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eggs in one basket


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Just thought i would share some of my frustration with google. We use google as a as one of our main marketing tool for our business. Statistically probably 60% of our bookings are driven via pay per click. The rest are driven organically or via other sites.

Recently fell fowl of google addwords, they have disabled our add campaigns for more than a month now. Reason we have 6 or 7 other web sites that are designed as a " Landing page " For example you search for a particular word related to our business, you click on the word we pay for that click. You then land on one of our pages. Its a simple one page website for more information please leave your email.... Simple data collection then you can market to that person. You don't leave your email if you don't want to !

Well Mr Google does not like that, in fact it violates their policy. It does not matter that we spend 25k on pay per click !

Luckily we have a strong google organic presence. I said to google ok ill remove the pages you don't like from addwords, NO good they said I have to rebuild the sites and they must have sufficient content. Google are truly a monopoly. You can't call them you can only email which takes weeks for a response.
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I am glad I have learned very early on to think and prepare for the unthinkable when advertising.  Only thing I don't like is we can't get our own 0800 number so we have to rent one, if the company disappears for any reason so does our main point of contact.

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Google is doing the right thing.

People search Google to find information, not to have their email address harvested by a marketer. Yes, they can choose not to leave their email address, but they clicked your ad to find information - which isn't on the page they clicked through to and which you led them to believe would.

Your one page site is doing a disservice to the searcher and making Google look bad. The only way to do business on the net and with Google, is to be aboveboard and use no clever tricks.

You can get advice at http://www.webmasterfrance.com if you get stuck.

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[quote user="angloshopper"]Google is doing the right thing. People search Google to find information, not to have their email address harvested by a marketer. Yes, they can choose not to leave their email address, but they clicked your ad to find information - which isn't on the page they clicked through to and which you led them to believe would. Your one page site is doing a disservice to the searcher and making Google look bad. The only way to do business on the net and with Google, is to be aboveboard and use no clever tricks. You can get advice at http://www.webmasterfrance.com if you get stuck.[/quote] People search google for all kinds of reasons, We are not a "marketer" people leave their info on our site as they want us to contact them. We are the ones that PAY google when you click, not the person searching. I take it you don't run a business that is search engine dependent? We do not sell or give away the email information that has been left. Google unfortunately has a large strangle hold on the search engine market. landing pages / Squeeze pages as much as you or google may not like them make good business sense. I spent an our on the phone the other day with some one from google USA discussing a blog we run. Not a landing page but a blog lots of information and of course some links back to our main site. Their web guy said, oh you have too many links back to your main web site, oh ok I said where can I read googles policy relating to that. Oh well there is not one !
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[quote user="angloshopper"]Google is doing the right thing. People search Google to find information, not to have their email address harvested by a marketer. Yes, they can choose not to leave their email address, but they clicked your ad to find information - which isn't on the page they clicked through to and which you led them to believe would. Your one page site is doing a disservice to the searcher and making Google look bad. The only way to do business on the net and with Google, is to be aboveboard and use no clever tricks. You can get advice at http://www.webmasterfrance.com if you get stuck.[/quote]

Going slightly off topic but along the same lines, I am not nor ever been on facebook, however I have been asked by someone to be one of their contacts/friends etc. Then the post from facebook continues giving out a list of names who are on facebook and in my contacts list.......Harvesting by a marketer???[:@]

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We also seem to be asked to be friends on facebook, none of which offers we've ever taken up. Each has been someone we know, but we don't want to join in. Some of these have arrived more than once over a period of time.

I know a lot of people use facebook, for many different reasons. Our own youngsters use it a lot and find it useful and great fun, but I just don't want to know. I don't know if they are used for spamming Russethouse, I just don't want to be part of it or to risk it!

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I have received invitations to be someone's friend on Facebook - a site I have never even visited.

On mentioning the invitations directly with the people concerned, I find they were totally unaware that these emails had been sent out purporting to be from them. (One person who was "inviting" me had actually been dead for two years before I was contacted - so I didn't bother to follow him up! I continue to receive an invitation from him about once a year.)

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[quote user="Loiseau"]I have received invitations to be someone's friend on Facebook - a site I have never even visited. On mentioning the invitations directly with the people concerned, I find they were totally unaware that these emails had been sent out purporting to be from them. (One person who was "inviting" me had actually been dead for two years before I was contacted - so I didn't bother to follow him up! I continue to receive an invitation from him about once a year.) Angela[/quote]

This subject was discussed on this forum a little while ago, if you where contacted by Facebook you will find that  your friend initiated the contact. How would Facebook know your e/Mail address and who you are friends with? unless that someone gives Facebook the information.

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It seems to happen most if you use hotmail - the two accounts (FB & HM) link together and if you ask for a friend search then it automatically trawls all your hotmail contacts.  I've never done this myself but I can see how easy it is (and how tempting if you are an FB fanatic.)  As Nick says, this was discussed recently on a thread about FB - I think it had the title "Like  or Unlike" (sic.)

You are right of course, Leo, s/he wasn't.

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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="LEO"]The OP wasn't discussing Facebook



You had better get over to specsavers my friend [:P]

Hi NiickP,

I wasn't aware that we were friends!

I can't find any reference to "Facebook" in the original post



Just thought i would share some of my frustration with google. We use

google as a as one of our main marketing tool for our business.

Statistically probably 60% of our bookings are driven via pay per click.

The rest are driven organically or via other sites.

Recently fell fowl of google addwords, they have disabled our add

campaigns for more than a month now. Reason we have 6 or 7 other web

sites that are designed as a " Landing page " For example you search for

a particular word related to our business, you click on the word we pay

for that click. You then land on one of our pages. Its a simple one

page website for more information please leave your email.... Simple

data collection then you can market to that person. You don't leave your

email if you don't want to !

Well Mr Google does not like that, in fact it violates their policy. It does not matter that we spend 25k on pay per click !

Luckily we have a strong google organic presence. I said to google

ok ill remove the pages you don't like from addwords, NO good they said I

have to rebuild the sites and they must have sufficient content. Google

are truly a monopoly. You can't call them you can only email which

takes weeks for a response.

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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Loiseau"]I have received invitations to be someone's friend on Facebook - a site I have never even visited. On mentioning the invitations directly with the people concerned, I find they were totally unaware that these emails had been sent out purporting to be from them. (One person who was "inviting" me had actually been dead for two years before I was contacted - so I didn't bother to follow him up! I continue to receive an invitation from him about once a year.) Angela[/quote]

This subject was discussed on this forum a little while ago, if you where contacted by Facebook you will find that  your friend initiated the contact. How would Facebook know your e/Mail address and who you are friends with? unless that someone gives Facebook the information.


By placing a cookie on the PC? Even if a friend initiated the contact why and how did Facebook know who else was on my address book and on Facebook, by spying!

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[quote user="Théière"][quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Loiseau"]I have received invitations to be someone's friend on Facebook - a site I have never even visited. On mentioning the invitations directly with the people concerned, I find they were totally unaware that these emails had been sent out purporting to be from them. (One person who was "inviting" me had actually been dead for two years before I was contacted - so I didn't bother to follow him up! I continue to receive an invitation from him about once a year.) Angela[/quote]

This subject was discussed on this forum a little while ago, if you where contacted by Facebook you will find that  your friend initiated the contact. How would Facebook know your e/Mail address and who you are friends with? unless that someone gives Facebook the information.


By placing a cookie on the PC? Even if a friend initiated the contact why and how did Facebook know who else was on my address book and on Facebook, by spying!


If Loiseau had never used Facebook how could they put a cookie on her computer. Her friend must have used Facebook and given them permission to use her address book. Therefor the contact was initiated by the friend. It ain't rocket science, if it was I wouldn't understand it. [:D]

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Well, I'm obviously "doing it wrongly" because I've never got more from it than,say, e-mail or a forum (as I said on another thread.)  I look in once a month or so and don't post anything personal on it so I've missed the point, obviously!  The only "friends" I have are one from here, and several from another forum.  But it does tell your "friends" when your birthday is so they don't even have to remember to put it in their diaries or buy cards any more - they just post on your wall.[:(]
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Very sneaky !

 I just dont know anyone who has time for Facebook, and I'm really not sure how much info I want to share with the world....or actually how interested the world would be[:D]


So RH in 12,589 posts on this forum you have never divulged any information, and if you did nobody was interested anyway?  Amazing, I'm afraid that whether you like it or not social networking sites like Facebook are the way that forums have evolved for the younger generation. I surprised because I thought that someone like you would be more open minded, but then you're probably not interested in what I think? [:D]

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  It's not a question of being closed minded, its just not for me....and frankly I belong to three or four forums where I share an interest with others and that takes up quite enough time. In addition I don't want my my email address book imported to their system, thanks, not do I want to send my friends virtual animals or plants for their virtual farms or gardens.

BTW those 12,000 posts are over  I think, 11 years. I share quite enough info here without adding to it [:)]

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