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siret numbers


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Obtaining SIRET and SIREN numbers is part of the process of registering your business with the CFE at your nearest chamber of commerce or 'chambre des metiers' in the case of 'artisan' occupations; and others depending on what your (intended) occupation is. For the simple 'auto-entrepreneur' (self employment scheme) you can download the form online and submit a declaration as above, enclosing just a copy of your passport. Check the link on www.auto-entrepreneur.fr

The appropriate CFE forwards the document to the tax office, social security offices etc and eventually you will be issued with an identifyng number - your SIREN of 9 digits; and a SIRET identifying your business adress - the SIREN plus another 5 digits. If you wish or need to register for TVA (VAT) you will also get an Intracommunautaire TVA number, based on the SIREN but with an 'F' identifier for France.

In addition, your principal occupation will be recognised by a further identifier or classification number - the APE code. For example, my firm's consulting activities come under code 7022-Z 'conseil en gestion'.

The first step is to verify which local CFE handles your type of business (artisanal, service......) and find out what forms you need, and they will do the rest.

Hope this helps - P-D de R.

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Thanks for your replies...

I am actually looking for the address so I can write to report a cowboy plumber, who I believe has obtained his siret number dishonestly, But as I live in the UK and don't speak a word of French, I'm having trouble finding the address where I can write a letter.

Any advice?


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To get back to the original question, SIRET numbers are isssued by INSEE, the French Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (www.insee.fr), whose national address is 18 bd Adolphe Pinard, 75675 PARIS CEDEX 14 - though they try very hard to hide that from you, preferring you to contact the regional offices or use e-mail.

However, the SIRET is only a registration number. Its issue forms no guarantee that the business is fair, honest, or legal. If you have problems you could go to the local Chambre de Metiers, which processes artisans' registration applications, as suggested above. But they're only really concerned with whether or not applicants can fill in the forms and have declared that they have the right qualifications or experience, and are insured (declarations that are seldom checked).

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Thank you Gemini...

I have collected all the information about his Court Appearances of which there are many and I will send it all to the address you so kindly provided!

Why are there so many English Builders hell bent on ripping off the Ex Pats? Its just such a shame.

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 Are you sure the person in questions criminal record isn't 'spent' They may have been perfectly correct in not declaring a record.

Frankly to report someone for shoddy workmanship is one thing, to report them for something else could just look like being vindictive.

 I sincerely hope you never make a mistake and try to make a fresh start, or are the partner of someone who does.

If you need to report them then why not just stick to the facts of the incident and leave the past out of it ?

PS Are his initials BB ?

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I have just re read all the comments and I have to apologise to both of you,and I can understand your suspicions, but I'm just an honest hard working woman who has lost a lot of money..all I wanted was to report this man to the relevant authorities, and then leave it to them. I have no chance of getting my money back anyway.nor do any of the other people he had dealings with in Newquay, but I do have concerns that he may well be up to his old tricks in France.

Apologies again if I have angered any of you.

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No need to apologise Dawn, believe me having been in the same situation my desire for vengeance was far stronger and would have landed me in prison.

It was just that disclosing convictions, spent or otherwise was unlikely to influence the french authorities other than negatively.

On the other hand without naming and shaming you may well have saved others on this forum from fallen foul of this guy.

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Hi Chancer...

I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced similar problems ... and thank you for excepting my apology, but can you tell me.. did you get a positive result?

I have to be very careful on open forums like this one, as far as naming and shaming is concerned because I don't want to be blocked...what did you mean when you said I may well have saved others from fallen foul of Mr X ?

From the PM's I am getting , it looks like the authorities won't be interested in my story anyway.. but I do hope that if any of you need a plumber, you won't just rely on his siret number..!

ps... I don't live in France because I cannot afford to.. but I'm learning such a lot about the way of life there.. this a great forum

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Hi AnOther..

I don't really know, because I still live in the UK, Cornwall to be precise, but I imagine it might be, because Innocent people move to Europe every day and are peerfect targets for the rip off merchants, so ... on balance I suspect it may well be more difficult when you move abroad.The language barrier would be quite a prooblem I would imagine.


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No Dawn not similar circumstances, I was deliberately bumped for a huge amount of money on a job by a customer who had been a good friend for over 20 years, as well not getting paid for 2 months work and having to put off other good customers during that time I then struggled for over two years to pay off my debts after doing the right thing and paying my creditors for the materials that I had used on the job.

I really was concerned that not if, but when I crossed this guy again (we didnt live far) I would lose it and try to kill him, after working effectively the next 2 years for nothing and being pretty demotivated, questioning why did I continue when it could well happen again I finally decided to close my business and move to France so every cloud has a silver lining, although I have yet to find it [:)]

When I said that you may have helped others it was when someone asked his initials, you are doing the right thing by staying on t right side of the forum code of conduct, if you occasionally bump it back to the top like this time people in the area that this gut operates will think twice and PM for details.

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I can certainly understand how you must have felt Chancer, My circumstances were quite similar to yours, in as much as I knew this man for quite a long time, didn't ever see it coming! I now have had to take a second job just to keep my head above water.

Fortunately for me he has moved to France so I probably will never see him again, and although he was brought to court and found guilty..I still seeth with anger at what he has done to me and others in the town.

I bet he never shows his face around here ever again! I only hope none of you come into contact with him.

On a different subject, are you happy you have moved to France? I did consider moving there when I retire, but I can't see that happening now.

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Sadly, Dawn, I reckon the guy has made a good move (from his point of view) as many Brits living over here don't speak much French and are thus sitting ducks for any cowboy who speaks English and talks the talk.  They also often appear much cheaper as they don't pay the high cotisations and taxes which the honest tradesman must.  What is more, they are often not properly insured nor do they offer the ten year guarantees which are mandatory for much of the work carried out here.  He'll probably clean up.[:@]

Sorry to hear about your woes. Good luck with your quest to get this guy brought to book.

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