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Property Prices

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Is it my imagination or have property prices suddenly taken a 10% price increase over the past 6 months.
In our area  Department 66, all we see are sold signs in the estate agent windows, plus on Leboncoin the prices for apartments at the sea or near the sea seem to have increased by over 10%, at least the asking prices.
In our former department 17, it would appear that prices for properties have also taken a jump in asking prices. On talking to a friend, they have told us that prices have risen and properties are moving very quickly.

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Yes, Danny, they have. Little to sell round here, even stuff on the market for yonks has gone. And prices have risen, particularly those giving country and coast access.

Usually the culprits are Belgians and Dutch but now it is city and inner suburban French buyers.
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Someone from our village, an English woman, told me today that she'd sold her house.  Said she was having viewings everyday and the buyer made her 3 offers in total.  She refused the first and second offers and this time the buyer has offered her practically the asking price.  Plus, it's only taken her 4 months to sell.....that is fast by our standard.

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It's been like that for the past year here .. ever since the first lockdown ended last May.

People stuck in small flats in towns during the lockdown vowed that their lives would change .. many being able to work from home determined that they would only return to the old way under duress.

Either way the sales of houses/homes/holiday homes away from towns have been growing apace ever since then.

Edit : Apparently it is more or less the same in the UK at the moment.
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Edit : Apparently it is more or less the same in the UK at the moment.

At the beginning of the month my nephew put his house in SW England on the market for just over £500,000. There was so much interest in it the estate agents asked all the serious parties to send their offers in by the beginning of the following week. They received five offers, the highest being almost £70,000 over the asking price. He sold it to the people who made the second highest offer as they were cash buyers. A few years years ago his mother had the house on the market for a long time with very few viewings.
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Prices have increased outside major cities and the price of property in cities has fallen. it was reported on the news several weeks ago and is, apparently, because of Covid. people feel the 'air' is cleaner outside the cities!! Can't blame them I suppose, hopefully they will stay away from the Pays Basque though (says he selfishly!)
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BinB: At the beginning of the month my nephew put his house in SW England on the market for just over £500,000. There was so much interest in it the estate agents asked all the serious parties to send their offers in by the beginning of the following week.

My son , in the. SE of England has also just been offered the asking price for his house £600.000. In addition the buyer has offered an additional £15,000 if he can conclude the purchase by the end of June! Unlike France though where people are pushing up prices because of Covid , in the UK it's because of the re-introduction of stamp duty.
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In was reported in La Figaro that 50 + % of French people want to move. So prices will go up and down of course.

Also, people are investing their savings in houses because there is a good chance folk will get taxed on savings to pay for Covid next year. WISE CHOICE ! Having savings next year is not a good idea. Macron wants it.

I live in a town of 30 k people and on the door step is another 200 K people.

Property for sale todaty = 80 ish (crappy) housess. All very expensive.

There is a waiting list to move here.

Sarlat (in the loverly Dordogne) has a population of 9000 k.

Today, there are over 400 houses for sale. LOL.

EYMET !!! (remember Eymet) has a population of 2600.

There are 98 houses for sale. LOL.

There you go.

If you are French, British or whatever....Invest your money wisely.
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A few years ago I was working with a French Colleague in the UK. He said; "I hear you have bought a house in France" and we got into a discussion about the buying/selling process in both countries, he then made what I thought was a very astute statement, He said: "the difference is, that in England you buy a house to sell, in France you buy a house to live in for life and pass on to your family". Low and behold this afternoon I was chatting to a French neighbour and he told me he had lived in his house since he was born 70 years ago.
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[quote user="NickP"]A few years ago I was working with a French Colleague in the UK. He said; "I hear you have bought a house in France" and we got into a discussion about the buying/selling process in both countries, he then made what I thought was a very astute statement, He said: "the difference is, that in England you buy a house to sell, in France you buy a house to live in for life and pass on to your family". Low and behold this afternoon I was chatting to a French neighbour and he told me he had lived in his house since he was born 70 years ago.[/quote]

Sad but true, and one of the reasons so many young British people can't get onto the property ladder.

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ALBF you keep repeating this "In was reported in La Figaro that 50 + % of French people want to move" and I keep pointing out that nearly 50% of French households are tenants not owner occupiers. So 50% of them wanting to move, does not mean an equivalent number of houses bought and sold.
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[quote user="Lehaut"]What you want to do and what you can actually do and what you really do are very different things.

Is there not some one on this forum who wants to move from France but is still here ;) ?[/quote]

I don't think he has actually looked into that project.

If he had, he would have found out that it is not so straightforward as he thinks.

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My point is, you seem to be using the argument that the fact that 50 of French peeps want to move, means that the property market will be busy busy busy when they do because all those thousands or millions of people will be buying and selling.

But thousands or millions of tenants moving from one rented property to another, has zero impact on the property market. The only difference is that landlords will have different tenants in the same properties. I don't get what you're not getting.

You move in well-heeled circles where your relations and associates do invest in property à la anglo-saxon. But I think the fat-cat layer is a thinner stratum of society than you realise.

I'm not sure investing in property is such a good way to avoid taxes. You would be a sitting duck for increases in property taxes, plus-value, ISF etc.
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