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language assistants


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Hi,  I know from your other post you are very young and also it seems very ambitious to post here with a view to paving the way in your career.  Good for you it is wonderful to see.  However, and please don't take this personally, if you want to become a language assistant you really need to brush up on you written grammer when applying for jobs.  You will be up against many other people.  Don't let yourself down my friend.


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It depends what you mean by a language assistant. If you want to teach or help with English in schools you need to write to your departmental Inspection Academique in your prefecture town sending a copy of your CV. I did this last Sept and was recently contacted regarding teaching English to 9-11 year olds, so be prepared to wait![:)]

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Oh dear Katie!  You say 'brush up on your written grammer (sic)'.  It should be grammar!

At least you use capital letters.  Am I the only person in the world who doesn't like the use of lower case letters?

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If you are in the UK, then you will probably need to get in touch wih the central bureau for educational visits and exchanges (part of the British council I think) Many years ago, when I did it, there was something called an "assistant à temps partiel" which was only available for people between 18 and 20. You did 10 hours instead of the standard 12 and were paid a lot less but the school had to provide accomodation.

If you are in france, then you will need to contact your local rectorat to become a locally recruited assistant.

This site is for Amaerican assistants (with a different recruitement system) but there are some british assistants there too. http://www.assistantsinfrance.com/

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I did something like this as part of my degree and applied through the British Council. Take a look at their website. It isn't a "career" as such, only a temporary placement of 9 months-year but certainly something worth doing. I learned more in that year than I had in the preceding 20 years!
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[quote user="Hirondelle"]I did something like this as part of my degree and applied through the British Council. Take a look at their website. It isn't a "career" as such, only a temporary placement of 9 months-year but certainly something worth doing. I learned more in that year than I had in the preceding 20 years![/quote]

I agree with the two preceeding posters, but with the British council you need to have done two years at university to be eligible to be an assistant.  It is a great experience; when I did it the time had been cut to 7 and a half months, though...

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[quote user="Tourangelle"]  but with the British council you need to have done two years at university to be eligible to be an assistant. [/quote]

Unless you do the assistant à temps partiel thing which specifically for post A level students (that is, if it still exists, I did mine 20 years ago)


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I looked on their site and the exception to the two years and university thing appears to be if you want to go to Germany.  I'd have posted the link, but my computer wont let me!  I see it is the 1st October to 30th April now.  I remember I finished in the middle of May!  It was a really big thing when I was at uni, they interviewed us all, as there were more candidates than places.  Now they seem to recruit quite a lot of people locally, so perhaps that is the way to go, although the French are very big on qualifications [blink]

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I was interviewed for the temps partiel because there weren't many places but not for the full year job when I was at uni. I know that they've been cutting down on assistant jobs for ages now. Very few collèges have them any more, it seems to be either lycées or primaries and in that case you aren't so much an assistant as a teacher.  When my school asked for an english language assistant a couple of years back, we were told that we couldn't have a native English speaker but could possibly get a german who "spoke very good english"


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   >>>.....you really need to brush up on you written grammer...<<<

and you KKK will need to brush up on your spelling! 

I request 50 times the following line : I need to brush up my spelling of the word Grammar ! 

I want it before lunchtime or you will appear in front of the headmaster!... [:D]

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>>>When my school asked for an english language assistant a couple of years back, we were told that we couldn't have a native English speaker but could possibly get a german who "spoke very good english"<<<   [:-))] 

Whatever next ?... [8-)]

This Europe thing is being taken too seriously! Why don't they advertise for an Esperanto teacher!...


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"Very few collèges have them any more, it seems to be either lycées or primaries and in that case you aren't so much an assistant as a teacher."

Yes, that is what I have found with my new post going round 6 primary schools - I am doing the teaching, preparing the lessons etc etc. for the CM1 and CM2 years. I officially do 12 hours a week, but it takes up nearly the whole week [blink]

" .... the french are very big on qualifications"

Not when they are desperate! [:D]

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[quote user="missyesbut"]

   >>>.....you really need to brush up on you written grammer...<<<

and you KKK will need to brush up on your spelling! 

I request 50 times the following line : I need to brush up my spelling of the word Grammar ! 

I want it before lunchtime or you will appear in front of the headmaster!... [:D]


Owch!!  You are french and have better written GRAMMAR than me.  I am just going to scurry off now, never to return.[:$]

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