkestone to Central London, never mind getting to Oxford, and it could take at least 2 hours on a bad day.


Very foolish.

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You are a very very naughty boy.

Motorcyclists in Australia are called temporary citizens...

The old bill where I lived in UK used our local twisty B roads for fast response training - I absolutely positively do not know of anyone that would do them on the bends and they never reported such incidents???

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Thanks for the positive comments on this subject

My last post was at 20.24 on the 27/07/2009 ,By 20.50 I was on my bike and heading north some 491 miles to the tunnel .

Not a bad run five hours and few odd minutes but that did not include filling up just before the tunnel.

Now on the other side it was much better ,more vehicles on the road even at that time of night  and they drive on the wrong side !

Made the 132 miles to the john Radcliff hospital in 58 minutes .


“Why  the dash”


Well all you posters that have climbed   up on your all mighty box to tell me how wrong I was ,are as guilty as the cage driver who when questioned by the police  said




I was lucky I got to spend the last five hours odd with a long time friend that has now left this world .



After 31 years riding motor cycles 10 of them racing at a high level and to many miles to count . I moved to France and enjoy the respect and space that the French drivers  give motor cycles , In the five years that I have been hear it has only been Brit plated cars that have pulled out on me “sorry mate I didn’t see you “

I still ride fast and enjoy it and still have a clean license and have had for 30 years!


So stand on your boxes all you wont

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[quote user="mark224"]After 31 years riding motor cycles 10 of them racing at a high level and to many miles to count . I moved to France and enjoy the respect and space that the French drivers  give motor cycles , In the five years that I have been hear it has only been Brit plated cars that have pulled out on me “sorry mate I didn’t see you “

I still ride fast and enjoy it and still have a clean license and have had for 30 years![/quote]Typical self serving justification BTW and all it proves is that you should know better.

And you're STILL a pratt !

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"I was lucky I got to spend the last five hours odd with a long time friend that has now left this world"

Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?  That would have made everything OK, leaving you to ride at stupid speeds without being criticised by everyone here.

Of course, you'd have looked even more stupid if you'd been killed before you even got to your friends' hospital bed.

Then again, after 31 years riding motor cycles 10 of them racing at a high level and to many miles to count, you're probably invulnerable ...[8-)]



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Leave him alone, have you ever had a motorcycle?

They thought at one time that it was inpossible to breathe at over 12 mph.

Speed doesn't kill or everyone in an airplane would die.

When you need an urgent transplant you will be glad there is a motorcyclist to rush the organ to you.

Calm down and chill out. Go wash your Morris Minor.

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There's no educating pork, trouble is the road is not closed for racing, save it for the track; the road is full of morons, some of whom might get in your way. You might even hurt them, God forbid.

We might have all got a buzz from speeding sometimes, but reality kicks in too;
in these grusome but salutory shots, the biker couldn't stop.

Not for the squeamish


Swedish drive and stay alive campaign

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1 - if this was sucan urgent matter, why did you waste time initially posting questions on  internet forum.

2 - 132 miles in 58 minutes....averaging over 130 mph and doubtless touching peak speeds significantly higher for such a sustained period is beyond idiocy.

infact, I will go out on a limb and call bullsh1t/boasting/windup on this one. Surely nobody is that stupid? never mind thick enough to boast about it on the internet before and after the event?

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]Of course, you'd have looked even more stupid if you'd been killed before you even got to your friends' hospital bed. [/quote]Not to mention just the sort of news a dying man needs that his long time friend has wiped himself out rushing to see him !

Dog: Daft post and even dafter analogy

A police motorcyclist rushing an organ to a waiting patient would be highly trained and be on twos & blues.

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And for anyone who thinks this sort of road use is "ok" - have a look at this video...

click here

it shows a couple of guys having high speed fun on bikes. Are they good, experienced riders? I couldnt tell you, I would say not as IMO they ride like a pair of c****, but one of them pays the ultimate price at the end. Plenty people would blame the car driver - but is he realy to blame? in the 1.5 seconds or so between where he would have checked his mirror and where he pulls out, the bike has gone from hidden from his view 2 cars behind him to bouncing off his bodywork. In this particular case, I dont give a stuff about the biker, his death comes as no surprise at all. I feel sorry for the poor s0d coming the other way.

If the OP really rides at these speeds, I would say his time is very limited indeed.

EDITED - the word" s0d" is blanked out by the forums swear filter, yet the C word isnt? Apologies for that.

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[quote user="mark224"]


After 31 years riding motor cycles 10 of them racing at a high level and to many miles to count . I moved to France and enjoy the respect and space that the French drivers  give motor cycles , In the five years that I have been hear it has only been Brit plated cars that have pulled out on me “sorry mate I didn’t see you “

I still ride fast and enjoy it and still have a clean license and have had for 30 years!



You are welcome to run into the back of my 2 ton VW bus if you care to try to pass me at 100mph plus just as I'm pulling out to pass something slow.

I won't expect you to be going that fast, I'll be doing my usual 90kph, say 55mph, and probably [u]won't[/u] see you at that closing speed. Hope you have good insurance, the two bikes on the rack at the back are quite expensive, and it probably won't do the engine much good either.

I may feel a slight bump, not inconvenient, but don't fancy cleaning up the mess after you go through the bike rack (or it goes through you).

Last time I had to do that my wife and I were trying to tie a pad over a hole in a skull through which we could see the brains. It was in Spain, and I didn't speak spanish then. Two Guardia Civil, on bikes, were trying to commandeer a car, but no-one wanted to take the casualty to hospital, which was a long way away. Finally the GC loaded the casualty into a car, which sped off. A few km further on we found the casualty had been dumped in a local farmacia (chemist). I stopped and walked back there. She was dead, so I mumbled my respects and retreived the bloodstained blanket we had wrapped around her, as she was shivering, in August. I thought it was a pretty miserable, lonely and slow way to die. Fortunately the kids were young enough to be interested rather than frightened as they watched from inside the van.

Come to think of it - just stay away from me, please.



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