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siret numbers


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[quote user="Dawn"] On a different subject, are you happy you have moved to France? I did consider moving there when I retire, but I can't see that happening now. Dawn[/quote]

You picked probably the worst time to ask that question Dawn, I would prefer not to answer it for another year, it will be 5 years in the spring so the rose tint has worn off.

It doesnt answer your question but I have no regrets about moving from England and on to another phase of my life, for me change is good, essential even, and I dont hanker to return to Britain but cannot honestly say (at the moment) that I want to remain permanently in France for the rest of my years.

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You are quite right Russethouse, it was in Newquay, Cornwall. I have no idea what he is up to in France...but judging by his track record here (bankrupt 3 times) I have no doubt he will be looking for fresh pickings in France.

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That was a very profound answer Chancer..I sometimes wonder why on earth I haven't moved away, I get very disillusioned with some of the things that are happening to England, or maybe its my age! but then I am reassured by the fact that Cornwall seems to have escaped most of the problems and apart from the odd evil plumber !! its still a pretty nice place to live.

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Well Cooperlola...

He could certainly talk the talk! He could sell coal to Newcastle!! I'm sure he will do very well in France... I hadn't thought about the language problem for the Brits living there, but that can only be an advantage for him... Is there a large Ex Pat community around that area?

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[quote user="Dawn"]You are quite right Russethouse, it was in Newquay, Cornwall. I have no idea what he is up to in France...but judging by his track record here (bankrupt 3 times) I have no doubt he will be looking for fresh pickings in France. Dawn[/quote]

If he has gone bankrupt 3 times he's not that clever is he ?

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Thats why they use a limited company, usually tricking a friend or family member into being a director.

The guy who turned me over had already bankrupted one company and whilst he was not at that time banned from being a director, unknown to me when he set up the next company (which not surprisingly was wound up a year ago) he used his brother and retired father as the directors.

That was the dilemma facing me, I wanted to take legal action even though I knew that I would never get back the money but against his retired father who had been so good to me during my youth?

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[quote user="Dawn"] Is there a large Ex Pat community around that area? Dawn[/quote]I don't know the area well but as it once (maybe still) had the nickname "Dordogneshire", I would guess so.

There aren't a lot of Brits around me but I do join those whom I know for a quiz night every couple of months (about the right amount of time for me...)  About half of them work here so understand what the costs involved in trading legally here are, but some of the retired ones go on and on about being "ripped off" by the locals, and it tends to be those who speak little of the lingo to boot.  I'm fed up with explaining to them just why properly insured and guaranteed work carried out by registered artisans costs so much.  They would rather work with an English speaker and endlessly seem to import "mates" to carry out work for them.  What's worrying is that they would be in deep trouble (as would the worker) should there be an accident whilst the job was being carried out.  Also, when they come to sell their properties (which will happen eventually to most of them) then none of the work will be to local norms. 

I know of one couple who had a gas central heating system installed by a UK "Corgi registered" engineer.  They have a large gas tank in the garden for which they have been paying rent now for nearly three years.  They cannot get it connected up as they system is not up to French standards and no local company will give them a certificate for it.  Thus they coninue to pay rent and heat the house from individual gas bottles as they cannot use said tank!  These are the kind of people this chap will have a field day with, if he wishes to.

I have an English friend who has spent endless hours (and no little amount of money) getting properly registered, trained and recognised over here as an artisan - it winds him up a treat - and understandably so - what some of these people get up to.  Who can blame him, especially when these leave victims behind them.  I hope I'm wrong and that he can't get work here, but if he looks hard enough and is prepared to cheat, I bet he does.

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It's not difficult to get properly registered and legal to work in France. After all, plenty of French people do it, and they aren't all potential Mastermind champions, by any means (and I managed it too).

Where people do seem to have difficulty is adapting to the different culture around working in France. How many times do we hear things like 'that's how I did it at home and we are all in Europe' - in France registration is not an option that allows you to get back TVA, it's compulsory. And having done it, people need to do their sums so they know where to pitch their charges and fees because what you have to pay out is always more than you think. Also we all know that French people work 'au noir' too, but in most cases they are registered people doing a bit extra that doesn't go through the books, something that's so common it's almost accepted practice, rather than being completely illegal like the archetypal foreign cowboy.

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[quote user="Will"]It's not difficult to get properly registered and legal to work in France. After all, plenty of French people do it, and they aren't all potential Mastermind champions, by any means (and I managed it too).

[/quote]True - well, I guess I don't know if you're a potential Mastermind champion or not, Will[:)] - but the locals are doing it in their own language.  For a Brit it does require some research and a reasonable working knowledge of the language to do it properly.  Far easier to hunt around for work amongst expats if there is enough of it around.

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There seems to be some confusion here. There's no question of this plumber not being properly registered, or for that matter of there being any record of him doing anything wrong in France.

This matter of "siret number" has been raised in three separate threads by the OP so far. In March of this year she informed us:

he moved to France last year, probably knowing that this court case was

pending, he cleverly applied for and was granted a licence to work when

he did not have a criminal record, so I suppose he is in the clear.

Has something changed since then?

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Sorry Cjlaws... I never explain myself properly! The change has been that he was found guilty at Liskeard Court and sentenced to 6 months suspended because he said he already lived in France.. The judge told him that if he hadn't already moved to France then he would have gone to prison...I have been posting messages on and off for some time to see if someone could tell me where he lives and if he should have told the French authorities who issue Siret numbers about his newly aquired Criminal Record...I know I sound like a worn out record, but I am still so angry at what he did to me and I thought I could get some satisfaction by reporting him for not declaring the information.Blimey.... I sound so pathetic ...

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 You know I think you may be batting on a sticky wicket, would a French person have their siret number taken away if they were found guilty of a crime ? How would anyone ever be rehabilitated if they couldn't ply their trade (if they have one)

 I think you have probably done as much as you can do, and as cjlaws said, as yet there are no facts that we know of to say he has gone back to his old ways in France....it just  'could' be that he has made a fresh start.. fingers crossed


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It’s a pity we can’t name and shame British “Tradesmen” who

rip other Ex Pats off here in France. I’ve come across quite a few in our area

who think nothing of taking money off newly settled Brits who expect some sort

of “loyalty” from their fellow countrymen.


Most ask for money up front knowing they will be seen for

fraudsters or shoddy workers after agreeing to do the work. Even those set up

as legitimate Tradesmen seen unconcerned that they taking money under false



My advice would always be to check with previous customers

independently to gain as much background information as possible as to their

skill levels, ability and honesty.


The situation seems to be getting worse because money is

tight at the moment and they have adopted a “ dog eat dog “ mentality.

I'm not saying all British Tradesmen here are like this but caution needs to be exercised before parting with your cash.


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Another way of vetting ex-pat tradesmen may be to look at their personal situation.

If they are settled here, not in rented accomodation; with a wife perhaps working and kids at school, look settled and seem to have chosen to emigrate here for the right reasons then I dont see any reason to be overly cautious.

However if they have just arrived or are forever on the move, seem to have no liking for France and its ways perhaps you should ask yourself why come here to work when it would be far easier and better renumerated in the UK.

I dread to think what it must be like in Spain!

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Now thats a really sensible suggestion Chancer...I really do feel so sorry for the people who move over to France with no knowledge of the language... with limited income... and thinking that all English builders are honest... But my grip (and I know I'm beginning to sound boring) is that this man has obviously not paid a penny in Tax for god knows how many years...escapes a prison sentence, leaves a trail of people who have to work till they drop to just get back to where they were before he ripped their lives apart! and sods off to pastures new... I met a D.I.Y. shop owner today, he told me that Mr X opened an account with him and built up thousands of pounds on account and never paid... it almost ruined him... and in a small town like Newquay, it really does have an impact..

(going for therapy now to try to LET IT GO!!! ) lol
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[quote user="Dawn"]Now thats a really sensible suggestion Chancer...I really do feel so sorry for the people who move over to France with no knowledge of the language... with limited income... and thinking that all English builders are honest... But my grip (and I know I'm beginning to sound boring) is that this man has obviously not paid a penny in Tax for god knows how many years...escapes a prison sentence, leaves a trail of people who have to work till they drop to just get back to where they were before he ripped their lives apart! and sods off to pastures new... I met a D.I.Y. shop owner today, he told me that Mr X opened an account with him and built up thousands of pounds on account and never paid... it almost ruined him... and in a small town like Newquay, it really does have an impact.. (going for therapy now to try to LET IT GO!!! ) lol[/quote]

 We used to have someone here who said, " never assume" do you actually know that to be the case ?

If it's true it may be some comfort to think that the Inland Revenue share records with the French authorities....

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