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Canadian D&D charge (driving in France question)


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My father was charged for drinking and driving here in Canada and now his his licence back but has to use a breathalyzer to start the car. Will he be allowed to drive a rental car in France? I am traveling over to do the driving anyways but It would be nice to know if he can drive too.

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It is. And exactly.

There are plenty of occasions on here where random responses are posted in French: many a great deal more complex for non-native speakers than the one I posted, some paragraphs long and with only partial or tangential relevance to the OP. Was there some particular reason why my response warranted special attention for being in French?

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And one would sort of imagine that most canadians actually spoke/understood some french. There seemed to be a lot of things in french even in Ontario, although I have to say, things in english were rather more lacking in Quebec[Www]

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Now that I have started my rentals I seem to be getting nothing but enquiries from Quebecois thanks to word of mouth.

It is the first time in 9 years that I have been able to speak or mail in English because their English is better than my French and I just cannot follow their accent even face to face.

Seems normal to me to show an article in French to a Quebecois, translating it would create possibilities for error or misunderstanding. editted, just seen that it was Ontario.

ANO You have frequently posted French texts on forums, I was pleased to think that your French comprehension had massively improved but then I suspected that you were making good use of the translation programs which in any case helps with Learning.

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Lest there have been any misunderstanding, I fully realise that it's not a given that someone from Ontario would understand French, as I do have a passing grasp of Canadian Geography and demographics. I imagined that even without French skills, the OP could manage to run the phrase through Google translate and come up with a reasonable equivalent in English.

If not, I apologise. I should probably have gone the extra mile, after spending my time googling to find an accurate response, and done a verbatim translation of the original sentence. After all, it's not as if I have a life....[:D]

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No need to apologise Betty but equally no need to get snippy, it was a lighthearted but genuine inquiry.


for posting in French Chancer you'll be extremely hard pressed to find a post where I have posted something in French without including some sort of  explanation in English which to my mind is both courteous

and reasonable on an English speaking forum.

In the case in point,

and regardless of whether an Ontarian was likely to understand French or not, or other forum readers, had Betty simply written 'Yes' in answer to the actual question everybody

would have got it instantly leaving the French quote as a purely academic appendage.

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Here's the deal. After umptyteen years in forumland, if I've learned nothing else, I've certainly learned that if I'd just posted "Yes" there would have followed a flurry of "how do you know's" and "Prove it's" and "What's your source's" and people citing instances where they'd hired a car, written it off, yet despite them only having a provisional licence and a string of convictions for drink-driving, they had been welcomed with open arms by Hertz, Avis, Europcar et al, who were all falling over them and practically begging them to drive one of their vehicles. And yes, of course there was no problem at all with the write-off.

I've read many a post on here from people who have quoted entire paragraphs of French legalese without so much as a link to Google translate, and nobody has batted a virtual eyelid, so I was a tad surprised that a sentence of no more than a few words attracted a query.

Perhaps we could get some of the other non-French words so frequently and casually bandied about on here removed from posts? I have no idea why people need to post about fosses and maires and artisans and so on when there's a perfectly adequate English word for all of them, but it's just accepted and it's what we do (for I am not immune from this disease).

Thank Wooly's Bobo that there isn't an Academie Francaise controlling our posts on here, or the vast majority would be hauled over the coals!

Anyway, I took the time and the trouble to find a reference, and I posted an answer to the OP. If it's too much trouble or effort for either the OP or anyone else to run it through an online translator (always assuming they don't understand it in French) then p'raps I should have saved myself the bother?

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Anyone ever wants to pull me up about just putting a french link up on a forum called France Forum is welcome to do so, but what the xxxx, the clue is in the name.

So,I'll not do a translation or an english link, really any comments would be a waste of time. And that is how I feel about it.[:D]

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Betty and NH posting in French is what the Law says. If you mistranslate (and I know you are both fluent) you will be attacked. Better for anyone interested to do the translation themselves, either from their knowledge of via an online translator and any mistranslation is down to them.
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Thank you everyone for hijacking my question. I live in Canada. I speak french. What is the big deal. I had a serous question and I needed an answer to plan my trip this summer. If no one had a good answer just don't post. I will find a more informative place to go as it appears everyone is more into arguing about who speaks french rather then helping a guy out. Thanks. Oh wait. I am from Canada. Thanks , Merci.
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[quote user="Mattyj198"]Thank you everyone for hijacking my question. I live in Canada. I speak french. What is the big deal. I had a serous question and I needed an answer to plan my trip this summer. If no one had a good answer just don't post. I will find a more informative place to go as it appears everyone is more into arguing about who speaks french rather then helping a guy out. Thanks. Oh wait. I am from Canada. Thanks , Merci.[/quote]

What is the big deal?

Less than an hour after you asked your serious question, it was fully and accurately answered from an official source in a language you understand.

But feel free to flounce off to a more informative place. [:P]

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Perhaps the OP did not like the official answer and wanted someone else to say 'no problem at all, France lets you do whatever you like.

Perhaps he will now use:



Either that or he thinks he cannot trust Betty (sorry, cannot do a DEVIL smilie)
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[quote user="Mattyj198"]Thank you everyone for hijacking my question. I live in Canada. I speak french. What is the big deal. I had a serous question and I needed an answer to plan my trip this summer. If no one had a good answer just don't post. I will find a more informative place to go as it appears everyone is more into arguing about who speaks french rather then helping a guy out. Thanks. Oh wait. I am from Canada. Thanks , Merci.[/quote]

I posted the official answer, in French, from the official source, right after you posted your question. I guess it didn't meet with your approval. Oh wait, you're from Canada. Where people must be so far up their own anatomy that they can't be bothered to read what has been written.

Once your question was answered, we all moved on. Get over it. We have.

No need to thank me, by the way.

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