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Vehicle Type Approval Number and c of c


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Thanks Chancer. The 'attestation d'identification' is the same as a 'certificat d'identification' .... yes?

From DREAL.... "Ce n'est pas mon service qui délivre les certificat européen mais le constructeur du véhicule . Il faut vous adresser à Mercédes France pour  obtenir soit un certificat d'identification qui vous permettra d'aller directement en Préfecture pour avoir une carte grise française soit une attestation de conformité que vous joindrez au dossier".Hmm
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I think the problem you have is that your department is one of the 8 that have piloted the fusion of various bodies including the DRIRE into the DREAL. http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/creation_dreal_meeddat_6852.php4

They probably at this point in time have no idea what they are responsible for and I am certain the same DRIRE fonctionnaires are carrying out the same function but under the umbrella of DREAL, the mission of DRIRE has not changed.

Other departements are due to incorporate the DRIRE into the DREAL before Jan 2011 but these things are always reported several times, 2015 is probably more realisticbut by no means departements all if they have a specific something or other (towards the end of the article. 

Here in Picardie we have a DRIRE and a DREAL.

I have 2 suggestions for you.

Do a google.fr search for your departement for DRIRE, if you find it go there in person and ask, nay insist on an attestation de conformité for your vehicle if it is on their database.

Or find a DRIRE in a neighbouring departement and do the same.

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We were told last week that for the CT we should just turn up - i specifically said what should I bring & was told, just the car! I turn up, different bloke who refuses to do the CT test without the CofC, saying he can no longer do them without the CofC! So as the Haute Vienne is now a DREAL/DRIRE combined unit, when astrying to find the place, we presume it's now in Limoges. It's definitiely chicken & mouse - no CT no CofC, no CofC, no CT - who works that one out?
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We have been getting our Jeep CT'ed since moving to France six years ago and have never been asked for a COC, despite the vehicle still being in UK plates. I know, so don't tell me, 'should have been on French plates after six months' - we will be applying for French regn. next week using a COC obtained through www.eurococ.eu. Living in France is like living in lots of different countries - the rules seem to depend on which part you happen to live in!

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No actually there is only one law in France and it said that you had to get your car reregistered.

One can only wonder why your insurance company let you do this and if they would have actually covered you if there had been a problem.

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The code de la route requires all motor vehicles and trailers being used on the road to have been type approved for use in France.

"Le fait de mettre ou maintenir en circulation un véhicule à moteur ou une remorque sans qu'il ait fait l'objet d'une réception est puni de l'amende prévue pour les contraventions de la quatrième classe."

Perhaps the controle technique centres have been instructed not to do tests on unregistered imported vehicles where the owner can't produce evidence of type approval confirming that the vehicle meets this requirement.......


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Yeh, we have a Type Approval on the V5C, with an e-number, but have been told this is a UK Type Approval number and must be changed for a French one, which will cost......

When we asked about checking it in the DRIRE system we meet a stone wall. I know it's only a one off payment, but what the heck is the point of being in the EU if it is not a Union, remember we are talking about a car that was manufactured in France, exported for use in the Uk and now trying to be reregistered in France.

I enclose below from the French website their copy about the C of C: I translate it as saying to A COMMUNITY TYPE APPROVAL.

Justificatifs techniques de conformité si le certificat d'immatriculation ne comprend pas l'ensemble des informations nécessaires à l'immatriculation :

pour les véhicules conformes à un type communautaire :

soit le certificat de conformité européen original,

Le certificat de conformité à un type CE pourra être l'original restitué par les autorités de l'État dans lequel était immatriculé le véhicule, le duplicata du certificat délivré par le constructeur ou son représentant dans le pays, ou la copie du certificat certifiée conforme par les autorités du pays.

L'attestation d'identification à un type national et le certificat de conformité d'origine.

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