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A word of warning to Brtish motorists driving in France with UK registered cars. A very close relative of mine has just received a speeding fine from the French authorities after being flashed by a speed camera last summer.

The French don't ask who was driving as the English police do, they just send the fine to the owner. There have been rumours for some time now that the French police had access to the DVLA, but this is the first time I've heard of someone being caught.

One bright light on the horizon is that the Gilets Jaunes have vandalised a large percentage of fixed cameras, but be sure that the Gendarmes will be sighting up the mobile cameras around Calais and other ports this summer, after all the French need the income as Mr Macron is facing financial problems. LOL
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Mac wrote the following post at 16/03/2019 12:22:

Really. Do you mean you just ignore the speed limits?

Not all people ignore the limits at all, just that some people do make mistakes. It's not difficult with a carload of kids and the expectations of enjoying a good holiday still, I take it from your curt reply you don't. So good luck, I just wish I was perfect in every way, sadly I'm not.
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Actually Nick P -I'm not perfect and was caught speeding in the UK before we moved here. However I would never assume or expect that I could flout the speeding rules and not get caught or fined just because I had a foreign plated car. Since foing my speed awareness course in the UK some years ago I try very hard to stick to the national speed limits of whichever country I'm driving in. Getting distracted by kids or the thought of your holiday is surely the best way to have an accident-just as being distracted by a mobile.
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Mac nobody is advocating deliberately flouting the law in any way shape or form, I was merely pointing out that your reply was a bit "po faced". I then added that we are only human and sometimes? Anyway, you are obviously not on my wavelength so let us just agree to disagree. Happy St Patricks day.
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