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Flies (again)

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The warm weather has brought the little so-and-sos out in their hundreds and I want to pick brains about the best methods of control and to offer some of my own. In the bedrooms I open the windows and leave the shutters just ajar as  any flies that enter seem to be attracted to the light and fly out. So far there have been very few left at night time. It sems to me that flies, just like every bug that the Almighty has created, wants to overwinter in our house. The little green beetles (punaises I think) and the red ones like elongated ladybirds we more or less tolerate, however flies are another thing. They appear to come in and settle on walls and ceilings, I assume, to overwinter. It's these we want to deal with. Regular spraying perhaps? Any other ideas welcome.
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a bit drastic but efficient:

we've bought lengths of grey netting (sold in diy shops in rolls, just ask for whatever length) an stapled them on all the windows.

You cannot see the netting at all but It does restrict you because you cant' lean over to grab the shutters for instance (we never use our shutters as we have thick curtains), but it does keep all the flying blighters out!

I hear lavender or rosemary hung over openings also do the trick

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We use the screen that we bought in the DIY cut to length also. We used it in the summer in our bedroom windows. We just drape it over the rod and tuck it in, doesn't look very good but just pull it down easily the next morning. It would be a little too difficult for me to do this on all of the windows though. I have heard also that red geraniums keep flies away, hence the tradition of putting them under windows in window boxes.

By the way we have thousands of flies still at the moment as well. Came home today to find that the windows that had the shutters left open were full of flies and midges trying to get out. [+o(]

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 We have loads of mossies at the mo..............the bites are contrasting well to the flea and aoutats bites. [:@] Can't wait for a frost!!

Also recently quite a few dragonflies after a summer without many........last year we had loads.


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Ever got one of these caught in your hair? Worst thing in the world to get out. Have noticed for years now that the properties who seem to suffer most with huge fly infestations are those very near to farms,cattle and water and also properties which are left shut up for many months at a time.
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Cows in the fields, yes, create an immediate and massive increase - cows out of field, very slow decrease [:(]  Fly papers by far the most efficient method of catching the b*****s but they do look so unslightly, especially if you've got guests not used to flies or the counryside coming round.
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We ended up buying one of the small  round blue light bug zappers .....we leave it plugged in on top of the fridge ....what that does not fry  my wife slaughters with an old fashioned  fly swat when they are in reach ... it now sits on the coffee table while she watches the TV just in case one dare come near . very effective !  
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I've found the cheap bug lights you can get are useless (the e.g. 8€ things). They attract small things at night but little else. Flies, etc. seem to ignore them and even if one gets close the voltage is not high enough to trouble then and they end up buzzing around inside.

I've found horses the worst thing for bringing flies into an area. And I reckon that once there, they stay there (the flies that is). Cows do not seem to bring many flies.

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We moved into our French house late June, the flies started in July. We could not even eat outside at times...it was so bad. Yes, we have farmers fields, stables down the lane and a goat farm at the end of road so no chance !!! Then the mossies appeared, I had over seventy  bites and very little sleep for a while, forty on one arm and now we are being bitten by what someone said was Oat flies ?...Is this what they call  LIVING THE DREAM !!!!  We still love France.
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i am with clair on this one.    we were plagued - in the end bought some of the grey netting and fixed it to outside of two windows, one at front, one at back.  Now we only have these two windows open.    day before we did this we sat (sad******s that we are) and counted more than 60 flies(not an easy task, but easier after some wine !).   Day after fitting the netting, we found two that we finished off with a fly swat ! hey ho, then we were sooooo bored for rest of evening with nothing to do !   Seriously we were simply demented by them, but the grey stuff works - you get to the point of not caring what it looks like after the 25th fly has landed on your dinner ..
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I can recommend the good old fashioned manual fly swat things, if not for their effectiveness but for the great fun I had chasing the little bu**ers this year. The fun of sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in one hand a fly swatter in the other gets very interesting after the 3rd glass of wine - you have to remember which hand to put to your face and which one to lash out with!! [Www]

They should make it an Olympic sport, I'm sure I'd win a gold medal if they did!!

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oh i think my oh would give you some tough competition - he has several fly swats of various colours and sizes (each for a particular type of fly no doubt - i try not to listen !).    He also has techniques - one of which is turning the lights out so its half dark and then swatting them - dont believe it makes any difference, and its certainly a pain if you are walking across kitchen with pan full of food and he sees a fly and forgets to tell you he is going to pitch you into near darkness !    sounds like you and he could be kindred spirits !
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I moved here last April after recovering from a very nasty dose of Falciparum Malaria, now I don't know whether I was more sensitive last year, more appealing to mosquitos or maybe there were more of them but I was constantly bothered by them and couldn't sleep at night until I put up a moustiquaire (mosquito net). I got bitten a lot during the evenings but the bites did not rise like in some other countries.

This year I have not had one bite or even heard them buzziing around my head at night (I am not using the mozzy net) the only solution that I can come up with is that I probably have a more authentic French body odour now and they don't like it!

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Not exactly flies but mosquitoes. Does anyone know what causes them to be present or not? In our neck of the woods [Dept 58] there are none, yet it is hot enough in summer and there is water close by, which I understand is a requirement. Curious.


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