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Do they get extra points for printing this stuff?


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Anything goes wrong in France, just blame Brexit. What the flipping 'eck? She has a French driving licence and has French Nationality and she blames Brexit. Your question Lehaut should be, do they get extra for writing such drivel, well, yes they do as Politico is an EU propaganda sheet. Unfortunately in today's media coverage, it's very difficult to find a non-biased opinion. ?
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Well NickP, obviously no points on their licence, they cannot drive at the moment! 

Maybe they should have been in more of a hurry to convert their licence than getting nationalite.

Ofcourse, as a french person, their french should be excellent, and they could do a french driving test! That would sort it.

We had the problem the other way round changing my husband's french licence for a UK one. He had  passed his test in France. We did get it done though, and that reminds me of another poster who was having problems, I hope they got sorted.

Me, I had to change my UK licence into a french one early on, such were the rules then, and it was easy enough to reconvert once I returned to the UK, as one is limited as to how long one can drive in the UK on an overseas licence having passed the test in the UK originally.

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Did she mention having photo copies of her carte nationale d'identite, or her french permit de conduire?

NOPE, not that I read..........and IF she is french as she states that is what she will have. Why on earth would she mention a residency card. It is a carte nationale d'identite that french people have.


And my husband passed his test in France, first time, code de la route and driving. We had been in France for two years then, and arrived with a handful of words................. so it is more than possible.

This article as far as I am concerned was a load of drivel.

I am so glad that life was so different and actually hard for us when we moved to France. Nothing in english, we had to justify our goods when we moved, get carte de sejours proving income, change driving licences. And then it all relaxed and you get silly people like the person who wrote this bleating article, boo hoo. I have a complete lack of sympathy.

The only thing that was OK about this, was pointing out that there are thieves in France, as there are every where else.

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