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I will undercut him [:P][:D]


I have just moved 3 contracts to them, am currently in the 10 day cooling off period where nothing can happen, it was very easy and I get the impression that like Free.fr they are going to be very unFrench which is great by me!


Be aware that when you sign up you wont be shown the 8% reduction deal, you might think that you were mistaken but dont carry on, in smaller print there is a link to click saying show me other deals or somethingortheother.


You also get €20 as the filleule, I've got €60 coming my way!

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Thank you for your good advice.

Chance, as you already have 60 euros coming, I think it's only right that Norman be my sponsor.  Besides, he did get there first!

Norman, could you please give me your details to go on the application?  Either PM or email would be fine.

Thanks, again, both[:)]

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I'm sorry but according to the rules you laid down I should be first because I PM'd you, Norman replied with a posting.


What do you mean you didnt get the PM.......................


Easiest way is for Norman to invite you to accept his parrainage, they will give him an e-mail of invitation to send you and you just click on the link and follow it through, doubtless it works your way but you might miss-spell the E-mail address, my parrain suggested this way and it worked just fine for me.


I recieved a form inviting me to apply for the social electricity tarif which I sent off, of course its a complete fonctionnaire government department just to administrate it so instead of EDF doing it in a few days it will doubtless take months, its already been 6 weeks, changing supplier while my dossier is in someones inbox awaiting the decision whether to lose it or return it as incomplete is no doubt asking for trouble but then its one of my few pleasures in life!

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Chance, I don't know where you get the energy (no pun intended!) from to go out of your way looking for trouble!  Maybe not in this case, but you do seem to make life hard for yourself.  Obviously some masochistic tendencies there....

I will look at the formule today or tomorrow and I will put down Norman's name as my parrain and, fingers crossed, all will be well.

Otherwise, I'll ask Norman to propose me.

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As Norman is notorious for not reading his PMs and as a service to others, I am replying here!

I went on-line but was not given the choice not to have HC so I had to make contact by phone.  Spoke to some bloke with a horrendous accent (sniff..I swear it wasn't MY accent that made that a long and complicated call[:P]) and eventually succeeded.

At this point, I must say a special thank you to Chance because the bloke tried reading out to me a 5% reduction.  I had to stop him in mid spiel and told him that I couldn't be bothered to change if it was only 5% and that 2 people had informed me it should be 8%.  These sharp operators (in both senses of the word) must be primed to talk customers into taking the dearer option!

So, I gave them all your details, Norman, but don't worry, I didn't mention your inside leg measurement because I think they've got that already as he was able to find you straightaway on their system though he couldn't pronounce your name in anything like a recognisable fashion.........[blink]

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[quote user="mint"]Chance, I don't know where you get the energy (no pun intended!) from to go out of your way looking for trouble!  Maybe not in this case, but you do seem to make life hard for yourself.  Obviously some masochistic tendencies there....



I enjoy the battle of wills, you win some and you lose some, I usually come out on top but I dont get forlorn when I fail.


I must be getting a reputation for it as a journaliste from the local office of the regional paper phoned me today to say that they were doing a Valentines special and as a bit of fun they were asking people who are known for not seeing eye to eye to write something nice about the other dans l'esprit de réconciliation, now I never imagined that the Maire of my commune would be my valentine but I hope he likes all the nice things that I said about him [6]


Somehow or other the journaliste misunderstood my sincerity for irony [;-)]


Its being printed tomorrow, to my great surprise she got a quote from the Maire, I expect my phone will be ringing a lot again  like after the last article she did.


I have gone from keeping my head well down in the trench for a decade, quite apt for my area, to being in the paper almost every 3 months.

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OK, guys, I have a couple of further questions.

I have been rung and gone through everything with the advisor.

Contract having been completed, I printed it out.  There is a box titled "Options et services".  Option Confort, check, Option Sérénité check for BOTH electric and gas although I told them I have no gas, Pack Confort Plus check plus check also on another column with 2 icons that look like a shower head and a key ([:-))]), Assistance gaz 24/24 check.

All these options have a monthly sum for deduction.

Are all these options compulsory or can you pick and choose?

I have tried ringing them back but I couldn't get through, probably because I couldn't understand the electronic switchboard well enough!

Your answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks, Norman.

I certainly don't want any of that lot.

I will try to email.  I don't as yet have a mot de passe to access my espace client.

No problem, I will email them under "contact us" if I can find that on the website.  Failing all, I will try the bloomin' phone again tomorrow.

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Norman, I couldn't get the email sent as the site didn't seem to be contactable.

However, I have spoken to them on the phone and they have reassured me that those frills and add-ons have been cancelled.

So, I am here to say merci à nouveau.

Also, to anyone else out there who wants to change supplier, the best thing to do is to contact Norman or Chancer or yours truly because that way, you get 20 euros credit and one of us will also get 20 euros!  Don't need Einstein for that even though the news today is that his theory of gravity waves has now been proven[:D]

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  • 3 weeks later...
Got an email today saying I am now their customer.  So far so good.........

However (you just know there will be a however, didn't you?), despite 2 phone calls and assurances that I won't be having hp hc, there it is in black and white, your hc will be from this o'clock to that o'clock.

I don't have a password yet and I didn't want to phone yet again because my experience so far is that whoever you speak to will say, yes your request will be acceded to only to find the same old same old.

I have emailed AGAIN and now await "further" development.................it's just so wearing when you want to do even the simplest thing that should take no more than one or at most 2 phone calls and you end up repeating the same thing over and over again[+o(]

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Strange I had no problems like that.

The option for whether you want a single tariff or the HC/HP is there when you make the first choice; it was one of the major factors in choosing Directe Energie for me, since EDF had been insisting that I changed which I didn't want to do.

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I was just having a moan.  No doubt they will be contacting me.  Had an automated reply.  Mind you the very first chap I spoke to, when signing up didn't sound very French to me and he seemed determined to read from his script, whatever I asked.

Wish these call centre people were given better spiels to read out and not sound like parrots![:-))]

Now have a ref number for my email, so no denying that I'd written.  That is a bit like Amazon, you do get a dedicated reference number and your own message can be read in full so it's a matter of a bit of patience, I hope.

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My 3 contracts are set up (I think) and i have recieved the resiliation bills from EDF which would suggest all is well but I'm a little concerned.


With the 8% deal you cannot phone them, you have to use the on line support and they "claim" to get back to you within 48 hours, so if you have a phone number Mint i would like it.


I got 3 e-mails one day but due to fat fingers and Hotmail being cranky I ended up deleting them and all the others in my Junk box while i was trying to block one single scam sender.


no problem, I wrote and explained everything to them via the contact us rubrique, we will respond in 24/48 hours, except of course they didnt [:(] pretty much what I universally expect in France but I was hoping that they would be different.


So I dont know what they deleted but after unblocking them as a sender loads of other messages have come through, always 3 at a time as I have 3 accounts with them, I have set up my rubrique or whatever is the word and can now access all the accounts, the first payments should be going out soon, I have not as yet recieved my €60 from them, dont know about my parraine.


I dont mind only being able to contact them by the computer, often its better for me than the phone as I have time to compose my thoughts in French but if they are not going to respond just like all the other French organisations then I really would like a phone number.


Thus far it has been my universal experience that the French are as bad at communication as they are at customer service although the latter is a direct result of the lack of the former, and also that people from my region are even worse than all others at communication especially verbally, face to face, I have now found a good analogy for their constant euuuhhing interspersed with random words, they are "buffering", anyone with an internet radio will know exactly what I mean [:D]

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I fear that trying to change from HC/HP to the single tariff at the same time as switching supplier is always going to be difficult. As the change requires a visit by ERDF to reprogramme or even change the meter it's probably easier to switch as you are and then change the abonnement later. The visit will be chargeable at either 37 , 55. or even 66 Euros depending on the work involved.
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Chance, the phone number given on the site is 3099 and indeed I have used it.  The other thing you can do is go down to the contact us bit (you'd need to look hard![geek]) and ask them to ring you back which does happen immediately.

BJSLIV, thank you for that info which explains to me why they were so eager to sign me up and ignore my request re the hp/hc business.

When they do make contact, I will be forearmed.

Thanks again and, btw, we would have to call you Barry or Basil or Bernard or some other name beginning with "B......" (no, not THAT one![:D]) because I can't remember your initials without looking carefully and/or writing them down![;-)]

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OK, here is the update.  I have now had an email to say that, as BJSLIV has predicted, an engineer from EDF will be telephoning to arrange a time to visit and do whatever it is to the compteur.

You'd think they could simply add all the hp/hc hours together and charge per unit, wouldn't you?  Don't know what the bu§§§r needs changing unless, of course, they are coming to take away their property, the télécommande, and charge me for the pleasure[6]

BTW, the parrainage is now as much as 40 euros, so sign up, sign up, everyone!....giggles...

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